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z waiory up ze anodic 11h 200509 ubooed pred wt 9 o1guega Bs o1v> ap ‘unos up ypisor qm}0} id BROW o pufuLIOy ajo UIP axeI0y ‘Miapous Liojme fun 9p ayerUITqns yin no‘ wyeeaETRIOR eM oY Z ayseu pup RETR | “‘souoWoY 3] Anuog “ese ni Joy NsI96 Pe sundse apaunquys uy IANO Mor? Pa’: oma) | ASAD 9] yeuINL “20f vorejoxdaoUy Uy ‘auenp id ure nu seq 30} EIPVE HS “opqeo 0 dseown.y ‘ereuipsoen xo opedods Arew Inf agns ano puydsouy” | 9 IMpow w0 wo ATE ET-A “imp Agaiag aguy ox mays Sodgnt aoioulsH Sopagrow tagap INTANIISAd Tada : nes ASSATA enieag | mn YY yay. nu putea si fie, desigur, explicatt numai prin -valoarea ci artistic’, In secolul trecut 0 descoperite extraordinar’ incepe si ne indrepte spre noi drumuri, H. Schliemann, crezind in realitatea faptelor descrise de. Home? in Tifada, ‘a descoy Troia, luindd-se numai dup’ indicatitle date de poet, nettind ‘nici macar atheolog de meserie.* Descoperirca a dus la alte surprize. Nu numaj locurile fusesera descrise de Homer cu exactitate, dar i armele si podoabele purtate de eroii de la Troia, Astiel, pe scutul lui Agamemnon, care s-a gisit Ja Mycene, sc aflau figurile descrise cu toati aminuntimea in Thada. Ne putem fntrcba, in mod firesc, dacd ua autor, atit ‘de scrupulos in redarea tuturor amimuntelor concrete, putea. ‘si nu fi fost, in acelasi timp, gi un om preocupat de exacti- tatea ideilor abstracte. Este evident i, odata ct descoperirea Troiei, epopeile homerice nu mai pot fi privite numai la nivelul artistic. Drumul la Troia a fost descoperit de Schlie- jann, crezind, cu toati puterea, fn adevirul concret al poeziei din aceste opere. Va trebui si gasim, si noi, un drum spre Troia conceptelor abstracte din versurile acestor opere. Drumal nu este usor, intrucit sistemul de categorii al grecilor din timpul lui Homer i sistemul de categorif in care noi fmbricim lumea noastri sint funciar deosebite. Lumea lui Homer nu este desfigurabila in lumea Iui Newton si stein. Inci din secolul al Vi-lea inaintea crei noastre, oame- nii de culturi ai vremii incepuserd si_,,interpreteze” opercle Jui Homer si comentariile au fost extrem de numeroase, dar nu ne-au rimas decft uncle din titlurile lucrarilor de exegezi de pe atunci, cum mentioneaza Suidas si Diogenes Laertios ®. Din nefericire, informatiile care pot fi utilizate 3859; Myhewa, Leis Can a0 a Be tomas eX em Les sr Despre vite ot docinele fiarafiler, m woe com omer, jo prior. In Homers lias, Lelpuig, editia 895: C. Lehre, De Aristareht studtis home eda lisa, Laipnig, 1855; H.Sehradec, Porphyrt quacstionwm homeri 132 afar de uncle obse Pindar, in tragict si in mari ja neopitugorcici sau stoic —, 5! pals gigi noastre, cure sint influent hncort de-eretinikm, san ti pe acest comentator Hera ‘Dap © alti Iucrare apartine ascundé darurile aint si dey wee 19 Perpnyrins (204— ‘Tevtner, Leipzig, B86. 133, si este cunoscuti sub eazi un episod, des ‘cam Ulysse, reven mite de la feaci intr-o grota. In aceasta re, Porphyrius vede un simbolisia al destinuli sufle- y AW, de le Hl “f o Combybur mare i ‘ Retorul” —, pr “A ThadPst OATeea ut pot fi inter arts: 2 emeirae, Venetia, 1309 De wulivt! ea se giseee in Hesiod, Aristotel Lefteva numoe de ox din soc. T ‘ale. excgezei numeste uate de Ta ji san principil, sumat in Odyseca, ‘d in fara Jui, Hhaca, ist Des Mythes att incraren autre ym a HY os bod WoL ay ee oupfoumnpat 1Seoaae ‘oysedop reat 1S (-ounpypsuy ype © apunose neg ‘unyuseao vadnse ypeodai a8 gs “914S8OU afos¥> 24:08q0 BS ‘oxjsvou : ayaznqut euwop & najuad yyeotqey vuISeUr o 9459 nes) shows pqey sinbype yny agen sngnsop anbwanquon ‘sowop vinpodsuy “sounus vuUsypeME 89 vpoqugef soupsou uy 2204 mY H(qynyos, 18 ysoyor as ose9 vy tansioa) pet tap peopl y os angan, ndOf hop uy EeuOrfUoK UAE ared azejaadioqut pysvaoy y_'SeIUn ee UNEL [myaod ounds Hh [pup vf 919 "(wort [s qHY 9p Pieuor{usur ysof w any op wyemnslysop 18 2a fetag pp 380) HE HH -yunoyqoad yjsvane arSoatid 99 wooo ty sop te azaqode noc ys woe) Pus yaynd v9 Gtoques ap yee adaz Sa9ons ND OASTIOF ys njad ne 1S ynys ni ows ‘the oyoupuos Hoyesur Sy Ws vantuiud op ype atwopTa o-ajulad wo Eqysod 9ys0 Md ‘iesope-njus ! sis af mumygenl gre nae 29 HE wo (mydey peequqns IO|MY , weeau{LAEX o a1e> Fop>> imu eka 2 py oyredop 3}2v0f 9759. ESHUSURI] ySOy Bole vo are qus euuoy xf "yanasqo opmwoy 16n}0) oujumEL vo Fypamed meow 9yp Up omqap9 TeUr a> aryuIp wun 9439 2601 ‘uNg “wR LVI wT eo fey d oman HoiDid uence ET Ke anes APO, Lswoyl po stioiacuwon i wapert) Henioy] Fo Huvineuuie saieiedes toe ‘yoop i$ Siw ostuy “uous angel feu stubs mecet fo trac, os) nytuo essa op doai’a “sqedcuniejedy Uy slg OL HEA “ErIFIG My oTe oHEAOGE oporoeo Uf HenT HHS eS sued w syapanuicy faye in) oteed 1 jena aadeag) homey! Med PRA 2g WITH ywseyne ywendaesd veo (We Yoo) oN ‘wabunien “tik “a Fey o1 sORAEHY SOPTY op LIMITS 9p wyouudastas 369) © 6 q Binyos “Wd osea2e29 eosony ug yst7ePoads payn2soundoutq 25 “HOLL op inyoqeo vpuodory"\'UeROETNTTEMfe woo idwoxa anus un wy9prspioo pg "ee deo." Y eaynd ¥ nyjuod guisygord intr void mtu yorpH aoyoMoy jfododo uy 257259 Joprdey, © aojauiseq |npati Bf aueyordioqur" yo Gunes yp neas pome oa mMAVUY SLI OA UIOAT Wf ‘unuos soy>e un ne ‘SyuBUE eUE ye IO dpEfayo Up apa ad yreojajduos avo ‘sonawoy sopinyut vidnse Hunwyy 18 onpe awp ‘orfojous 1S [eorjeuresd uppio op “pus Tnunad uy guys ¥aySooV oy sitrTeTP ENG TW] Ieeopuonaoyarm SUED © PHU so}% soprBjeMdio}Uy v ysINS IIe o “NSIS UT “euoRr ids Up WypoA Yeu YOIMe YUN YE ap 1p i IOP ade} ap “pus mu HPUIA Te padopIsua ITqeyLA oyEIApIsUOD yUIs avo Jo ‘veast'pg 18 opoeyy uy iseSio1 oyvod as yoseanex9 ayOsOT viva ee 08 “yoHEIMTE TE WMAMIe “gy womoz sy rrssod $8 viet ap aqoun qns ginosoun9 arte o-niup i ; i aayosomyy doeaysqe oydoouo. oun aye nes oov2y HheRar oun ape am “us yeast [9019 uo” uy 9pon as¥a yy SMIMUOD TP SS 2p fou qus ejnosouna vosesony ‘Uy 1S 2¢0mH9 8 soWwORy axdsop yfeaniojur ojoun ‘yrejuaw0d 2}s9>6 ap Le;e Uy ndury PL, fuere? quis auctor ? quac machina belli ? mstruos? autort fe oare o ofrand’ pentru zei, de riaboi?) tolem hane immanis equi sf petunt?. quae relligio? a june se pune si astizi oricirui cercetitor inerice.** Apare astfel clar ci oly gk restabilite TTY. iF egisi in adevirata ci-semnificatie-pe una complexe figuri ale lumii grecesti din pe Ulysse, eroul care i-a ficut pe ahei sk cucereasct ugh, dup& zece ani de asedit i lupte, cetatea lui Ta £08 Spduaros npbcona* Pom Dupé ce Troia a fost distrusi, Ulysse, insogit de tova- ¥ rhgi sc indreapti spre Ithaca *, fara al clrei rege era, Corabiile i. poarti insa,"la_discreti lor i timp de zece ani te locuri necunoscute, sili se fo serie de even . Aceasta este-de fapt \ seea, “epopeca Sa urmirim dar, eft se poate de lar pentru a putea apoi s& desc fe perdeaua de fum pe care o creeazi insesi aceste intim- pliri. de Ja terminarea rizboiului- trofan. Ulysse, are acum 20 de ani, Palatul tat Café doresc si se cisitoreasci“cu in agteptarea rispunsulu acestia benchetul Ja palatului, irosind averea rimasi de la regele [thacei. Telemach “Famagi in palatul pun la cale sil as Penelopa infolege toate aceste pret rat de soarta fi fh fn larg, pe spatele cel necn zeul imirilor, care-] dugmanea_ pe siu Polifem, agilat de 0 shin aurora sfrgit, este azvi ‘Athena, care era protectoarea mn plicut", cared va tutrema dupa imp ce Ulysse dormea, Na sub eet yovotd ‘yes ye ap syfosuy “omeur od voae Jour va of aieo ad Sifaduad upp feta no edeos v nnuad ayodwo 9s ys uino Peer ey ibs Sa ay ER SRA ROTTS: oh andy euormng elec orton ais Teme], SoM), wo CET rp “aitty “woutismesly (mm od usa) “sudty gSialdy ‘euSUEyy ‘of BPSUIOGs ad nfiow jnbeooy Wy opaa. a Seeowat ey eel wos jsoqey ‘optmmwivoad “tne np" jevoroayzox! a9yj Fane ‘q10 [ng01001d ‘ge SEEM od ‘snds eS Twn ese “18 inp LUT od om axuy “ofeuosiad op ots © aysouqpyuy apun ‘ulojuy up.preoqos ay13e] Inf [Hyp 1S “199IG0 ydnp ‘Jopjsow apayoyns majuad 9yyI0f pe ey “MMU jaune} ef afunfe oss4qq) yay wiqeioy “,ozetu ad nyy [nstOyNy y ea ano 16 puny ap yo 18 anpEq ap rege 99" ‘ea ounds, luna ‘sersomy vf op eye B najuod guoudosiog © Woy Oy u ‘qyjaour erjereduiy wy axeoqod eS Eynle 1 wISeaTe suy “ouedy rey “ery voseosyrnd ys qftoz vasloaus aySour id *yjnsur ad axopos yun, o ydnp ‘oss4qq] myTsmDst Fu | xujd sep ‘ouopprseut [oinsea aooouuey op aura} as (ossAT, IMT NBA) YoRAAg “My HroWHosuy ad wiogyp ea Fy 1S oywMEE ‘ile ooza ofp vp aurd yeus Ba nu yo oun T-ys “yuyu uf eqns no “oySolls © [af "woseousdsyS [4s yosvaouy 09445 02e9 no aytleza ap jydeos ‘sounoy] yp [Loma od “yeunutur se9f nun ajexs 1S ‘1p {dup sonp 08 o8841n “tosod uy whos op etuiojsueiy yuys rep ‘ouoyfeounnar uy yoeod 1oye asjuyp a}ed wanuar puep Seu 1$ nur} mysooe e pundyys ont eee wats Faadirgo uw Sunfe yS aseur ad Sng Seamer o> sey “to anUIp Your zd opmn “zopuosyss] naoz}so ud sn “(LONNIE Tno2) Jos Pe isur us yode Sunfly ‘aroieouy yyseaoe wp 1S advos BS asainq7t assAqq_ my rafutsnost yNOEp TeUmU YS “TOE Samp warp ad youruyun ‘woyyfog oumnue ‘eI Lene “9 80 “28 soudopey ee} uy 1a Sunfe Jopsy -IuNsop eand va Fopun — ‘aysedop ieur puguiod ‘yqrioo ad ans 1 "t\z05 no Tounye aoApe 4 yysooy “a1qeso P| yoswoyUY FUE 9s BS AOA NUS [DUCTED tndcos 2p 1 Jot exe] 9p gu “smo 9p woseog tp DUS ‘assay In| te yptoououal’ ap ySexeao], “mI0] 9p. 4O|UOIED uyur) 1OPFEPOPO vse} ay ayredap rear biwod ae re oy qysoo od nou no ydeos weus joo set “a anup aed 0 ad pon ‘uoinfe gyedes “gzeadnsgor os engooe req -eayerss \ zaipyp of 1 aydny yp oie no “opuDION, Were sOTRTOND a STE) uy ofunfe ‘Taye sire ap asiosuy “3}9e] MET en voreuruna} pd ‘fa a}$93s940d 9 urna ebe ‘(ofor]) uol{E UIP yeood e a0 edny afadeja)wunde yyey seeeees eoeny uy osemnoop 1S asunfe za vpiyd gaeys uo eS vowny greo) oyoquoa wuySpUE 1S aydey mag ape-op yom ossdi US Ng ye BOX Bap woresotd yap uassos0d soy op Suny woseoysstod edaour $ ojoumu eiodoosap 18 asin ‘warn wp apso uy “}UP WeU ys EYSaDe ad ayfaudo |p 1S “Soyopouig yup 99 o9¥d Tn yp ersozdurt ome snouroqy “opel op oqrumtn2ey dsapedeu y oss4q0, ad ‘ones iopydey qnene ey “yor, apy yu2ayup reuI04 “many op yeyueduone "yjup 1S ‘2}uHD ‘ys qepAUL 9959 ‘soyop, -owocy ‘qi [npay “Inq eorLouO ut jzdso un yp 1S ‘nus ayeped Uy FEN auNpzyd epiooe y op'ny “mueys winsur uy sunfe - Buin 1S wnjd no Poyye> ‘aseur od jeiduupyuy e- pre ayfoisoaoq “oye nFeyrds0 os%9 ‘9359 au1o vunds ys yay) "fo aun “qellor ayrodduzos as ys wns EMPDAS vysvoe 09 dnp ser “ame ap sea Uy ran jueut rode yep ne “ge ,{UIRNS UIA au Foz 9p KIMI Purjooos ‘opoudo of teoisneN rep “zIny BS Joa 1S op uy 05 sfaquogr “ys Fexneu 9}$,Sa0d Fore ‘osshfi] Od SySoUTVUL Tf ofFoY “efeomunp ye enop v seIyo ‘wayh inceput povestirea is. Stim cum a ajuns cl iF incarct este transformat de fi ste cu Eyen, porcarul Telemach, care se afla_incd in Sparta, este sfal st se intoarch acast, ceea ce si face. Astfel, el debarca in Ithaca si ajunge la locui rearuiui Eumen, unde ff intilueste pe tatil su. care fi destdinuicste cine este si impreuni se decid si find acest fapt secret 1a de petitori. Telemach pleac& singur spre palat, dup care incofit de Eumen. Alc are loe 0 scent cmofiona Tukciine Argos este primul care-si recunoa: lope are Seonvorbire cu Ulyese, Snel. Palatul era pl socoteala familiei Iui Ulysse partea Penelopei, pe care reusise si am rea unei hot i agteptarea va accepta ca 50 sub pretextul c% ese iysse, gi nu se va decide si_aleagi pe Ulysse de Athena, sub Pe zeul > Indemnul zeitei i departe, Iucri ‘anor voinfe apoio "ee~ze feuoinoeay ay pun spose aL 83H Co-op ae wo vouny no odes uy yuozgosd eououise 6 geumet ound | Bap imide} uy “Yegise ‘opoa sppod “V "a "y>ro1s nero wn ee 2 9p Yup APDAT Wo LIVER Dy our TOHP TTTUASE OL Sind ayeod as Har po]u eo urfsns {Ve ToyowSiay any 16 omjrede pore oionad “‘o@PaqI ap wapT FS eoundasoad ‘oun Wy ydoou09 vio tnd we +, NE SOp" f Fiyduly jus “ayzayy yeu ap Tpoa fnypon ef seiyp “ropeRORETTHIG ayeTsied 1 yynosip yepnd wes Bseaow efunaud up [iueng te) ¥9 NES ‘BIZap) [OUI IUD Op a]UK Ono BosEDPULS BS LION, mfovoqzer [iduay) Up ao ad wooey Fys ¥ “WASP op voopL Terpuin) pow up wols1a ys puUSuy we HS “dowoR] Ednp A yanue vouny ur affnosip ug osnd ywys yunrjou aysooe 7e unyjoe op eaye}ioqiy I wargde ae jnunsop no kanyesoy uy ¥ pap IS ‘yy 9] ap [lqesuodsos 9yS9 yo ¥> poyyse vomed y "I Mhsp ,osorgruy" ote “aydey yoy ajgudoad op 8 wjeuturz9}9p ajso viseooe JPEN o ase [Ato ‘ayuAND oye nD ‘eypsan osorpmuyé oyeond sop e-n Linus Sup 19 ‘TOT optanzw2ant 2ye0} UIA YoU FI ap yo amdeyoueIs Jeuryap oz ad nos WusuteS WI) “oq Yea" ounds snoz, ‘aunt eiduipuy 98 09 yas op mqesuodsas WinBus jus Woe yo nu onpe o aleo ad vijuenoe wy “pod op nyduas wand sopp ei mut ‘ared as yp ad “euopqosg “worg, vy udid © op nos Injsooe BIOS BqUNIYDS apeod EnU stiag YORU ZED 4s99e Up yo rewnu ‘outour ep ap Iny eapes Vv op ‘O[IOY ny eureUl ya, “SOUL. op. EINDG} vazeoroauy ap _ofoquoR. 95 seetuontaed aitbere up wes are PUGS) nayuod stag In] 117000 osrampmaPzvasospe os TSU 19 7 “qounsop quis v nud 1S yreapade os ioe vy IL aor ‘eco “10.4098 eA" eh x 6Gh—O6F “ton “aumiSojou sof v-I$ sns ap 3S0} wary bysan xeop yyduo osnd 3 J0{ 9 fuaureo 2oun vo}reOUr no NgospUE 9} YS auiq Fra eo (*""] "yolop “Tory, 9p osnpuznong ‘sopowose visaptuew os opty “fotep" a\gouslop ossiq “oN yUIS yadopouog Wont se yng |. 2ySeul 38 atten] 1-39 Pepe “TostUE H40 oMMIOA af ‘Jun yoru odvos us ayeod nu yysin ap ins 9 Te0cy EB : ee oui] ounds ou 29 BRET “apt yorsooe jnuyfjids uy 20j afto149$ wap asapno y 30d 29 aparento HHS Syemuimgayy “edyos oytod enuf eas aetp Mosoty “pyex) food ‘sowoy projar gs aze> yl TBSia” 0 puowoH, Epo SP QIU aR TTS | Y ITH Indy yo) ‘aroun ug aavar ad ngy [nsioyuy y eA wna XS wdunt op ap 8 ynyEq op re-ope ap, ainds V-y5 1u9a va EyepU-nB0G00z1 ue PIPL uy oSunfe ws wind 18 yep aunds ea I susoity yo Sursoid [46 “suoposing 8 uoymy otto. Spa ‘soot infeooy yf aZew ad paunte ys uno SHeaw nase “*"BlOn] Bf ap wA-TuaA oreur of Imp ysso;ti-eT ARE aC vita no Joo souuoH asnds yurase> ag. qmysnost assdq. nfo suas ‘odostinyagus yan urs uno pdnp ‘oxo oss4qq, my eideayyuy ea 28-1 a9 on 9034) : wyndsoUND zeIYD ¥f opLod aupzo yIseaDE eC *,192 9p ByEp ExeSo0au eaUIpIO 9}S9 vyseaoe" Und oWtq ap {He 40 aanpeN ulD}nd 0 a1e9 ad atsazdxo *, oper vaye ISIN Upp a}s0 ejsea0e” :ounds ‘my mbeaoo e uri my feneot & "#. Intreadevir, nu putem si talitatea grecilor de pe vremea tale, A crede ci. Homer ic se manifestau voinf si infelegi acest _,destin’ si finem seama de concepte mult mai sul manipulat ugor in ci zice Plaion, fea copilului nu este in stare sh discearna ceea ce este alegoric de ceca ce nu este” ®, Ar trebui deci si facem un examen foarte pru- dent al celor cescfectiveglirma textele grecilor in accasti problema. ‘Ce : : ier? zeilor, cum am vizut in ca ret; dup cum ni se spune chiar Moira, dupa etimologia substanfival comun potpa hie esa pistral Mes alume", adick de ae « SBarten de noree focit3). In versuri Breceste, adick pri in int tot in numir de th y int Pe forul ei vars 212. 904-995, 2bt ype ‘Taroyta gands ps [oz BA a8 ap ¥a09 jemdod 203010. yowo109 und ountfoe YS! ‘oureMIn a}uoys songarvo RINSEUL 0-1 un yooun 999) eur 9989 Bay stuns" re ase nrEyISI0aH ap UnDSEHL D359 UA en vaogy EO yree, pou your YS ony ou i nu 2: eay Vaxeoysin, i 012 Syme. "33:00 eee STO i ion of ap 33Eh oS p apuane ty borhan tame gh “a1e0} i euch 0) area Tez no ined [aunsap off e nes aorea) v op A, no aso) 98 789 [aty) yaugd SwOUy have ho ; IP neo SIgG UN 21599y “eaIeoy B'— (opopy) ~ ogo nqzoa vf ap spumu net yar APHOYRoIO}" — Saye op spounu qns y5.19WO}T ey voy 1S BALp apun op pousodroue [AGIA § (somostru) me east. conceptie. Oracolul_pre ct condifia, une tenet fost sacrific sual acest erou, dupi fe cavine dect gi feminine. M; Si incepem prin a menfiona ci foarte multe aspecte privind personalitatea eroului de la Troia an fost deformate de-a lungul timpului de discutfile pro si contra lui. Cl si numele Jui Ulysse este o deformare a numelut grecese dA Qdysseusfoingura forma care se giseste in Homer. irziu, a Pincle vase o scriere deformati si Ulysens, care a fost prelua ! Ulyxes i ‘apoi_ Ulysses ‘sau Ulyses, Numele de Odysseus S-ar frage etimologic de la verbul Sdv00oq a se minia”. Odysseus vedea eX aceasti semni ay) i. “yes. 93 gi “answou are wy BL meIRD Hoo XS JupUIeO ap NeOTIDS ayorT Insts uy ages 1 ‘ounwos (pu WUT. v LIE ‘aed "19d “argue “aT MBSE HoMORE Poor UoE “aout Us Uy — soydos un 9389 Jo ‘ouoypeqUY od pre ‘0x8 njsejoos 1S arfeounsox © una vse Ba 1p pore “yureos no tour ramaATPoHOH axede 9sSKq.) “By9sK pO UE aydos — (29608) ydapajuy 9180 e> wuad ] ebe youn yp sowoyy “ansiuis opundsyr xf ‘umoap pod “ynsuD9K pop If sqUOL}UE 05 4 UTSTITMA so g0u7 ysa08 younf ut ‘urjnd yeux nes ynuL P 1 sowoy Ip topedoda [rut poaiqns un vl "9p 1nsuds reumnu ne SL, (servrodontyog sunue ‘sodow 2 assay, od rer dap idoxp omy ad 1A. IP YSOOE UY “yy sony vysvone etuoyqaud ae ye ape Lnpyoadioqur "edo Sovodsqyox “nogoyy ‘suanag ror GAY, Ulysse este a chrui elevafie s| Ulysse nu poate fi privit ca un aventurier pe mir \ un om obignuit ciruia i se intimpli o serie de nenorociri toare, cimai degrabi pare un sopios, al cirui | " (pobsiropes). Dealt- | ; acelea stgice gi chiar Ulysse un infelept plin de-virtufi, si cea ce Ml scapi inti este decit virtutea lui, £ } i I lui Socrate si a lui Platon. Uljssincsleaiiaeatolops, 52 numeste chiar Homer, dup’ cum am vazut, gi ca particular! ca el de la Troia. Cu FETT, por li situate integ , dar au’ fost redate pentru le pot apirea ca 369388. 152 Am spus ci{trei fem au_un rol det 7 : moi care cunoaste or si. singur fi ce poarti: cerul ber prin mi fatii, Calypso este, dupi pedepsit de Zeus si Aceasti Iegenda a fost interpret moral (3 jomic (neopitagorie din uma vii idea de ax sud Ja polul nord” *, adi gt “gg-09 ‘9d— Se "SA “A TIMID "HPO ‘Reb —-9CF SI96 "HTIXX TEU “40 oe aysof" uy soy efuaarsyur und cue 9989 au TADNT 4529 \sop" ysaae uy orequIyas o auLUID}9P ES vorjnd ne yor Hyeto9 19 INJUTSOp (jwujE eaNysya{duy) UNE) 210) dingy ‘assAiq) In| yHUASOP UL 2050! sunp 2qr powans 0-82 pepo wvfize 0289 f “penyozuyh 0 pussomy 2agp018: 1yseo uy yS2 0 vuyz opun ‘or woo wioysed vy asiomt 18 yeasn ad auiotA ¥aQ ede up yadas as “yeuEdap p> re assdyg, od ozorqy" Pes Ba ¥9 woILOy Wy soupy] Sosy o uN LEE ayreow op ways" aoey Te ny fuad ‘oau8) inyuo19 ‘wyuozordor 9uv> ,,RInq¥sof" UE ‘requuryps o yonpord 19 dons ysaae ty “Zoqguoureo nui 99 va99 op yeo8iuOU HS JONI ‘oqANTEA aga ,ynoytquo” up oupEZ RyLod ys Pw “wURAIp ;puiod uf yundsuvsy PEs vax Yue eTfIpuEr WIP 20913 -of0iH0 Jor PoH|EpuD voLwquMyPs vIeI0 W osdATED |9CT adurauy nynd o-u va inf vos secT vynaeaa 9 yp shouanyg pans 1S auuvou peof woo} ys vioan YsUyp wind 18 “BAB ‘ode pipz vase uy yore s 1S ow osdA(e.) ow ad 1S aavo axyuy “my atany -toae aidsop “ioyuoyijed vamsdapad 18 eoeuyT vy vozoze0uE ost ‘eeg— per si90 “TIN, cH 40.8 PLE LOE SiON “A MUD “1°80 ae “HEIN TEA TORUID "HCD udnp ‘tadojousg ay$oysoaod mp assdin pup ‘nastpo ynys says of Feur 1S ouiar jafaupnyq emp moiowy” euoy a8nso yur ys so|p mynd ne seg naean 9 19 apousarpe pan 1S auvore vavf vivsa nant Uy asapo-i8 vesdu-pu 1S usw EA ‘epze# up yunad put oyéouajatg ‘esurct “arpujut ajapd no woo osdAte) yltoz eomutos apes oreo uy *e1348Q jnao13s0-0p ardosde-yy wer w8vou aydeou vaoe e-ayuy ey «, 08dAte) ap EyNOK LyI2Jo "ROI oes Torfos 1 Snour]y rnpoior ‘asssyq) insu a,89Soa0d wand yet 1S dojuniusts Yy Yeas vse ese) uf 1oye-ouNUE nd HS Ty ‘git teoun ef 1505 _v-op a]UREN nat yo ysup my NS Teo SMO} FUE Ze VIEL UY wsvoe pad 4 repesy ‘asoaand S1S-9P-P:) WH “ny 988417) ‘ouoey Int Te “ay no va" osdéey ‘nStiwa0y vunyiny 99 ydnp ‘ojooe, IE aq0A nD" ap yound ys09e us 1 eqnsuy “e430, Uye os ojosy “eaivosjur oonpod 9s emuy> pun uy [ne ap weye sur 9s juyoy, “worse + -oyunpeA‘oTETUA, Hys anfosdwpmnf “eNysooe voy yIS ows od eIAsM BG 98 ‘sepay sSasug ‘osvjozdiayay gyrummue o-1yut ‘9989 a4 18 [099 purluds os o1vo ad ‘pun sixy agony apun ad jnjound pap “HOIEREM [NOHLEALIO™ 9}S9 oAeD “PeX}ID jound yso9e Uy “tA|NID Yo} ose001 asosunte / i

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