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Now days, everyone certainly wants a good generation in the future, therefore they have
the principle that to get a good generation, they must have a good education as well. An
uneducated generation will only destroy a group or even a country. Education has various
meaning according to experts and also has function and benefits. One of its functions is to
develop individual talents for personal satisfaction and for the benefit of society. There are many
functions that we can get from education. Because of the education human can rise in rank. It’s
not just an increase in degrees; the people with a high education, the humans will be able to
prosper themselves and even their nation and country.

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning
process so that students actively develop their potential. There are many definitions of educations
by experts. First, According to Plato (Greek Philosopher) education is everything that helps the
development of individuals from body and mind with something that allows the achievement of
perfection. Second, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau (French Philosopher) education is to
provide us with supplies that we did not have in childhood, but we need them as adults. Third,
according to John Stuart Mill (English Philosopher) education is everything that is done by
someone for himself or done for others by him, with the aim of bringing him closer to the level
of perfection. According to John Dewey (United States Philosopher) education is the process of
forming fundamental skills, both concerning the power of thought and intellectual power as well
as emotional power or feeling towards nature and fellow human beings. According to Martinus
Jan Langeveld the word education refers to the various efforts, influence, protection and
assistance provided by adults to children in order to progress to the process of maturation or
more precisely to help children to become more competent in carrying out their own life tasks.
And education is a process or activity directed at changing human behavior. According to Ki
Hajar Dewantara (Father of Indonesian National Education) education is a demand in the life of
the growth of children, meaning that education guides all the natural forces that exist in these
children, so that they as humans and as members of society can achieve the highest safety and
happiness. And education generally means efforts to advance character (character inner
strength), mind (intellectual) and physical children in harmony with nature and society. The
benefit of education is to develop individual talents for personal satisfaction and for the benefits
of society.

Health is a state of well-beings of body, soul, and social that enables everyone to live socially
and economically productive. Health maintenance is an effort to overcome and prevent health
problems that require examination treatment and/or care.

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