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Debes iniciar presentandote (nombre y apellido) e indicando el título, intérprete o grupo de la canción elegida, indicar porque

te gusto y decir cuáles son los pronombres indefinido encontrados. Esto debes hacerlo en inglés, luego procedes a cantar parte
de la canción en donde se haga mención de lo solicitado. 

Hi my name is karla lopez and the song that I will sing today is called somebody and is
performed by queen, chose it because the meaning of the song is very special to me,
the band's vocalist is one of my favorite singers. the indefinite pronoun found of the
song are somebody and anybody

hai mi neei is karla lipez en de son daraiwul sing tudei is calt somebody, ans is perford
bai kuin choisit becaus the minen of da son ir verri speshial tu me. the ban
vocalis is wain of mi feovoris singers in the world

ti indefinite pronouns fauden of the son ar sombari and anibari

the song is called somebody and is performed by queen

and I chose it because the meaning of the song is very special to me, the band's vocalist is one of my favorite singers

of the song is its title

and I chose it because the meaning of the song is very special to me, the band's vocalist is one of my favorite singers
the song is called somebody and is performed by queen

and I chose it because the meaning of the song is very special to me, the band's vocalist is one of my favorite singers.

the indefinite pronoun found of the song is its title somebody and it says like this

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