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The implementation of synchronous and asynchronous classes and online and modular
modalities is not really effective. Not all have the privilege to have a Wi-Fi connection, financially
stable and have gadget to use during the class. According to the article of Philstar, the SPARK
said that as of Oct. 25, it has monitored 20 cases of “deaths directly connected to distance
learning.” It is because of the pressure they feel. New learning modalities is really challenging for

3. Use of social media websites in school for announcement will help the students to be up dated
from their school. With the help of social media websites students can get information about
their announcement easily. The power of social media to make nearly anything easier.

2. National elections for year 2022 is approaching. “Elections belongs to the people” -Abraham
Lincolin. Being selected to lead is not having power but having the chance to lead the country
with your people. Wise voters and a capable leader are what we need.

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