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Instruction: Please complete all the Questions in Part A, Part B and Part C .
The first team completed with highest correction answers will be the winner.
Rules: Not Smart Phones are allowed for searching. If it is found, the team will
be disqualified.

Part A: Logos/Flags/Words/Taglines/Signs/Icons/Photos/Movies Hunt.

Please answer all the questions. (15 minutes)



Score: / 18
Winner of World Cup
Final 2010




Movie? Movie?

Score: / 24
Part B: Please answer and bring the items (10 minutes)

Questions Answer
1. Stepping out? Wear me first! I’ll protect your feet from
the worst.

2. I have a ring, but no finger. Sometimes I die, but if you

charge me up, I’ll be revived.

3. I have a neck but no head, I wear a pretty cap instead.

4. What gets wetter the more it dries?

5. What has a head, a tail, but does not have a body?

6. I don’t mind if you’re snotty. If you have an issue, I’m


7. Keep me fed, full, and fat, With notes, cards, and coins
at that. Take me with you wherever you go, Just make
sure I never run low!

8. I’m black and white. But I’m read everywhere, Buy me to

get your daily share!

9. I’m right there with you wherever you are, You need me
for your house and car. I jingle and jangle in your
pocket, Use me whenever you have to lock it!

10. I am twins, female will never live without me daily.

Score: / 10
Part C: Paper Airplane Contest (10 minutes)
A paper airplane contest lets challengers explore their creativity and engineering
skills! The goal of the competition is to create the best paper airplane. Then,
players take turns launching their planes as far as they can make them fly.

Each team will be given 5 sheets of A4 size papers. You are required to create
the best 5 airplanes using these 5 sheets of papers by folding only. No ripping,
gluing, cutting, stapling or ballasting is allowed!

Time limit for building: 10 minutes.

(Minor adjustments may be made later “on the fly”.)

The 5 completed paper airplanes will be launched by 2 team members only. The
airplanes must be launched by throwing unaided from behind a straight launch
line marked on the floor.

The most Farthest / Furthest the airplane fly will be the winner.

Enjoy & Good Luck !!!

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