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Data Collection Assignment

Bailey Riddick

UED 496

11 April 2022
Data Collection Assignment

Part One:

This data assignment focuses on the Virginia Department of Education Math SOL 1.9: “The

student will investigate the passage of time and tell time to the hour and half-hour, using analog

and digital clocks” (1.9a, 2016). The pre-assessment was given at the beginning of our telling

time unit to measure the student’s prior knowledge on telling time on an analog clock and be

able to write the time in digital form. Each student was given two images of an analog clock

with different times. The students were to look at each image and write in the blanks. The

entirety of the data collection was over a two-week span, with the post-assessment being given

on the third week. This unit focused on the importance of measuring time and showing what time

it was on a clock. An important aspect of this unit and SOL is an essential knowledge of

identifying different parts of an analog clocks to match times with times shown. This is what I

hoped to accomplish for this pre-assessment, to “provide evidence to help teachers effectively

match instruction with the needs of students” (Murky, 2011).

Data of this pre-assessment and unit have been collected from my second placement at

Butts Road Primary, where I have been in a first-grade classroom. There is a total of 25 students

in the Mrs. Valori Justiss’ class, specifically 13 boys and 12 girls. There is only one IEP in the

class for speech, and that student receives accommodations in the class as well as a separate class

during reading and phonics. While I have pre-assessed every student, I have highlighted and

focused on six individuals throughout this assignment. I have chosen a variety of students based

on their readiness and prior knowledge on telling time. This preassessment shows how well

students can tell time and write the time in correct form.
Copy of Pre-Assessment

Copies of Student Work:

Student B Student P
Student Y Student X

Student E Student H

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