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Loving Your Body

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let that breath out slowly and fully. Today we are
going to learn something important about our amazing bodies.

As you relax more and more, you can feel your entire body getting warm and comfortable. Your
mind feels relaxed; your body feels relaxed. All is well.

As you rest in this peaceful state, let your mind drift as you listen to my words.

Think for a moment about your body. No matter the shape or size, your body is magnificent and
beautiful. Your body is composed of individual cells, which work together in harmony to keep
you at your very best.

Let’s think about your feet. You might have little crooked toes, you might have perfectly straight
ones, yet each and every one is perfect in its own way. Your feet and toes help you move and
get to where you want to go. Say a little thank you to your amazing feet that carry you places
you want to go.

Now think about your legs – your wonderful, beautiful legs. Legs are all shaped differently, but
what matters is that they are powerful enough to help us move.

It’s very important to keep in mind that you don’t need to look like anyone else. You are already
the perfect YOU!

We can love and appreciate our bodies exactly as they are. As we get older, we may notice
some people complain about their bodies. They forget that all bodies are special and beautiful in
their own way.

How boring it would be if everyone looked exactly alike! We are each so wondrously made, and
we should always remember to love each and every part of our powerful, amazing bodies –
inside and out.

Consider your strong back and shoulders. They help you lift and move things. They hold you up
straight and help you walk tall. It’s important to be thankful for your strong back and shoulders
for carrying what you need to carry in life.

Think about your arms and hands now. How wonderful it is to be able to hug the people you
love. Thanks to our arms and hands, we can hold the people we care about during happy times
and sad times, too. Be thankful to your arms for how strong and beautiful they are, helping you
every day.
Finally, think about your beautiful face. There is no other face like yours. People can see your
beautiful inner light shining out through your eyes – and even through your smile.

Remember today – and every day – to be very thankful for your marvelous body. It will be with
you always, to help you experience life and express yourself in many fantastic ways.

When you’re ready and with another deep breath, open your eyes.

You’ve done a wonderful job relaxing your body and learning to be thankful for it today.

Happy Heart

Take a nice deep breath and close your eyes. We are going on a magical journey inside!

Did you know you are so amazing you can go anywhere you want – simply by using your
imagination? That’s how extraordinarily talented you are.

Today let’s take a journey into our own hearts – a very special, beautiful place.

There are times when we might feel sad or down, and that’s ok. Anytime we feel sad, we can
check in with our heart. We can choose to surround ourselves with a beautiful glowing light to
bring ourselves comfort during worrisome times.

First, you might see this as sunlight – warm, calming, soothing to your body and mind. It might
be yellow and misty. Breathe it in deeply and allow it to relax and comfort you. Notice how it
gives you a sense of peace.

Feel that warm glowing light now surrounding your body.

Watch now as the light changes to soft blue, like the color of the sky on a clear, dreamy day.
The soft blue calms you and brings you even more peace now. You might begin to feel as if you
are drifting on a cloud.

Gently and ever so softly, the light now changes into a pinkish color. Just watch what it does.

Breathe in deeply now as you allow the light pink color to gently flow into your body and flow
directly to your heart. Feel the gentle light nudge any hurts away. It helps you let go of sadness
and worry as you exhale.

Pay attention to the fact that as you exhale any hurt feelings, pain, or sadness, your heart
begins to feel a lighter, a little freer. The soft, gentle light fills up the space in your heart, and
shines out any sadness or pain. See the soft, glowing light filling up all that space in your
heart….gently, easily, and lovingly.

Breathe this peacefulness deeply into every part of you, and notice the calm and stillness take

Life just feels better. Your heart feels better. This feeling will stay with you throughout the day.
Remember that you can always call on this golden light to help you at any time.

Imagine your heart now beating with happiness, jumping with joy and excitement at how many
wonderful people and beautiful things surround you.

Life is so good, and you feel peaceful. Take a moment just to feel gratitude for all the love and
caring that surrounds you. It’s so amazing.

Feeling calm and peaceful now, turn your attention back to the room and your day, knowing that
peace is yours.

Take in another deep breath now and exhale fully.

When you are ready give yourself a big stretch and open your eyes if you feel like it. Or relax
the rest of your way into peaceful sleep.

The big white house

Imagine walking along a long white beach. You can hear the gulls and the gentle roll of the
waves. Your feet sink into the warm, white sand. It is quiet and safe. You are alone walking into
the soft sea wind. The sun is shining down on you, making you warm. You have been looking
for a place to be quiet and comfortable. This feels as if it is your beach, yours alone.

You stop and stand, looking out over the immense expanding ocean. It shows its green top-
water, its purple mid-water, and its gray powerful underwater. The colors are mixing and
churning, creating the bubbly white crest at the top of each wave. The roll of each wave sounds
like the Earth, breathing. O…cean. O…cean. Over and over again with each wave. You feel the
power of the ocean and the Earth.

A short distance ahead of you, you now notice a big, white house. It is beckoning to you. It looks
like a temple or small castle of some sort. You walk towards it, relaxed and interested. Your
follow a short path to the house and see that the large door is open. Your feel that it is perfectly
OK for you to go inside. It is safe and calm.
You step out of the sunshine and into the coolness of this beautiful house. You find yourself in a
huge hallway with plants and paintings. A magnificent, marble staircase stands before you. You
know you want to go up those stairs. You become aware of a very heavy backpack that you
have been carrying all this time.

The backpack is full of your worries, troubles, concerns, and negative feelings. You have been
carrying them for a long time and you realize that this backpack is weighing you down. Your
shoulders ache, and your back feels tight and stiff from all these feelings.

Slowly remove your backpack and with it all your worries and concerns. You feel released, free!
You can now easily ascend the staircase. Each step you take, you become lighter, happier, and
quieted. Each step brings you closer to absolute comfort and joy. The comfort and joy live in
you, and now there is nothing to get in the way of feeling them, reaching them, having comfort
and joy.

Now at the top of the stairs, you are strong and certain. A large window is open at the top of the
stairs, and in front of it is a big, white comfortable chair. You sit down and face the window,
watching the magnificent ocean once again. This time is yours. You watch from your chair, by
your window in your house. Breathe in the soft ocean air, and know you are home.”

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