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Resume Guide

A resume is a document that provides a summary of your work history, education, skills, and
credentials. When the client reads your resume, they skim through it and check the information
that you have provided.

This guide can help you write a comprehensive resume.

What do I put in my Resume?

1. Professional photo
Make sure the size of your photo is in the right proportion with your document, not too
big and not too small.

2. Your name, title, and “Certified Healthcare Virtual Assistant”

If you do not have a license, please add your Bachelor’s degree at the end of your name
(e.g. BSPT, BSN, BSMT)


3. Profile and Objective
Keep this short and simple. There is no need to narrate everything, go straight to the
point. Use positive language at all times. Please justify the alignment.

4. Work history
This should include your position, the company, the inclusive month and years of
employment, and a list of your tasks. Make sure that when you list your experiences they
are in reverse chronological order (most recent experience should be listed first). Use
bullets when listing your job description. Please do not include the address of your
5. Certifications
List your certifications using bullets. Make sure to arrange in reverse chronological order.
Please include your licenses and the year you have acquired them. Make sure to list
relevant certifications and limit your list to six (6) certifications at most. Do not forget to
include the following to your list:
● Hello Rache Healthcare Virtual Assistant Certification
● HIPAA Certification
Please ensure that these two are the first on your list.

6. Skills. Make sure that you list your skills using bullets. Please be direct to the point and
limit to 6 bullets only. You may list both soft skills and hard skills.

● Hard skills, also called technical skills, are job-specific, relevant to each position.
Examples are “Excellent in Practice Fusion navigation”. Avoid using “Computer
literate” Instead, be more specific with your strengths. You can refer to this link.
● Soft skills are general characteristics, relevant to personality traits. For example,
if you value collaboration, you would want to list that you are a great team player
and can communicate well with others.

7. Educational Background. List your bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and other post-
graduate studies. There is no need to list your primary and secondary education history.
Make sure to include your school, degree and the inclusive years of studies.
Things to take into consideration:

1. Please make sure that your Resume is in PDF format.

2. Do not include any contact details including but not limited to your mobile number, email
address, Skype, and address.
3. Be unique! Do not copy the content of the samples provided. Be honest and include only
those that are true about you.
4. The text should be readable. Be smart in choosing the font style and font size.
5. You can be creative but make sure that the design is not overwhelming.
6. Please have your paragraphs justified.
7. Observe proper margin.
8. Avoid unnecessary capital letters. Always use proper capitalization and punctuation of
● Incorrect: Strong, Confident, Goal-oriented, and Assertive individual
● Correct: Strong, confident, goal-oriented and assertive individual
9. Focus on the positive things about you and avoid mentioning unnecessary information.
10. We recommend the use of the resume templates in Canva for your Resume.

Click here to see the Resume samples

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