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In specific religions, youngsters are taught that any goal is achievable with enough hard work.

this philosophy can be a strong motivation for someone, it may also a serious affection on a mental
health for many others.

On one hand, this philosophy mention one of the most significant benefit of the effort, which can
encourage young people to follow their dreams. Hard- working is considered as one of the key
components making one’s dream come true and spending their lives with fulfillment. For example,
before becoming a successful businessman and making an empire of cartoon industry, Walt Disney have
spent many times to be rejected by many film creators. Without trying his best, persistent and
consecutive years also, they could never see his enormous success. Another benefit of this teaching is
belief. Everyone can pursue their aspiration as long as they have their belief. No matter what their
backgrounds are, they can have a prosperous career if they know their goals and follow it.

On the other hand, this approach can also has some drawbacks. Firstly, it may put the pressure on
children if they being repeatedly told by parents that only hard-work can lead them to success. In some
studies, the researchers get the point that not a small number of teenagers who commit suicide to
escape this burden. Secondly, this teaching can danger youngster’s self-awareness because of unrealistic
goals. For instance, a person without being keen on math is unlikely to become a math teacher,
regardless of how much effort they make. Therefore, hard working in an unsuitable fields will be
supposed to make a serious effect on people.

In consumption, teaching children that hard-working can ensure their demand, is inspirational.
However, it also properly has negative impacts on pursuing unsuitable goals. Therefore, adults should be
cautious before teaching children this philosophy.

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