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Seorangbidan/ perawat/ pharmacist sering dihadapkan
dengan situasi dalam memberi petunjuk.
For example:
- Please eat :silahkan makan
-Please take a pee :pipis
-Please wash your hand: cuci tangan
-May I wash my hand?
-Please, take a walk: jalan jalan
-Please open your dress: buka baju
-Please bend down: bungkuk
-Please raise your hand: angkat tangan
-Please move your head: gerakkan kepala
-Please take a deep breath in: ambil nafas dalam
-Please open your mouth: buka mulut
-Touch your ankle: sentuh pergelangan kaki
-Fist your finger: kepalkan jari
-Put on your blouse: gunakan bajumu
-Take off your blouse: lepas bajumu
-Put on your trouser/ panty-underwear: gunakan celanamu
-Lower down your trouser: turunkan celanamu
-On the knee down: berlutut
-Lay onto your tummy: tengkurap
-Fold your elbow: lipat siku mu
-Slight over: geser
-Turn around: berputar/menoleh
-Lay down on the bed :berbaring di kasur / kamartidur
-Look up: lihat atas
-Lift your leg: angkat kaki
-Put out your tongue: julurkan lidah
-Bend your knees: berlutut
-Wriggle your fingers: gerakkan jarimu
-Roll your sleeves up: gulung lengan bajumu
-Extend your hand: rentangkan tanganmu
-Hold your breath : tahan napas
-Out your breath : keluarkan nafas
-I would like give you approval about surgical, if you agree or disagree,
you should signed first.
-I am so sorry to tell you/give you information about this, your baby/
infant not good condition/ emergency condition.
-Mom, are you agree or disagree if we take surgical to you?
-Congratulations, your baby was born and good condition
- Mom...I will be stitch your vulva. Tearing= merobek
- How long your child have been fever?
- What’s your problem? / what’s your chief complaint?
- When did you have your last menstrual period?

- are you feel vomiting or nause?

- please, take medicine 3x/ day, after / Before meal.

- sideling/sidelong/lying in the right or left please

- Just relax and consentration

- go out/ go off in this room please

- quiet please

- use a blanket , please

Fungsi tutur kata untuk meminta seseorang untuk
melakukan sesuatu. Jika anda melakukan secara terus
terang/ langsung, maka fungsi tutur kata ini termasuk
ordering, tetapi kalau anda meminta dengan hati- hati,
sopan, dan tidak dengan nada perintah, maka
termasuk requesting.
For example : Open your mouth
Can/ may/please/will you take a deep breath
for me?
Be patient please

Fungsitutur kata yang digunakan untuk memperoleh
informasi yang diperlukan.
For example :Excuse me, can/ may I ask you something?
What symptoms do you have? patient
What signs do you have? Medical staff

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