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21/01/2022 The Mathematics of Bitcoin — SHA-256 | by Toby Chitty | The Startup | Medium

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The Mathematics of Bitcoin — SHA-256

Part 4 of a series looking behind the scenes of the worlds most popular

Toby Chitty Follow

May 26, 2020 · 9 min read 1/22
21/01/2022 The Mathematics of Bitcoin — SHA-256 | by Toby Chitty | The Startup | Medium

Photo by Philipp Katzenberger on Unsplash

Disclaimer: If you haven’t already read the first three parts, click here for parts one
and two and click here for part three.

4 — SHA-256
A cryptographic hash function is a special type of function that takes an input string of
a given length and converts it into an alphanumeric string of fixed length. In the case
of Bitcoin, a “Message” is inputted, and a hash function, known as SHA-256 (Secure
Hashing Algorithm 256), gives an output known as a “Hash” or “Message Digest”. This
means that however long the string of data (limit of 2²⁵⁶- 1 bits), the output will always
be 256-bits in length. The process of hashing is not a method of encryption as it is
only a one- way process and therefore cannot be reversed (decrypted). By running
multiple outputs through SHA-256, we can see how different the output becomes, even
when only changing a single character in the message. We can also see that despite
having an input of longer length, the output length is the exact same (table 5.1). SHA-
256 is also deterministic, meaning given the same input, the output will always remain
the same. 2/22
21/01/2022 The Mathematics of Bitcoin — SHA-256 | by Toby Chitty | The Startup | Medium

Examples of SHA-256 outputs

To demonstrate how SHA-256 computes a message digest, I will be using the phrase
‘portsmouth’ (my old university), showing each step of the algorithm.

4.1 — Preprocessing Phase

To begin the hashing process, we take our message and convert it into binary using the
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) as shown below. 3/22
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Character to Binary

As we can see each letter is 8-bits long. We then make one long string from these and a
‘1’ is then added to the end:


We then find the phrase size which in this case is 80-bits (10 letters, each 8-bits long).
The phrase size is then also converted to binary:

80 = 01010000

Now we take the phrase size and add it to the end of our message. In between these,
we pad the code with zeros to get the block to the correct size (512-bits). If the 4/22
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message is larger than 512 bits, more blocks are created, and we run these through the
process independently with the phrase size at the end of the last block.


The block is then divided into 16 words of 32-bits each:

0. 01110000011011110111001001110100

1. 01110011011011010110111101110101

2. 01110100011010001000000000000000


We call this first block: block 1 = 𝑀(1).

When referring to a specific word in a certain block we use 𝑀(𝑖)(b) where b is the block
number and 𝑖 refers to the specific word in the block.

For example:

𝑀(0)(3) = The 1st word in the 3rd block

where (𝑖 = 0, 1, 2,…, 15)

4.2 — Initial Hash Values

Prior to computing the remaining blocks, we must define the initial hash value (𝐻⁰).
The initial hash value consists of 8 words, each 32-bits in length. For SHA-256 these are
calculated from the first 8 primes. These always remain the same for any message. The 5/22
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primes are firstly square rooted and then taken to the modulus 1. The result is then
multiplied by 16⁸ and rounded down to the nearest integer.

Initial Hash Values (p = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19)

We convert the results from above into hexadecimal form; giving us the following 8
words assigned from a-h: 6/22
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Where i = the subscript number and b = the superscript number

4.3 — Hash Computation Phase

Up until now, all the working has been part of the preprocessing phase. From now, we
will look at the hash computation phase. In this phase, we will be using data from the
preprocessing phase to compute an additional 48 words, totalling the number of
words to 64. This then gives us 4 blocks in total. As calculating 48 more words would be
too long, I will demonstrate the computation by computing the 17th word (𝑊(16) ).
This is computed using the following equation:

Next Word Equation

Where for the 17th word (Just the t value changes for each word):

We start by finding the word 15 places back (𝑊 (1)). We then make two copies of this.
Firstly, we take the first copy and right rotate by 7 places (𝑅𝑂𝑇𝑅⁷(𝑥)). This means each
digit moves to the right one place 7 times and when the numbers fall off the end, they
are moved to the front:

𝑾(𝟏) = 01110011011011010110111101110101 7/22
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Right rotation 7 places using first copy

With the second copy, we right rotate by 18 ( 𝑅𝑂𝑇𝑅¹⁸(𝑥)):

Right rotation 18 places using second copy

Lastly, we take the original and right shift it by 3 (𝑆𝐻𝑅³(𝑥)). This means when a
number falls off the end it is replaced by zeros at the beginning of the word:

Right shift 3 places using the original

We then take these 3 words and apply:

Rotation and Shift XOR for sigma 0 8/22
21/01/2022 The Mathematics of Bitcoin — SHA-256 | by Toby Chitty | The Startup | Medium


The bitwise exclusive-OR operation (XOR ⨁) takes two binary digits and returns 0 if
both digits are 0 or 1 and returns 1 otherwise. As we have 3 words, we first use the
XOR operation on 𝑅𝑂𝑇𝑅⁷(𝑥) and 𝑅𝑂𝑇𝑅¹⁸(𝑥) and then take this result and use the XOR
operation with 𝑆𝐻𝑅³(𝑥).

Bitwise XOR performed on rotated & shifted words

Therefore, concluding that:

Converting this result into hexadecimal form we have:

Binary to hexadecimal conversion 9/22
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We now take the word 2 places back (𝑊(14) ) and make 2 copies. We then take the first
copy and right rotate 17 places (𝑅𝑂𝑇𝑅¹⁷(𝑥)):

𝑾(𝟏𝟒) = 00000000000000000000000000000000

Right Rotation 17 places using the first copy

Now, we take the 2nd copy and rotate right 19 places ( 𝑅𝑂𝑇𝑅¹⁹(𝑥)):

Right rotation 19 places using the second copy

Lastly, we take the original and right shift by 10 (𝑆𝐻𝑅¹⁰(𝑥)):

Right shift 10 places using original

We then take these 3 words and apply: 10/22
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Rotation and Shift XOR for sigma 1


Bitwise XOR performed on rotated & shifted words

Therefore, concluding that:

As the whole word consists of only zeros, the hexadecimal value is 0. We then refer to
our next word formula, finding the word 16 places back (𝑊 (0)) and the word 7 places
back (𝑊 (9)).

𝑊(0) = 01110000011011110111001001110100 0

𝑊(9) = 00000000000000000000000000000000

We can now calculate 𝑊 (16). For this, we use binary addition (+) which follows the
rules shown below: 11/22
21/01/2022 The Mathematics of Bitcoin — SHA-256 | by Toby Chitty | The Startup | Medium

Binary Addition Rules

Pre-Binary Addition variables

Binary Addition to find 17th word (W(16))

The first column is ignored to maintain the 32-bit format. Now we have our 17th word

𝑾𝟏𝟔 = 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏

Lastly, we convert this from binary into hexadecimal form: 12/22
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Binary to hexadecimal conversion of 17th word

This process is then repeated until we are left with 64 words. Computing the remaining
words, we are left with the words shown below:

All 64 calculated words in hexadecimal

To compute the final hash, we must run 64 iterations of the equation below:

Final Hash Iterations 0 to 63 13/22
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Using our 64 words (𝑊 ) from the table above and the initial hash values (𝒂 𝒕𝒐 𝒉),

(¬) is the NOT operation that returns 0 if the digit is 1 and 1 if the digit is 0. We also
use (∧) which is the AND operation, this returns 1 if both digits are 1 and 0

Example: Computing 𝑡(0)

To compute 𝑡(0) we must compute our new 𝒂 𝒕𝒐 𝒉 hash values. Starting with a, where:

Finding 𝑻𝟏:

𝑒 = 510𝑒527 = 01010001000011100101001001111111

𝑓 = 9𝑏05688𝑐 = 10011011000001010110100010001100

𝑔 = 1𝑓83𝑑9𝑎𝑏 = 00011111100000111101100110101011

h = 5𝑏𝑒0𝑐𝑑19 = 01011011111000001100110100011001 14/22
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Computation of Ch(e, f, g)

Referring back to the final iteration formula we can now calculate T(1):

Computation of T(1) using binary addition


𝑻𝟏 = 01100011111001110101111111011100

Finding 𝑻𝟐:

𝑎 = 6𝑎09𝑒667 = 01101010000010011110011001100111

𝑏 = 𝑏𝑏67𝑎𝑒85 = 10111011011001111010111010000101

𝑐 = 3𝑐6𝑒𝑓372 = 00111100011011101111001101110010 15/22
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Binary XOR on rotations

Computation of Maj(a, b, c)

We can now calculate 𝑇(2) :

Computation of T(2) using binary addition


𝑻𝟐 = 00001000100100001001101011100101

Now we can calculate 𝒂 from 𝑇(1) and 𝑇(2): 16/22
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Computation of a using binary addition


𝒂 = 01101100011101111111101011000001

Converting to hexadecimal, we have:

𝑎 = 6c77fac1

Referring back to the iteration algorithm, we can also now calculate 𝑒:

𝑑 = 𝑎54𝑓𝑓53𝑎 = 10100101010011111111010100111010

𝑇(1) = 01100011111001110101111111011100

Computation of e using binary addition


𝑒 = 00001001001101110101010100010110

Converting to hexadecimal we have:

𝑒 = 09375516

Referring back to the iteration algorithm we also find: 17/22
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𝑏 = 𝑎 = 6𝑎09𝑒667

𝑐 = 𝑏 = 𝑏𝑏67𝑎𝑒85

𝑑 = 𝑐 = 3𝑐6𝑒𝑓372

𝑓 = 𝑒 = 510𝑒527𝑓

𝑔 = 𝑓 = 9𝑏05688𝑐

h = 𝑔 = 1𝑓83𝑑9𝑎𝑏

Leaving us with the final values for the first iteration 𝑡(0):

a-h values after the first iteration

We then perform an additional 63 iterations of the algorithm, using our 𝒂-𝒉 values from
the previous iteration, updating every round. This leaves us with the 64th iteration
𝑡(63): 18/22
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a-h values after 64 iterations

Using these values, we compute the ith intermediate hash value 𝐻(i) given by the
following: 19/22
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Where a-h are the values from our final iteration (𝑡(63)) and 𝐻(0)(0) to 𝐻(7)(0) are the
initial hash values.

Giving us:

Computation of H(0)(i) using binary addition


Computation of H(6)(i) using binary addition

Finally, we can convert the intermediate hash values into hexadecimal form, giving us
our parts for the final message digest: 20/22
21/01/2022 The Mathematics of Bitcoin — SHA-256 | by Toby Chitty | The Startup | Medium

Intermediate Hash Values in Hexadecimal form

Putting these values together in the following layout, we now have our final message
digest (𝑀):


As noted at the beginning of the chapter, we can see that from our initial message
‘portsmouth’ there is no resemblance to the message digest. The long process of SHA-
256 is necessary for retaining the security of Bitcoin, ensuring there is no possible way of
reversing the process. If a method of reversal were possible, attackers would have the
ability to alter transactions on the blockchain to their choosing.

And that concludes the hashing process. If you were wondering how I was able to get all
of these results (I’m afraid I didn’t calculate every iteration myself) or wanted to try it
yourself, I’d recommend checking out this google sheets document of the hashing
process by David Rabahy.

If you enjoyed this series or had any burning questions, please don’t hesitate to drop a
comment below.

Part One & Two

Part Three

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