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as big as an elephant as flat as a pancake

as black as coal as innocent as a lamb

as busy as a bee as light as a feather
as brave as a lion as cold as ice
as clear as crystal as cunning as a fox
as cool as a cucumber as easy as ABC
as dead as a doornail as playful as a kitten
as blind as a bat as proud as a peacock
as fit as a fiddle as quick as lightning
as free as a bird as regular as clockwork
as gentle as a lamb as sharp as a razor
as helpless as a baby as fresh as a daisy
as dry as a bone
sing like an angel sing like an angel
act like an animal act like an animal
eat like a bird eat like a bird
fight like cats and dogs fight like cats and dogs
work like a dog work like a donkey
work like a dream work like a charm
soar like an eagle soar like an eagle
sound like fingernails on a chalkboard sound like fingernails on a chalkboard
swim like a fish swim like a fish
race like a scared bunny race like a scared bunny
have eyes like a hawk have eyes like a hawk
eat like a horse eat like a horse
sleep like a log sleep like a log
gravitate like a moth to the flame gravitate like a moth to the flame
eat like a pig eat like a pig
smell like a rose smell like a rose
sound like a screaming baby sound like a screaming baby
shine like the stars shine like the stars

Read each simile sentence. Circle the simile.

The boy is as timid as a rabbit.

She is as white as a ghost.

My grandmother is as wise as an owl.

My little brother eats like a bird.

Last night I slept like a log.

Your explanation is as clear as mud.

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