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“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons


SPED 203 – Sunday - Subject & Class Schedule
7:00 – 10:00 AM

Midterm Examination Part 1 – if you have Students/Pupils with severe disabilities, what
kind of content in terms of instruction will you provide? Resource Material? Content?

I don’t have students that have learning disability while I am teaching in junior high
school, but we conducted tutorial services and one of our students have a learning disability.
We found out that he has had ADHD since he was in kindergarten and now, he is a Grade 6
student. In all our tutorial services, we always conduct assessments to determine the
reading skills and other relevant skills that we need to teach our students. We discovered
that he is a non-reader, he cannot recognize the letters in the English alphabet even the
letters in the Filipino alphabet. After our assessment, we gave feedback to his parents. They
told us that their child was diagnosed with ADHD at an early age. The term ADHD stands for
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a medical condition wherein a person with ADHD
has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to sit
still, and self-control. ADHD can affect a child at school, at home, and in friendships. They
also told us that their child already took therapy sessions when he was in kindergarten and
because of the therapy the hyperactivity of their child was lessened greatly. The biggest
challenge for us when we are teaching him was his extremely short attention span. His focus
and interest can be quickly diverted to other things that always affect our tutorial sessions.
He also has difficulties in following directions when we have some activities for him to do,
there are instances that he did not do his activities at all. Because of these difficulties that we
observe from him in our past sessions, we organized our schedule and activities. With his
short attention span, he cannot focus for a very long period of time, and he cannot do
activities that were boring for him. That is why we gave him activities with games that will
capture his interest and will motivate him to listen to us and do the activities. We also taught
him to organize his school materials to be optimized for his learning and reduce distractions.
We don’t allow him to bring toys or anything that could distract him. We also organized his
learning space where there are no sudden movements that could distract him, because even
the movements of the leaves when blown by the wind can catch his attention. In the present

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

time this student is studying with regular students that have no conditions. He is not
accepted as a SPED student when he enrolled in the school he was attending at the present
time, but his parents are willing to enroll him in SPED class because his parents understand
his condition. In this kind of situation, the open-mindedness of the parents is a very important
thing, their acceptance of the condition of their child will greatly help their child’s
development. We handle/ teach our student with ADHD by giving him extra time on
answering and performing activities, positive reinforcement, and feedback. We also use
technology to assist him with his tasks, we allow him to have a break and move around,
change the environment to limit distractions, and extra help with staying organized. We
communicate with our student and with his parents, we also gave frequent feedback and
attention to his positive behavior and understand the activities that interest him and may
need extra assistance shifting his attention. We gave assignments with clear directions and
explain to assure that he understands what he needs to do, we make sure assignments are
not long and repetitive. Shorter assignments that provide a little challenge without being too
hard may work well, allow him to break because paying attention takes extra effort and can
be very tiring, and allow time to move and exercise. We observe and talk to him about what
helps him to focus and what are those things that distract him (for example limiting eye
contact when listening or moving while learning can be beneficial or distracting depending on
him. We communicate with parents on a regular basis. We use more images and technology
in every lesson. We limit reading materials that were long and those reading materials with
very small letters to avoid loss of interest. So, this is how we handle our students with

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons


SPED 203 – Sunday - Subject & Class Schedule
7:00 – 10:00 AM

Midterm Examination Part 2

1. Define Curriculum Modification

Curriculum modification is an educational strategy that allows special needs students to

have better access to information and resources. 

Curriculum modification consists of the adjustments educators make to curriculums to

make them accessible for students with special needs. Educators classify curriculum

modification as a type of educational strategy. In a nutshell, they’re a set of resources

designed to allow special needs students to have better access to information.

In this regard, educators have to be aware of  the student’s individual traits when they’re

planning the class methodology, content, and assessment. They make the necessary

changes to adapt their curriculum to the characteristics of that student.  The goal is to

make the content more accessible to students who have learning barriers. They may

also eliminate certain elements of the curriculum for a student if they simply can’t grasp


2. Identify the curriculum and activities for:

3. Enumerate and explain the different task requirements:

a. Gifted children – Curriculum

School-Wide Enrichment Model: “In the SEM, a talent pool of 15-20% of
above-average ability/high potential students are identified through a variety of
measures including achievement tests, teacher nominations, assessment of the
potential for creativity and task commitment, as well as alternative pathways of
the entrance (self-nomination, parent nomination, etc.). High achievement test

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

and IQ test scores. automatically include a. student in the talent pool, enabling
those students who are underachieving in their academic schoolwork to be
included.” ~  from the Executive Summary, Renzulli, and Reis

Autonomous Learners Model: “The Autonomous Learner Model (ALM) was

initially created to provide students with alternative learning environments. The
main goal of the ALM is to create independent, self-directed learners. Ideally,
students will become lifelong learners through the ALM. The philosophy of the
ALM is “to do it with the gifted, and not to them.” This philosophy embodies the
belief that teachers should become facilitators and students should become
learners. Students will go through each of the five dimensions of the ALM and
they will gradually gain more control over their own learning.” Models for the
Gifted (website)

Integrated Curriculum Model: “ICM was specifically developed for high-ability

learners based on current research evidence at the time of what worked with
gifted learners. It has three dimensions: (a) advanced content, (b) high-level
process and product work, and (c) intra-and interdisciplinary concept
development and understanding.” Gifted Child Quarterly 2007 51: 342

Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent: “Francois Gagné’s

differentiated model of giftedness and talent considers behaviors that appear
spontaneously easily different from those that require mastery through extensive
training. According to Gagné, giftedness is a superior natural ability
whereas talent is an ability/skill that has been developed exceptionally well. From
this perspective, a talent implies a gift, but a gift does not automatically imply a
talent.” Duke TIP

Total School Cluster Grouping: “Cluster grouping model that takes into account
the achievement levels of all students and places students in classrooms yearly
in order to reduce the number of achievement levels in each classroom and
facilitate teachers’ differentiation of curriculum and instruction for all students and
thus increase student achievement.” ~ From Total School Cluster Grouping &
Differentiation, by Marcia Gentry and Rebecca L. Mann, p. 9

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

Parallel Curriculum Model (PCM) ~ Tomlinson: “The Parallel Curriculum Model

is a set of four interrelated designs that can be used singly, or in combination, to
create or revise existing curriculum units, lessons, or tasks. Each of the four
parallels offers a unique approach for organizing content, teaching, and learning
that is closely aligned to the special purpose of each parallel.” ~ Parallel
Curriculum Model PowerPoint Presentation, New Zealand Ministry of Education

Talents Unlimited (TU) ~ Schlitter: “Talents Unlimited (TU) is an empirically

based staff development model structured to help educators develop the creative
and critical thinking skills, or talents, of their students.  This model embraces the
philosophy that traditional academic success is not the only indicator of
somebody’s ability to think and solve problems, and that a person can express
his or her intellectual potential in a variety of forms.  The model categorizes six
talent areas– Productive Thinking, Decision Making, Planning, Forecasting,
Communication, and Academic– and outlines a staff development program to
help teachers nurture each of these talents in the classroom.” ~ from Models for
the Gifted (website)

Purdue Three-Stage Enrichment Model for Elementary Gifted

Learners (PACE) ~ Feldhusen: “Regardless of age or content area, the core goal
of this model is to move the student from novice toward practitioner. This model
can be implemented as a wide-reaching program, or as a smaller curriculum.
Through three distinct stages, this model begins with covering basic levels of
knowledge, continues with the application of that knowledge and skills, and
finishes with students solving real-life problems. Because of its simple steps, this
model is not difficult to implement, needing only a variety of resources for
students to interact with at the second and third stages. This model is both
flexible and adaptable to many different settings and is low cost.” ~ from Models
for the Gifted

Multiple Intelligences (MI) ~ Howard Gardner: “According to this theory, “we are

all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis,
spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

to make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of

ourselves. Where individuals differ is in the strength of these intelligence – the
so-called profile of intelligences -and in the ways in which such intelligences are
invoked and combined to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and
progress in various domains.” ~ from “The Distance Learning Technology
Resource Guide,” by Carla Lane at Multiple Intelligences

b. Gifted children – Activities

Tangram Puzzles
Tangram puzzles are an important tool in any teacher’s classroom but can also be used at
home to challenge young minds! Tangrams are puzzles made from different shapes and are
turned and organized to create a picture.
Tangram puzzles can easily be purchased in sets online, and challenge kids to think
creatively to solve each puzzle. Better yet, tangram puzzles help develop your little learner’s
visual-spatial skills, while allowing them to practice strategy and logical thinking skills! 

Create an Invention Box 

Gifted kids thrive in activities that allow them to use their expansive capacity for creativity!
Help your child create an “invention box”, which is a box packed with fun supplies that can
be made into anything your child’s mind can imagine!
Fill the invention box with supplies like yarn, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, pom or cotton balls,
large beads, popsicle sticks, and any other crafts you or your child loves! During play,
encourage your child to use their creativity to “invent” or build something using the supplies
in the box. Both you and your child will be amazed at what your child can create! 

Strategy Board Games

Board games aren’t created equally. Some games are great for family engagement but don’t
do much to allow for critical thinking. But some games challenge minds, both young and old!
Here are some of the most well-known strategy board games: 

 Quirkle is a game that tasks players with observing shapes and colors and arranging
game pieces in a pattern.
 Blokus gives the players rules for placing game pieces on the board, while players
strategize how they can place their blocks while still following those rules.
 Sequence also requires players to use strategy to complete the winning number of
sequences on the game board. All games mentioned above require the player to
utilize logical reasoning and creative skills to play, making these games the best
choices for challenging gifted minds! 

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

Windowpane Sudoku 
Gifted kids love puzzles, so why not introduce your early learner to puzzles well-loved by
people across the globe? A simple search online will give you the best Sudoku puzzles for
kids ages 4-8! But let’s not stop there; let’s make your child’s first game of Sudoku even
more exciting by playing in a fun and interactive way! Pick up a pack of washable window
crayons and draw your child’s Sudoku puzzle on a large window in your home! 
That way your child can complete the puzzle throughout the week, keeping him or her
challenged for days on end! When completed, simply wash it off and start a new one. Get
the whole family in on the fun by completing a new puzzle every week! 

Create a Stop Motion Animation Video

Wonderful for kids who love technology and want to make their own, help your gifted child
create a stop motion animation video!

 Create a stop motion animation studio space where you and your child plan to film
the video.
 Challenge your child to create a script.
 Find their favorite objects, dolls, or toys to star in the film.

Using a stop motion animation app widely available on both Google Play and the App Store,
help your child to film their video and view the results! Best yet, creating a stop motion
animation video is a process; your child can find enjoyment and stimulation every step of the
way, from planning the script, and building the studio, to the final production of the video!
Who knows, your child might create the next big YouTube Kids video! 

c. Children with a learning disability – Curriculum

The special education curriculum encompasses specially designed instruction, as well as all
educational and related services for students identified as having a disability according to
federal and state regulations. The special education curriculum has evolved throughout the
eras. Early curricular models and methods of instruction were based largely on medical,
psychological, and behavioral orientations with an emphasis on the remediation of a deficit
or disorder. Contemporary special education curricular models are tied to provisions of the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and influenced by reform movements in the
fields of special (i.e., inclusive schools’ movement) and general education (i.e.,

d. Children with a learning disability – activities

1. Place a variety of toys on a tray or flat surface to stimulate your child. Try sensory toys or

toys with suction cups that will stick on flat surfaces. You could also use sponges or cups.

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

2. Make up a game using a ball — you can even make one together using cloth. Decide the

best way to play with your hands and feet depending on the mobility of your child.

3. Make a video of the things you have recorded your child doing and play it for them. You

can also do this with just an audio recorder to play back their singing or laughing.

4. Take your children to the kitchen to help prepare food. Depending on what you're doing

and how interested your child is, you can let them help you or just give them their own plastic

bowl and spoon to mimic your actions.

5. Take advantage of their artistic talents and let them color or paint. There are brushes and

drawing utensils that have big easy-to-grab shapes so that children who have little mobility

can easily grab them! Finger painting is also a fun option.

6. Read books together in a comfortable position sitting or standing (depending on your

child's ability). You can also pull-out family photo albums and point to familiar faces. Finding

the best position, which can be done with a pillow or using an angled tray on a table, will

help your child to feel more comfortable and encourage him to keep his head up. 

7. Make a tray of water or sand for your child to play with different textures. You can also

add toys.

8. Play with dough, either clay or homemade. Use molds and have fun cutting and

assembling shapes. Cookie cutters or large cups with large handles may be easier for your

child to grasp.

9. Spend some quiet time playing with simple puzzles or making shape, color, word, or

number cards. Using a flat, smooth surface such as a table or tray will make the activity


“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

10. Sing, dance, and make noise with your child. Your little one can use any cooking pot and

homemade instruments to keep rhythm with you. 

4. Differentiated the teaching strategies used for the gifted students and mentally

retarded students.

Gifted Students

1. Learn how gifted students think.

If you want to support gifted students in your classroom, it's important that you try to learn
how they think and learn about the different struggles they face. Understanding that gifted
students have special needs, requirements, and trends in behavior will help you meet their
needs and better support them in the classroom.

2. Created tiered assignments for students.

Tiered assignments can help you meet the needs of all students. Choose the basic standard
objective and design an assignment on that standard to make the middle tier. Once the
middle tier is finished, you make the other tiers by adding support for at-risk children and
adding a challenge for gifted students. Here are two simple ways you can add challenge to

 Give gifted students more complex numbers in a math assignment or a more difficult
text to read.
 Add a second component to assignments, such as having them apply the skill
they've learned to a real-world situation or asking them to write an explanation of
their thinking.

3. Include a variety of levels in your classroom library.

Make sure your classroom library has a variety of texts to support the reading ability and
interests of gifted students. You can also encourage students to bring reading materials from
home, but make sure the materials they bring challenge them to learn new words and
increase their reading skills.

4. Utilize their talents and interests.

Gifted students are often asked to do busywork when they finish assignments ahead of
others. Instead of taking that approach, try utilizing gifted students' talents and interests to
further explore a skill. For example, students could write or draw something related to the
assignment/skill or they could act out solutions to the problem or project.

5. Explore real-world applications.


“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

Gifted students understand math algorithms, science concepts, and grammar rules very
quickly. You can encourage them to move beyond the skill they're learning by applying it in
the real world. For example, they can explore how area and perimeter affect an architect's
design or how scientists use animal classification to understand animal life and how it

Mentally Retarded

1.The method of argumentation

The method of argumentation is a method of learning using special equipment or
methods. This method can be used when in learning where the delivery of material requires
media so that the media can simplify the learning process (Delphie, 2006: 69).

The playing method aims to improve the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social
development of each participant. This method is usually applied outside the classroom so
that they can get to know the environment (Delphie, 2006: 22). When this method is applied
in class greetings it can be in the form of role-playing or sociodrama, where each student is
given a role in the planned scene.

3) The peer method

The peer method is a method that in this activity is usually used by other students as a

facilitator. Peers here can be students with the same students, namely mentally retarded or
normal students (Delphie, 2006: 68).

4)Lecture method
The lecture method is an explanation or verbal explanation by the teacher to the class
(Ramayulis, 2005: 233). This method is the dominant method in learning because it has
been widely used by teachers from the past until now and is a method that is very easy to
implement. Excessive use of the lecture method can make students quickly feel bored and
attract less attention, so it must be adjusted to the learning conditions. Learning conditions
that are suitable for the use of the lecture method include if the class size is large with many
students and the material presented is still difficult to find in the student manual. To instill
moral education in learning, the lecture method is more appropriate to use because it is
easily adapted to the subject matter.

5) Question and answer

method Question and answer method is a method that uses more question-and-answer
interactions between teachers and students in the learning process. In the application of this
method, questions can come from the teacher to measure student understanding or come
from students to ask things that have not been understood. In general, the purpose of using
this question-and-answer method (Nasihin, 2009: 54).

 Knowing students’ mastery of past knowledge.

 Strengthens knowledge and ideas in lessons by providing opportunities to
raise questions that are not yet understood.
 Motivate students to act, show the truth, and arouse enthusiasm for progress.

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

6) Drill
Method The drilling method or practice is a learning method used to obtain dexterity or skills
from what has been learned (Nasih, 2009: 91). Agility and skills are obtained by repeating
the material or ability the student wants to achieve. The application of the drill method in
learning has several advantages, including:

 Students will gain dexterity and proficiency in doing something according to

what they learn.
 It can lead to a sense of self-confidence that students who successfully learn
have skills that will be useful in the future.
 Teachers are easier to control and can distinguish between students who are
disciplined in their learning and which ones are lacking (Basyirudin Usman,
2005: 87).

7) Grouping method 

The grouping method is an attempt to classify or class the material to be presented. Such a

method is more profitable for mentally disabled learners than the material presented
randomly (Mumpurniati, 2007: 19).

8) Method of Mediation (mediation)

This method is something to mediate or connect. In verbal learning, the mediator points to
the individual process of connecting the stimulus to the response (Mumpurniati, 2007: 20).

9) Exemplary Suri Method

A good role model will foster a desire for others to imitate and follow it (Majid, 2009: 135).

10) Tourism Work

Method This method is intended so that students can explore, pay attention to the
environment, and pay attention to the various creations of Allah SWT including paying
attention to themselves with the aim of taking lessons (Majid, 2009: 135)

“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

VISION GRADUATE SCHOOL research, and extension service programs at all educational
levels as its monumental contribution to national and
global growth and development. Specifically, it transforms
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Governor Panotes Avenue, students into:
1. God-fearing
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in education.” Daet, Camarines Norte 2. Nation–loving
3. Law-abiding
4. Earth caring
Tel. no. (054) 721-1281 local 109 5. Productive, and
6. Locally and globally competitive

Email: persons

SPED 203




APRIL 7, 2022

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