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Social Studies

 Standard Focus: SS.2.15- Discuss the contributions and positive impacts of culturally,
racially and ethnically diverse people in U.S. history.

 Student Learning Objective(s):

o I can identify members of the African-American diaspora, and how they have
contributed to the U.S.
o I can identify how certain contributions help people today.
o I can show an appreciation for Black History Month

 Student Learning Targets & Vocabulary:

o Inventors
o Contributions
o Illustrations
o Complete Sentences
o Black History Month

 Materials Required:

o Whiteboard
o Markers
o Paper
o Crayons/ Colored Pencils
o Chromebooks
o YouTube Videos/ BrainPOP Jr.

 Concept & Skill Development:

 Lesson Intro/ Daily Review: Throughout this lesson, T will be using the Lemov Strategy
#37: Everybody Writes, to develop the chance to reflect in writing.
o T will introduce what is special about the month of February.
o T will mention six African-American inventors that students will learn about each
day. The following inventors that will be talked about are, George Washington
Carver, Dr. Patricia Bath, Lewis Latimer, Sarah E. Goode, Gerald Lawson, and
Marie Van Brittan Brown.
o T will show a video that talks about each of the inventors mentioned above.

 Guided Lesson:

o T will ask students what things were invented by the particular inventor that was
talked about.
o S will respond accordingly based on what they remembered.
o T will ask how do these inventions help us today.
o S will respond accordingly

 Independent Practice:

o T will pass out a paper where students have to write three facts about the African-
American inventor that was talked about, and then draw a picture of them.
o S are allowed to use their Chromebooks to look up images

 Small Group:

o In groups, T will read books on African-American contributors.

o S will describe the details that were mentioned in the story, and give their opinion
about the book or contributor.

 Closing the Lesson:

o T will ask students what they would invent to help contribute to the world.
o T will ask S who their favorite African-American inventor was and why.
o S who completes their three facts and picture will have their work hung on the
bulletin board.

 Aligned Homework:

o S who did not complete their three facts and picture, will have to finish it at home.

 Assessment:

o T will ask S questions throughout the lesson to check for understanding.

 Accommodations:

o S will be given extra time on paper if needed.

o Purpose of assignment will be explained to students
o S will have visuals

 Modifications: N/A
 Differentiations: N/A

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