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Material : Script Role play

Subject : English Drama

Name Group :

1. Dewi Putri Anggraeni NIM 521061 As rara (dinda's daughter)

2. Iin Saraswati NIM 521056 As a Narator

3. Via Risadi NIM 521072 As a Dinda

4. Tiara Surya Putri NIM 521074 As a Owner

Class : STT 04

Dialogue theme : Market

One day, in the morning, Dinda inviting her child, her name is Rara, to go to the market to
buy some essential.

Dinda : Hai Dear, would you go to the market with me?

Rara : yes momy, I want to buy milk and some fruits.

Dinda : Sure, let's get ready.

Rara : Ok momy.

After that, Dinda and Rara go to the market.

(In the market)

Dinda : Hello !

Owner (Tiara): Hello ! Can i help you?

Dinda : Yes, please. I would like a loaf of white bread, a dozen eggs and milk

Owner (Tiara): Sure. How much milk would you like

Dinda : I`d like 2 cartons of milk

Owner (Tiara) : Ok. Anything else?

Dinda : Yes, a small bag of flour and bottle of oil

Owner (Tiara) : What kind of oil would you like

Dinda : A small bottle of olive oil please.

Owner (Tiara) : Here you are. Will that be all?

Rara : Momy, don’t forget to buy some fruits.

Dinda : Oh, i'm sorry dear, I' ve nearly forgot.

Rara : I want some bananas and apples.

Dinda : Ok baby, please give me some bananas and Apples.

Owner (Tiara) : Here you are. Will that be all Madame?

Dinda : Yes, that`s all. How much is it?

Owner (Tiara) : That`s Rp. 526.623,00.

Dinda : Here you are.

Owner (Tiara) : And here is your receipt

Dinda : Could you, please, give me a bag?

Owner (Tiara) : Yes of course

Dinda : Here it is Have a nice day

Owner (Tiara) : Thank you. And Good-bye!

Dinda : Good bye!

And than, Dinda ans Rara they walked toward the parking lot, and go to back home.

Thank you, this is our script role play in the market

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