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System PHASE

Phase Activities

Planning * Define the problem

 The problem is being identified which is  the slow enrollment
* Confirm project feasibility
 The possibility of making the project will be assess through
evaluating the technical resources of chances that they meet the
project necessities, reviewing the organizations' compliance to
legal procedures, if solution is reliable and in with the allocated
budget, having realistic project time frame,and assess the value
of the project when done and use, if will justify the cost. 
* Produce project schedule
 Creating time table for the project base on sdlc phase(see gantt
chart below)

Analysis * Gather information

Activities   Examine the problem by conducting surveys to the students,
parents or guardians, and faculty as well as evaluating the
procedure being done by the university in their previous to their
current enrollment process, know about the systems that the
other schools are adopting as well as to other existing system 
*Define system requirements
 In defining the system requirements,the team will look into the
aspect of what the client or organization needs, which is to have
a better enrollment system that can address the sluggish
enrollment process through the system that they are working. A
system that contains the technical and functional requisites to
create the project that will be used to fix the problem.
* Review recommendations with management
 The team will coordinate and conduct meetings with the client or
organisation to discuss and review recommendations

Design Activities * Design and integrate the network

 Luzviminda and their team will now design the network based on
the gathered information from the organisation and determined
* Design user interface
 In designing user interface,the team will critically select interface
elements with respect to the  purpose of a functional system that
works best for enrollment processing
* prototypes for design details
 The developing team will create an experimental model as
exploratory approach to test the functionality of each design
element concepts of the proposed enrollment system they are
Implementation * Verify and test
Activities  The team will validate and perform testing to each area in the
system they are working to detect and fix issues in order to
prevent the problem to exist , which may cause a minor to a
possible complete system failure.
* Train users and document the system
 The team will train the school staffs or faculty that are in-charge
in handling the enrollment procedures then the team will
document how the system works
* Install the system
 After the training and documentation of the system, the
developer team will now install the system.

Support * maintain the system

Activities  Address errors and apply modest changes to processing needs
as the way to maintain the system. Organization must consider
having or delegating system support teams.
* enhance the system
 The university must consider initiating upgrading their system
which will result in a new version in order to adapt with the
possible changes caused by some factors for the system to
continuously function.
* Support users 
 Provide assistance to users through conducting training sessions
for the potential or new users to work for the school and to gain
experience that can make them familiarize the system's
problems and needs.

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