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Nama : sintia anggun irmawati

Prodi : S1 keperawatan

Nim : 202001158 /2D

1. Who are the 5 most important characters in the film? also 5 names from

actor who plays this character.

The 5 most important characters in Delisa's movie

• Chantiq schagerl: play the main character, namely Delisa

• Actor ghina salsabila: plays the role of Fatima, Delisa's first sister

• Nirina zubir: role as umi delisa

• Reza Rahadian: plays the role of Abi Usman, namely Delisa's father

• Al Bapa Muchtar: acts as Ustad Rachman

2. What is this story about? Be very detailed!

This film tells the story of a little girl named Delisa who memorizes prayer readings in order to get a gift
from her parents who will later be given a necklace by her mother and a bicycle from her aunt if she
passes her exam. In addition, this film also tells about a simple family that has its own value and
meaning for each member of the family. How this film tells the love of a mother who educates children
with love for Allah, as when the mother invites all the children to pray together and guides them to
memorize the prayer readings. And besides that it also tells about the sacrifice of a father for his family.
What a simple and happy family.

3. Which group of people liked this film (demography)?

AFTER THE MOVIE: this film is not only enjoyed by teenagers and adults, but also can be enjoyed by
children and parents.

4. Did you like this movie? Why or why not?

Really like this film, because in this film we can learn to be more grateful for what we have, we can also
learn something only because of Allah because we have everything only because of Allah and all belongs
to Allah and when we can't do something we want it's just because we are not sincere in doing
something, if we are sincere then we will find it easier to do something we want.

5. What rating would you give this film?

I will give a rating of 4 out of 5 in this film

6. What spoilers can spoil the film for viewers if you tell them about it?

Spoilers that can damage the film for viewers are when Delisa was about to go to school for a prayer
practice test before an earthquake occurred and when Delisa began to practice praying there suddenly a
terrible tsunami swept through Delisa's school, and at that time Delisa saw 3 of her sisters wearing white
and white clothes. walk to a door.

7. All films teach lessons (themes/morals). What did you learn from this one?

From this film, the book of Jesus learns to be more grateful for what we have and to be sincere in all
things because everything is just a deposit.

8. What title would you give your review (and can you think of a pun that might work for it)?

The power of a child

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