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Nutrition and hydration

Nutrition and hydration are essential for health and quality of life.

For older people, adequate food and drink can help them recover from illness and surgery,
remain independent, reduce their length of stay in hospital and help avoid readmission to

Malnutrition is common in older people. To identify people over 65 at risk of malnutrition, they
should be screened within 24 hours of admission and at regular intervals throughout their
hospital stay.

This topic gives an overview of nutrition and hydration and recommends actions that we and our
organisations can take, in addition to health service policy and procedures, to provide quality
nutrition and hydration care to our older patients.

Nutrition and hydration impacts on health

Nutrition is the intake of food and fluid to meet a person’s dietary and biological needs. Good
nutrition is fundamental to physical and mental wellbeing.

Under-nutrition occurs when a person is not consuming enough calories or nutrients to meet

their energy requirements. It can cause weight loss, health problems, muscle and skeletal loss
and lead to serious conditions such as frailty and sarcopenia 1. Under-nutrition is more common
in older people and can be exacerbated by illness and hospitalization.

Some causes of under-nutrition include:

 choosing to eat less

 medical conditions that affect the absorption of nutrients by the body
 poverty, social isolation and functional decline that affect a person’s ability to buy food2
 depression and other conditions that affect cognition.

Malnutrition or malnourishment occurs when food and nutrient intake is not appropriate to

maintain body function. It can lead to iron deficiency anemia and sarcopenia.

Common causes of malnutrition are:

 medical conditions that reduce appetite or impede the person’s ability to care for themselves
 changes that impact on the swallowing process

 weight loss and low body weight is common in patients with dementia; in particular those with
advancing Alzheimer’s disease.4

Over-nutrition occurs when a person eats more food than their body needs. This can lead to
obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Hydration is having enough fluids each day for health and function; 6–8 glasses per day are

Dehydration can lead to delirium, constipation, urinary tract infections, swallowing problems,
falls, inability to regulate medications and life-threatening conditions, especially in people with

High-Protein Diets and Sports Performance

To make your meals, high on protein, use the below guide of common foods to plan. 

Food Serving Size Protein

Fish, cod, cooked in dry heat 3 oz 19 grams
Chicken, 1/2 breast, meat only, roasted 3 oz 27 grams
Turkey, ground, cooked 4 oz 22 grams
Beef, top sirloin, trimmed to 0" fat, broiled 3 oz 25 grams
Milk, reduced fat 2%, with fortified vitamin 8 oz 8 grams
Tofu, raw, firm 1/2 cup 20 grams
Yogurt, plain, Greek, nonfat 6 oz 17 grams
Cheese, cottage, low-fat, 2% milkfat 4 oz 13 grams
Peanut butter, natural, no salt, smooth 2 Tbsp 7 grams
Eggs, whole, cooked, fried 2 large 12 grams

Great Ways to Lose Weight

You don't need a special diet like a low-carb or high-protein diet to lose weight. The best
way to lose weight is to get the right mix of nutrients and energy your body needs. Here are
some tips for losing weight in a healthy way:

 Follow a food guide. It can be hard to know which foods to choose. It will encourage
you to eat whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. These foods are full of fiber, which can
help you feel full.
 Cut back on fats. You need some fat, but even small amounts of fats have lots of
calories. Read labels to see how much fat a food has. And try to cut back on fried foods
and on meats that are high in fat, such as burgers.
 Eat fewer sweets and unhealthy snacks. Candy, cookies, and cakes often have a lot of
sugar and fat and not many nutrients. Learn about treats that are delicious and nutritious.
 Avoid sugary drinks. Try not to drink a lot of sugary sodas, energy drinks, and sports
drinks. They can add a lot of calories. (There are about 10 packets of sugar in 12 ounces
of soda.) Also try not to drink a lot of fruit juice. Water is a great choice instead. Add a
piece of lemon or a splash of juice for more flavor.
 Get enough sleep at night. Many teens stay up too late. Staying up late often increases
night-time snacking and low energy the next morning (which you might be tempted to
beat with some extra food).
 Limit fast food meals. Studies show that the more fast food you eat each week, the
greater the risk of gaining extra weight. So try to limit fast food meals to once a week or
 Tackle hunger with fiber and protein. Don't wait until you are so hungry that it gets
hard to make smart food choices. Instead, when you start to feel hungry, eat a small snack
that combines a protein with a food that's high in fiber, such as a whole-grain cracker
with low-fat cheese. These are filling but not packed with calories.
 Be aware of how much you are eating. If you're not sure how much is considered one
serving, you can learn how to read labels. You also may eat less if you use a smaller
plate. Try not to eat straight from a big package of food — it's easy to lose track that way.
And if you're at a restaurant, see if you can take home some leftovers.
 Think about why you are eating. Sometimes we eat to fill needs other than hunger,
such as being bored, stressed, or lonely. If you do that, see if you can think of some other
ways to meet those needs. Consider calling a friend or listening to some great music. And
if think you may be having emotional problems, talk to an adult you trust.
 Get moving. One great way to lose weight is by being physically active. You should aim
for a total of 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity each day. If you
haven't been active in a while, start slowly. For more information, check out
the Fitness section of
 Cut down on sitting around. This means less TV, Internet, and other forms of screen
time. Instead, aim for your "hour a day of active play."

Hidden causes of weight gain

Weight gain occurs when you regularly eat more calories than you use through normal bodily
functions and physical activity. But the lifestyle habits causing your weight gain aren't always

Losing weight means eating fewer calories and burning more energy through physical activity.

It sounds simple. But more than 60% of adults in England are overweight or obese. Our lifestyles
see many of us eating more calories than we need and not doing enough physical activity.


Youth Physical Activity Guidelines

Children and adolescents should have 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity daily.

 Aerobic: Most of the 60 or more minutes a day should be either moderate- or vigorous-

intensity aerobic physical activity and should include vigorous-intensity physical activity at

least 3 days a week.

 Muscle-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity,

children and adolescents should include muscle-strengthening physical activity on at least 3
days of the week.
 Bone-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children
and adolescents should include bone-strengthening physical activity on at least 3 days of
the week.
It is important to encourage young people to participate in physical activities that are appropriate for
their age, that are enjoyable, and that offer variety


Overtraining is when you train too hard or too frequently for your body to recover from your
workouts. There are a lot of symptoms that I use to tell if I am overtraining and they are:

1. Chronic fatigue
2. Overly sore joints and muscles
3. Willingnessto go to the gym
4. Lack of appetite
5. Insomnia
6. Reoccuring cold or sickness

When you are lifting heavy weights your muscle fibers tear and then while you are resting,
through proper nutrition and sleep, they get bigger and stronger (hypertrophy). If you overtrain,
your muscle fibers tear and your body does not have enough time to heal the muscles before you
go back into the gym and tear the fibers again. This is overtraining!

If you overtrain your muscles will not grow in size or strength and can actually get weaker or

Hypertrophy Vs. Hyperplasia

Hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscle size, due to the enlargement of the size of the cells, as
opposed to an increase in the number of cells by cell division, a.k.a. Hyperplasia.

Some muscle groups are actually prone to overtraining especially in teenagers. The most
overtrained muscle is the bicep. Everyone wants a big bicep. They want to intimidate other guys
and attract the ladies when they flex. So what do they do? They go in their garage and train the
biceps for an hour with 30 sets! Then their biceps don't grow so they train longer and with more
sets and eventually they overtrain and give up lifting weights.

Things That Affect Overtraining

Your body part split and training routine. I suggest training each body part only once per week
with maximum intensity for 3 sets per exercise with 3 exercises for bigger muscle groups and 2
exercises for the smaller ones. There are many splits you can use but I prefer a 4 - day split
training routine like this:

 Monday - Legs
 Tuesday - Back and Biceps
 Wednesday - Off
 Thursday - Chest and Tris
 Friday - Shoulders and Traps
 Saturday - Off
 Sunday - Off

* This routine allows for maximum recovery and proper rest with each muscle group.

 Nutrition:

Nutrition plays a vital role in overtraining. To build muscle, I shoot to get at least one
gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Now if you go into the gym and lift to failure,
your muscles are going to start the process of rebuilding, and if there is not enough
protein to build the muscle, the next time you go into the gym and tear the muscle fibers
they are going to be too strained and the result is going to be overtraining.

 Genetics:
There is something that we should also remember about overtraining and muscle
recovery and that's Genetics. If a person has good genetics maybe they can train with
more sets and still make good gains and not overtrain but most people don't have these
kinds of genetics and cannot do more than 10 sets per body part or they will overtrain.

 Sleep:

Sleep deprivation can cause overtraining. Your muscles grow while you sleep. If you do
not get enough sleep your body cannot repair your torn muscle fibers in time for you next
workout. I aim to try and get around 8 hours a sleep a night. This allows for maximum
muscle recovery and allows for me to have enough energy to hit the weights hard in the

Things That Correct Overtraining

I have experienced overtraining and it is not fun. It depletes both your mental and physical
energy. You don't feel like doing anything, especially lifting weights.

If you have overtrained there are some very important things I do. First of all I should take a
week off from bodybuilding and rest to let your muscles recover. You should then look at your
workout and make sure your only training one body part a week using shorter but
more intense routines. Finally you should look at your nutrition and make sure your getting
enough protein to feed your muscles and make them grow.

I take a week off from lifting weights every 6 to 8 months to avoid overtraining. I feel this is a
good way to help prevent overtraining and help your muscles fully recover from your intense

Train hard and train smart.

What Is a Gait Analysis?

When we conduct a gait analysis, your feet are only one small piece of your biomechanical
puzzle. What happens to your feet is merely part of a holistic, whole body, integrated
movement pattern. Running, like most other whole-body activities (such as swimming or
many field sports), is essentially a unique way of moving.

When an athlete is analyzed statically, dynamically, and then running on the treadmill during
a gait analysis, it serves to provide a unique, personal movement "map." That "map" reveals
the programming of everything happening within your body—from kinestetic awareness and
habit, to individual levels of mobility, stability, flexibility, and functional  strength. The
analysis of all these different elements taken together is what creates a complete picture of a
person's gait. In essence, it is far more than just gait analysis. It is true "movement" analysis.
The 9 Principles of Exercise
1. From stronger muscles to enhanced flexibility, improved cardiovascular health to better
endurance and lower risk of disease to boosted energy, physical exercise offers many
benefits to anyone who engrosses in it. Regular exercise also helps in maintaining your
mental health by lessening your anxiety, stress and inspiring your mood. Exercise more
efficiently and effectively by evaluating your habitual usage of the nine principles of
2. Regularity: The benefits of exercise only last when you exercise regularly. This makes
your body to adapt to muscle stimulation. To maintain effective results, you must
exercise persistently. Infrequent exercise can do more harm to your body than good.
Also, you should implement regularity in your daily work/rest patterns and eating.
3. Overload: To provide your body with enough motivation to cause alteration, you must
reach towards the boundaries of your extent of movement. That means pushing yourself
to more asserting levels whenever you exercise by increasing resistance, repetition,
duration or intensity. In order to improve your physical fitness and health, ensure that the
amount of work you perform during any exercise exceeds the normal demands that you
place on the body. If you are looking for some real results, you'll have to put on some real
4. Progression: To be efficient, your exercise routine needs to get progressively more
demanding over time. This means that both the amount and intensity of your physical
activity should be increased gradually. It is important to maintain that all progressions are
even and small in nature to prevent overwhelming the body's ability to restore.
5. Specificity: This principle states that human body will comply with whatever exercises
you perform. For example, if you only carryout bench presses, your body will not
accustom to sit-ups. Hence, it may be beneficial for you to alter your training
accordingly. The adaptations your body will make are precise to the types of exercise and
stress to which it is exposed to.
6. Variety: While selectivity is important, variety helps to keep you excited and engaged
about your exercise regime. Even the most perfect exercise program will become sour
after a while. Variety allows recovery and can reduce risk of injury. Also, it helps to
increase your motivation and progress.
7. Adaptation: It means that the body can adjust to any burden as long as it is done in small
increments. The amount of momentum the body can make depends on consistency of
workouts, genetic makeup, adequate rest and nutrition. Thus, adaptation results in less
muscle breakdown, improved efficiency and less effort at that level.
8. Recovery: Recovery periods allow your body to comply to overload. Though every
human is different, most people need at least 2 days of recovery between strenuous
workouts. While overload is crucial for prompting an adaptive response within your
body, overload without recovery can result in diminution in fitness.
9. Periodization: It describes the need to make long term fitness plan if you want to work
towards fitness- related goals. Make sure that your plan not only include periods of high
volume and high intensity training but also periods of rest and recovery.
10. Reversibility: Unfortunately, fitness cannot be stored. If you take a sustained break from
your regular workouts, your body will begin to regress to its pre- trained state. A short
break of a week or so will have an insignificant effect on your fitness but lengthy breaks
will result in a steady decline of both cardiovascular fitness and strength. To maintain
persistent fitness levels over time, you must be rational in your training efforts.
11. Each principle allows us to assess some element of a person's training. When you adopt
the principles properly, you are most likely to be successful. If you want to improve any
aspect of your physical performance, you need to adhere to the exercise principles. These
principles can be thought of as a catalog to success.
12. CrossFit Outbreak gym in Brooklyn offers coached group strength, endurance, mobility
and yoga classes aimed at producing well-rounded athletes. We will help you get
stronger, healthier and stay injury free whatever your age or fitness level. We have
experienced qualified coaches and a community of members. If you are looking for an
athletic club in Brooklyn, Crossfitoutbreak is the right choice for you.

How to Stay Safe during Exercise and Physical Activity

Almost anyone, at any age, can exercise safely and get meaningful benefits. You can be active
even if you have a chronic condition, like heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis. Staying safe while
you exercise is always important, whether you’re just starting a new activity or haven’t been
active for a long time.
Over-exercising can cause injury, which may lead to quitting. A steady rate of progress is the
best approach.

To play it safe and reduce your risk of injury:

 Begin your exercise program slowly with low-intensity exercises.

 Wear appropriate shoes for your activity.
 Warm up before exercising, and cool down afterward.
 Pay attention to your surroundings when exercising outdoors.
 Drink water before, during, and after your workout session, even if you don’t feel thirsty.
 Dress appropriately for the temperature outdoors, or opt for an indoor activity if it’s
very hot or cold.
 If you have specific health conditions, discuss your exercise and physical activity plan
with your health care provider.

Endurance. Listen to your body. Your breathing may become faster, but you should still be able
to talk.
Strength. You will need a chair to do many of the strength exercises on the Go4Life website. Be
sure to choose one that is sturdy.
Balance. Have that sturdy chair handy or a person nearby to hold on to for your balance
exercises if you feel unsteady.
Flexibility. Always warm up before stretching exercises—a few minutes of walking works well.


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