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Recently, startups has become a hot issue in society.

 People talking about

entrepreneurship, houses talking about startups, but the number of successful
startups came to poor success. Through the start story, many stories related to
young people also have to weigh in. Startup, by definition, refers to the term
only companies that are in the beginning of business in general (start company
company). The current startup issue is often associated with young people who
are engaged in production and business activities. With capital sources or
through other sources of mobilized capital, the young people are currently hóa
their startup ideas. In fact, the number of successful startups is not a number of
losers, nor is it rare. If you ask students about economics in particular and
college students, college generally says that they have a start - up start - up
program of their own, or maybe everyone answers. It' s a very positive thing,
however, we don' t worry about a small part of the young people who are
hallucinating about their own power, running under the startup projects without
knowing what they can do. And then later, no less successful startup projects,
no money at all,' the hat' s got a lot of investment in the hat,' and a few young
people get into debt.
Entrepreneurship has actually become a hút of public interest, especially youth.
Through the story of entrepreneurship, a problem that we don' t think about is
the fact that young people aren' t fully prepared to start their careers.
In the start of a startup, many of our young people are suffering from a disease:
not to park mr. nghe. It means here, they don' t have enough experience,
knowledge, but still running with vain dreams. There' s a lot of ridiculous
stories that have happened in practice. It's a bunch of fresh, wet - legged
fellows who don' t learn business experience, not to hire to know what to do
with their own business. In order to then, the company was born less than a few
months ago, in a rut, gradually collapsing. There are people who don' t know
the end of the field where they're going to invest, but see others do it so they
can borrow money for' learning' as bosses. Those superficial deals that made a
lot of people fall into deadlock.
From here, we can see a sad reality that is in the process of choosing jobs, not
many people have this bad habit. Although not enough experience, it is not
enough to stumble, to hobble the school, but' picky chọn only requires work in
large companies, just want to put the finger in five other people' s leadership
positions. There are people who haven' t earned a coin for themselves, not to
feed themselves, but' gió' hạ' hạ' in a place to weave false dreams.
I can' t afford to buy a shirt that' s also my parents' money, and i' m also
dependent on someone else to sit in a daydream. When you're not alive, how
can you be able to create jobs, which is based on others. Expanding, not only in
the start of a career, but also in finding jobs, wanting to be high, to make sure
you're able to look down at the ground to see yourself in đâu; to see what
you're capable of.
Young people are the future masters of the country.The party and the state also
determine the importance of young people in the construction and protection of
the country, creating all opportunities, conditions for young people to develop,
confirm themselves.
However, the past has shown that many dangerous diseases arise among the
young. It' s an illusion of self - strength, that's a disease that does not live yet to
have the boss' s boss, it's a' picky' disease when seeking jobs, it' s not
sacrificing itself that' s just paying attention to our own interests. Oh, a lot of
dangerous diseases are spreading quickly to make the young' s power fall.
It' s not hard to see, many young people are living with their parents. They lack
the ability to fight life, lack of adaptability to social upheaval. Because of a
tight cover, their perception of themselves exists a lot of misinformation. In
which, rising is a way of being narcissistic, always thinking about society in a
simple way. This has led to a lot of startup projects that have just begun not
long ago, making national resources wasted.
In life, in general and in the work, to achieve success, we have to start with the
smallest. When we know who we are, where we are in society, we can build
ourselves a road to grow. Hopefully in the new time, each young man will
master himself, embrace his own life before flapping his wings.

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