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INSTRUCTIONS: Write your answer on the space provided after the question. You can
write your answers on a paper or you can edit this file. Follow the given rubric below to be guided
in constructing your sentences and thoughts about the question.

RUBRICS (20 points each item) (3 questions x 20 points = 60 points)

Criteria 5 3 1 0
FOCUS Sharp, distinct Apparent point No apparent No apparent point
The single controlling point made about a point but few of made and no
controlling point made about a single topic with evident awareness of the task.
made with an single topic with sufficient awareness of
awareness of task the evident awareness of the task.
about a specific awareness of the task.
topic. task.
CONTENT Substantial, Sufficiently Limited content No content and no
The presence of specific, and/or developed with inadequate elaboration/explanation
ideas developed illustrative content with elaboration or of the topic.
through facts, content adequate explanation.
examples, details, demonstrating elaboration or
opinion, reasons, strong explanation.
and/or development of
explanations. ideas.
ORGANIZATION Sophisticated Functional Confused or No arrangement of
The order arrangement of arrangement of inconsistent ideas.
developed and content with content with arrangement of
sustained within clear and sufficient ideas. content with
and across specific ideas. limited ideas.
paragraphs with an
introduction and
WORD CHOICE Precise choice, Generic choice, Limited choice, Word choice, use, and
The choice, use illustrative use and use of a and use of arrangement of a
and arrangement of and variety of words words about the variety of words are
words about the arrangement of about the topic. topic. not appropriate about
topic. the variety of the topic.
words about the

A. Ignacian Core/Related Values:

• Question: As an Ignacian-Marian student, what is the advantage of
knowing or having random variable?

One of the advantages of knowing random variables is that the use of random variables
is most common in probability and statistics, where they are used to quantify outcomes
of random occurrences. Risk analysts use random variables to estimate the probability
of an adverse event occurring.
B. Social Orientation:
• How would random variable help in our economic for today?

By using Random variables in all types of economic and financial decision making to carry out
random experiments. Statistical tools and probability distribution are used to determine the
probable outcomes in a given scenario, and thus facilitate decision making.

C. Lesson Across Discipline:

• Business Math: Amortization
• Cite a one scenario that represent a random variable in your daily life.

example of a discrete random variable is the number of home runshit by a certain

baseball team in a game. Using historical data, sports analysts could create a
probability distribution that shows how likely it is that the team hits a certain number of
home runs in a given game.

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