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Does online public shaming prevent people from being able to grow and change


With the growing use of the Internet, especially social media, there are some drawbacks,

including moral failings and misdemeanors such as online public shaming. This unethical

practice of online public shaming is becoming more prevalent, owing to the fact that there are no

penalties for public shaming. Individuals may create fictitious accounts or use their social media

accounts to publicly shame others. Access to the Internet instantly, anonymously, and

ubiquitously has eliminated the majority—if not all—of the natural checks on shaming. What

these individuals do not realize is that this practice will result in a mental health issue for those

who are shamed. This may result in these individuals having low self-esteem and self-

confidence, and they may isolate themselves. When body shaming occurs often or has a greater

effect for whatever cause, it may also result in anxiety, depression, and social isolation.

Individuals who suffer from anxiety tend to overthink all, and this is no different when it comes

to comments about their bodies. Constant negative remarks may induce anxiety to the point that

people experience panic attacks and depression periods. However, others believe that public

shaming is a good thing because it serves as a form of feedback that makes people change. For

instance, obesity is an increasing issue in society; it contributes to the development of numerous

chronic diseases, and obese individuals have lower self-esteem and trust. Thus, public shaming is

a discipline that has the potential to transform an obese individual into a fit and stable individual.

It is important to distinguish between discipline and punishment. Discipline teaches people how

to behave and how to react in a way that makes sense to them, while also providing an

opportunity for them to correct themselves. However, punishment does not teach people how to
behave; rather, it tells them that they are evil. And this action may be detrimental to people's

wellbeing, resulting in their harm.

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