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The Lego Ideas platform was officially launched in 2014, it allows fans to submit their new

product concepts or even ideas for entire Lego set.

Most of these folks, perhaps all of them, have reassembled these Lego bricks in combinations the
company never could imagine.

Every month, this website receives hundreds of submissions of Lego fans across the world. It also
allows other fans to support these ideas. Now, if a given submission receives 10,000 supporters, it is
officially reviewed for the Lego team for possible development it has a new product.

I think it’s a great idea LEGO is utilizing co-structuring kind of co-creation.

For a toy organization like LEGO, to continually think of new thoughts through the conventional way
would be somewhat troublesome. Be that as it may, along these lines of co-manifestations would
make it simpler for it to pick up purchaser acknowledgment.

"Co-designing", as described by O'Hern and Rindfleisch, is a type of co-creation process in

which a number of customers, the "co-designers", submit product designs to the firm, with a
larger group of customers selecting which designs the firm will produce. With co-designing, there
are often relatively strict submission requirements, so it is categorised as having fixed
contribution. Lego which has introduced the "Lego Ideas" platform to rope in the users to
contribute a newer design. And once the design garners 10,000 followers, Lego actually brings it
on their Lego store shelves which is also an ideal example for co-creation.

The new vision was to reconstruct the organization's image way of life as an innovative toy-
fabricating undertaking. In this technique, the advertising division was solicited to give a
more extensive vision from advancement and innovativeness in the item improvement
process. The LEGO Group's crucial "Rouse and build up the developers of tomorrow." Its
vision is "Creating the eventual fate of play." To help achieve them, the organization utilizes
a development procedure and an advancement methodology. The capacity to rouse vast
innovativeness is the thing that separates Lego from some other toy retailer. It is likewise the
item separate upper hand of the organization which keeps them remain the main situation in
the business. LEGO can develop and support the development, deals, income and notoriety of
the organization by including clients in its co-creation. Clients' surveys, criticism and
proposals are paid attention to very considered in this day and age. Co-creation makes and
upgrades the incentive for everybody associated with the worth chain. Purchasers who are
very dynamic eyewitnesses and invest a lot of energy in online life approach enthusiastically
to give productive criticism which helps in building the brand. In the times past, dominant
part of the ventures used to feel that solitary the representatives working in the association
were an important resource and asset for them.

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