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The series


Technique: 3D Stereoscopic and/or CGI

Original version: English
Genre: Comedy and adventures
Nominado en Nominado en
Nueva promesa 2011
FICOD 2010
Mejor proyecto no Start up
Producer: Hampa Studio
Distribution: Planeta Junior
del 2 al 7 de Abril
The series: Top Facts

Is available on:
The series: Top Facts

Laika series is:

We have interactive sections like:

· “I want to be an Astronaut”
· A voting system for choose
the next episode.
The series: Top Facts

How it works?

During each episode’s closing credits, Laika will display her star cards to decide
which coordinates they’ll be following next. Laika or one of her fellow crew
members will propose three options and the public will choose the crew’s next
destination. This way, we encourage spectator participation and they will feel like
Alex or Carol, one of the goals in the series’ evolution.

Voting will be done online, through the Laika website (currently available at, and will be sent as an independent module to each Channel so it can
implement it personally on its own corporative website. This way we achieve the first
cross-platform exchange.

Another form of interactivity will be the selection of a "guest astronaut" for each
episode, where a picture of one of the viewers will be automatically introduced in a
designated slot during the episode.
The series: Top Facts

and also is:

· The series offers extra contents trought diferent


· Encourages interaction between contents and spectator.

The series: Top Facts

How it works?

Laika Space Adventures emerges as one of the first stereoscopic 3D contents

including interactive applications and transmedia to be produced in Spain.

We plan to develop a series of contents revolving around the show that can only be
accessed using other platforms different from television.

Lets take a look at the website!

The series: Top Facts

1.- Makes it possible to create a user base because people have to register to be
able to access the additional content. It is a valuable data collection tool for
developing marketing campaigns as well as evaluating and improving the series.
The series: Top Facts

2.-Makes it possible to choose the next episode to be broadcast through online

voting (differentiates between IP addresses based on geographic area to separate
votes according to the corresponding channel). The episode selected by the public
is sent to the channel online.
The series: Top Facts

3.-Makes it possible to send an image that will be included at the end of the
episode, thanks to a postproduction application.
The series: Top Facts

3.-On the website we want to include sections like:

· Augmented reality module: where the user can manipulate online all the different
products that will be included in the readers and other merchandise like picture
cards, game boxes, T-shirts, etc.
The series: Top Facts

· Connected online games with an internal results ranking, where players in the top
positions will be able to exchange their points for gifts or benefits.
The series: The Idea

Laika and her crew, lost in space, struggle daily to find a way that will take
them back home to Earth.

Laika is in contact with Alex and Carol, two kids from Earth who try to
combine their complicated and busy teenage life with helping Laika and her
fellow crew members, using a computer that links them up via satellite.

But life in space and on Earth isn’t so easy; in space they have to contend with
the space pirate Captain Manrer and his henchmen and on Earth, with Mark
the blockhead, Carol’s big brother.
The series: The Idea

On Earth, between connections with Laika’s ship, Alex, a teenager into sci-fi,
tries to spend the day chilling in his room, enjoying his video game consoles
and his space combat movies.

His neighbor Carol, a highly gifted fashion-victim, knows Alex’s secret,

because without her knowledge of “nanotechnology applied to intergalactic
telecommunications”, they would never have been able to contact Laika’s

But Alex gets extremely annoyed by Carol’s presence because she rattles on
nonstop about boys, clothes and her favorite band. They both have to deal
with exams, their parents’ grounding them and Mark’s irritating
shenanigans, while trying to help Laika and her crew without anyone finding
The series: The Idea

Our five astronauts live aboard the spaceship Spetnik: Captain Laika, a
Russian dog. Desmond the French cat and a remarkable inventor, or at least
that’s what he thinks. Goliath, a monkey with a great sense of rhythm
convinced he’s a big rock star on Earth. Chop, the bad-tempered Chinese
mouse, mechanics expert, and his brother Suey, a very laid-back mouse with
a big appetite in charge of cooking for all of them.

Laika and the rest of the crew try to return to Earth the quickest way
possible, but they can’t help lending a hand wherever they’re needed, even
though they have to watch out for Captain Manrer, a bumbling space pirate,
and his bothersome nephew who is spending his vacation on his uncle’s ship.
The series: The characters
The characters: Alex, The Boy

A 15-year-old boy living in a middle-class

family and who has always wanted to be an
astronaut. When he turned 10, his father gave
him a high-powered telescope and now he
knows the entire solar system by heart.

He’s “hooked” on his computer, moviles, and

other gadgets with a screen used to, among
other things, play all sorts of different games.
He also loves sci-fi movies.

With the help of his highly gifted neighbor, he

accessed and modified a computer program so
he could contact beings from other planets. One
evening, he accidentally linked up with the
computer on Laika’s ship and, since then, they
are constantly connected.

He doesn’t like doing homework and gets

easily distracted with his gizmos; this gets him
endlessly grounded by his parents. He’s
extremely messy and jealously guards his
privacy and his things.
The characters: Carol, The Girl

She’s the 14-year-old neighbor from

across the street. A girl with an
exceptionally gifted mind and who’s very
attractive to boot. She knows Alex’s big
secret and, because she’s so brainy, she
helps him out with his telescope and other
technical or computer-related problems.

Besides her passion for computers, her

other topics of conversation are boys and
her favorite band, “The Rockets”. She’s
also crazy about fashion and accessories.

She’s constantly touching Alex’s things,

something that bothers him tremendously.
She never gets angry and doesn’t pick up
on hints. She’s very clumsy physically and
is a scatterbrain.
The characters: Mark, The Bad Guy

He’s Carol’s 16-year old big brother.

He’s in Alex’s class because he’s a

repeater. He’s not interested in anything
not related to sports, but he’s not sure
about which one.

He’s constantly trying out for new sports,

but never sticks with it more than two

In his free time he likes to pull pranks that,

occasionally, consist of pestering his sister
and Alex.
The characters: Laika, The Captain

She’s the famous Russian Dog, Captain of

the Spetnik.

Laika is a little bipolar, sometimes she’s

nice and sweet, and sometimes she’s
bossy and out-of-control.

She’s methodical and very orderly. And

she’s very “domineering”.

Her big obsession is to return to Earth.

Her bedside book is “From the Earth to the

Moon” by Jules Verne.

Laika keeps a diary where she likes to write

frequently, because it’s good therapy for
her to let off steam.
The characters: Desmond, The Inventor

He’s the ship’s French Cat.

Desmond considers himself to be a great

inventor and the truth is he actually does
have some good ideas, but he’s a bit sloppy
when it comes to putting them into

As a result, his inventions sometimes don’t

turn out as well as he expects.
The characters: Goliath, King of Rock

He’s from the United States and is a


Goliath is in charge of the Ship’s

electronic devices. He is annoyingly
hyperactive, and dreams of becoming a
great musician.

He has a cocky, utterly rocker-style

attitude, and considers himself to be the
big star of the show.

All the cockiness he flaunts vanishes when

they’re in danger; he’s a coward, to the
point of breaking down with a narcolepsy
The characters: Chop, The Mechanic

One of the Chinese mice twins, missing a

piece of his ear.

He’s bad-tempered and detests the

situation he’s in, but he accepts it with
resignation. He can’t stand Goliath.

He’s very meticulous and knows a lot

about mechanics, but gets the job done
after a ton of complaints and reproaches.
His brother Suey’s uselessness gets on his

Chop is convinced he works more than

anyone else on the entire ship, and that if
it wasn’t for him, they wouldn’t even be
alive still. It bothers him not to feel
acknowledged, resulting in his bad temper.
The characters: Suey, The Chef

Chop’s twin brother.

He’s the chubbier of the two.

His intelligence is very limited, just

enough to get through the day. He’s happy
and carefree.

When it comes to food, he’s an expert chef

and an uncontrollable glutton.
The characters: Captain Manrer

No one knows why, but Manrer hates

Laika and her crew: Anything furry, four
legged and kind is in danger near him.

He suffers a curious illnes he named as

"Manrer's Original Random and
Selective Amnesia" (or MORSA), so he
remembers what he likes and pretends
nothing happened when he does
something wrong, what happens
suprisingly often.

Manrer has a full crew of Space Pirates.

They don't take him very seriously
because of his aspect, but be careful,
besides his looks he is incredibly evil.
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika
The art of Laika

Goliath is on guard duty while the rest of

the crew sleeps. Seeing that it’s a very
boring evening, he’s watching a TV show
where they’re raffling off a trip on the
luxurious galactic-train, the
Asteroid-Express, but first he has to guess
the answer to a question. Goliath, with
Alex’s help, hastily calls and wins.

Meanwhile on Earth…
Immediately after talking to Goliath, Alex
receives a message in the computer’s chat
room from someone who wants to meet

He gets panicky at first because it’s a girl,

and even though he’s a little reluctant, he
finally winds up writing back and forth with
her all night... like a little lovebird.

Back in space… universe’s crème de la crème. At one point

When Goliath receives the tickets, he of their journey, the Asteroid-Express goes
realizes there are only four. They decide to through a black hole and the train is
hide Chop in one of their suitcases so all plunged into darkness for a few moments.
five of them can go on the trip. Suddenly many screams are heard, and
when they come out of the black hole, all
On Earth… of the passengers’ jewels have been stolen.
It’s daytime now and Carol comes in
through his window to tell him that she On Earth…
likes a friend from the neighborhood, but Meanwhile, to figure out if Carol is the chat
she can’t tell him who it is. At this point room girl or not, Alex asks her what color
Alex starts to suspect that maybe Carol is jacket she’s wearing, and she answers that
the mysterious chat room girl. But that’s it’s red.
impossible; they’re neighbors and have
known each other for ages. Moments later, Carol walks through the
room again, wearing a red jacket. Alex
In space… suddenly gets very edgy and starts trying
Once they’re aboard the train, our heroes to draw attention to himself.
live it up like kings and queens among the

In space… The detective thanks our heroes, but kicks

The train’s detective turns all his them off the train for having brought Chop
suspicions to Laika and her crew, because aboard without a ticket.
they were the last to board.
On Earth…
Laika and her companions undertake their The next day, Alex is wearing a tux and
own parallel investigation to discover who’s there are candles all over the room. Carol
stolen the jewels and clear their name. climbs up and in through the window,
taking him by surprise. But Alex regains his
Chop, who is still hidden away, overhears a composure and tries to kiss her movie
conversation in the luggage compartment. hero-style, but Carol rears up like a cobra
This will solve the case because, thanks to and leaps up onto a closet in a single
Chop, they discover that the jewel thief is bound.
Captain Manrer VIII and his nephew who
were hiding away on the train. Alex doesn’t get it; he knows he’s the
neighborhood boy she likes. Carol starts to
Manrer and his nephew escape, leaving the laugh and tells him that no, it’s not her
jewels behind. neighbor from across the street. Alex can’t
understand it; they had been chatting and

everything. But Carol says it wasn’t her.

And at that very moment, and in front of
Carol, he receives another little message
from the girl. That’s weird. If it’s not Carol,
who else could it be?

In space...
Aboard the Pirate ship, Manrer VIII and his
nephew are ranting and raving about Laika
because, thanks to her, they couldn’t get
away with the jewels.

In the foreground we see a happy little

Polecat Turuncillo dressed up as a woman,
with a red jacket and lipstick, writing in the
ship’s computer’s chat room. “I think it’s
time for us to see each other in person,
Alex… what planet do you live on?”

Laika and her companions continue their

journey towards Earth. Desmond
convinces the others to take a shortcut.
After flying around and around, passing by
strange planets, what everyone suspects is
finally confirmed: they’re lost.

Desmond contacts Alex so he can search

for a way out. Alex processes a universal
GPS with a lightweight program Carol’s
invented, but it looks like it’s not going to
be easy for the computer and he asks them
to be patient.

While searching for the way back, they

stumble on a Macro-restaurant, PLANET ¬
BURGER, and decide to stop and ask
directions to get back.

Meanwhile on Earth… he’s never had one single customer.

Alex is bored with surfing the Internet while Captain Manrer VIII sold him the place and
he’s waiting for the computer to finish lied to him, saying he was going to make
processing. To his surprise: a Space-Wars tons of money.
soldier’s original, limited edition armor.
But it costs too much and his parents Feeling sorry for him, Suey accepts a
definitely won’t want to give him any more hamburger so he doesn’t feel hurt, but
money because he always throws it away when he takes a bite he has to spit it out
on stupid trash. “It’s time to build a future it’s so disgusting.
for yourself”… Alex starts to search for a
job on the Internet to ¬be able to afford the Our heroes are heartbroken, and they
blessed little suit. decide to help out. Chop fixes his lighting,
setting up spotlights that can be seen from
Back in space… anywhere in the galaxy. Suey invents a
The crew enters PLANET-BURGER. The scrumptious hamburger recipe. Goliath
owner comes out to greet them cheerfully puts together a flashy Las Vegas-style
and invites them to taste his marvelous show. Laika works the cash desk and
hamburgers. Laika thanks him but all they Desmond, sporting some ultra-speedy
need are directions to get back on the main skates he invented himself, works as a
route. The owner breaks down and cries, somewhat out-of-control waiter.

On Earth… On Earth…
Alex finds a job as a “bicycle paperboy” Alex gives working as a drawing “teach” for
and without further delay he takes off to kids a try, something easy and not
make the money he so desperately needs. stressful. In the next scene we see his
But he soon returns, dead tired, sweaty, his whole room full of kids jumping on his bed,
shinbones trembling like two bowls of pulling his hair, scrawling on the walls...
Jell-O. etc. Once he’s alone, he decides that this
job isn’t for him either. He’ll have to keep
All this physical work isn’t for him. The looking.
computer’s still processing. He’s going to
have to look for a job that’s more “up his In space…
alley” in the meantime. Success goes to the owner of
PLANET-BURGER’s head and he becomes a
In space… tyrant, taking advantage of Laika and her
The results of the entire crew’s hard work companions to the extreme.
aren’t long in coming and customers begin
to arrive in droves. The business is a huge The only one that’s happy about the
success, and Laika and her fellow crew situation is Goliath, because he’s become
members work day, afternoon and night. the restaurant’s big star.

One night they decide to escape, dragging Days later, Laika and her companions are
Goliath along with them because they can’t talking leisurely. Alex proudly shows them
take the owner’s tyranny any more. When the Space-Wars armor he’s bought. When
the owner sees them escaping, he runs Chop asks him how he’s paid for
after them wielding a shotgun and something so expensive, Alex says working
shouting “DESERTERS”. They quickly in security for some high-ranking
contact Alex, who has just finished the politicians. Just then Carol appears
universal GPS processing at this very dressed as a girl scout/cookie salesgirl,
moment. and presses Alex to put on a skirt and grab
some cookies since it’s his last day on the
He sends them the information they need job.
with the right way to get back to the main
route, and they disappear before the Alex blushes and the entire Spetnik crew
astonished gaze of the owner who breaks bursts out laughing… well, all except one
down and cries, until he sees the enormous of them, Suey, who’s kind of busy. He’s set
amount of money he’s made. up a Drive-in Burger joint in the Spetnik,
serving his now famous space burger. The
Seconds later, he spends it all on an line of ships waiting their turn disappears
absurd investment a travelling salesman back into space.
offers him, and winds up ruined again.

Alex has an exam coming up and is scared

out of his mind. He doesn’t know the
material and it’s just 2 days away. But he
suddenly comes up with an idea: why not
make a robot identical to himself that can
go to school and take the exam for him?

Alex calls his neighbor and explains his

plan. She offers to help him study but
never to cheat on an exam.

In space…
Alex calls the ship. The only one who pays
any attention to him is Desmond. The other
are playing hide and seek. Alex asks him
for a favor. He knows he’s a great inventor
and asks him to design a robot specialized
in taking exams. Desmond asks him if it’s
to cheat on a test and Alex says no.

Desmond is satisfied with his obviously In space…

false answer, and in two seconds, he draws Life onboard the ship goes on as normal,
up some drafts and sends them to him. except for Laika2 (Cheerful, Happy,
Carefree and Mad as a hatter), who
Laika, looking for a good place to hide, appears precisely when Laika isn’t around,
discovers Desmond’s corner of defective giving the crew totally absurd orders.
inventions. She’s sure that no one will dare
come near there. She accidentally leans on Since no one notices any physical
a defective gamma ray cannon. difference, they all obey her orders, despite
how silly they may be.
A discharge of rays hits Laika, hurling her
back behind some boxes. The ray has On Earth…
created a second Laika, Laika2, who takes Alex finally has his robot and he dresses
off running about the ship without anyone him up to look like him. Its’ a pretty
realizing it, not even Laika herself. slapdash invention, but the truth is that it
looks a lot like him. When he gives it its
Meanwhile on Earth… first order to walk, it shuts down after
Alex starts building his robot. He doesn’t taking its first step. Alex realizes it will
have much time so he has to rush. work if it’s plugged in to something.

In space… In space…
When Laika reaches the bridge, she sees Laika2 appears on the bridge again, giving
everyone blowing bubbles, sack racing, them the same orders as before. Desmond
and painting the walls different colors. and the others, more and more confused,
Bewildered, Laika asks them what they’re obey and go back to their sack racing,
doing and they all say following her orders. painting the walls... etc. …

After an enormous scolding, she orders As soon as Laika2 leaves, Laika reappears,
them to clean the walls, prepare some food exploding when she sees they’re scrawling
and control the ship’s course. Surprised, on the walls and doing everything else
the crew is bewildered, but obeys. again, and she orders them to clean up the
walls once more. The contradicting orders
On Earth… are driving the crew insane and they wind
Alex goes up to his room with the battery up locking her up in the bathroom.
from his father’s car. He’s convinced that
with all the engine trouble it’s having, he On Earth…
won’t even notice it. He connects the robot Today is exam day, and Alex scans his math
to the battery and it works perfectly. Alex is book with a scanner built into the robot ‘s
ecstatic. head. After a barrage of questions, it’s
confirmed that the robot is a perfect

exam-taking machine. Alex dresses him in He suddenly sees something on the floor.
his clothes. He’s all set. Oh man, he forgot to put on his plastic
raincoat, but he doesn’t think it will be
In space… necessary.
While the crew is locking Laika into the
bathroom, Laika2 suddenly appears Suddenly, it starts raining cats and dogs.
jumping rope. The crew releases Laika. From his window Alex sees the robot, after
a series of jerks and short-circuits, fall
Laika and Laika2 both try to prove that lifelessly to the ground and some scrap
each is the original. Asking them dealers take it away.
questions, Goliath and the others
unintentionally manage to drive Laika Now someone knocks on the bedroom
crazy and she explodes, proving who the door. Disheartened, Alex opens the door
original one is. and a robot that’s identical to Carol walks
in, wearing a raincoat, and it starts to
On Earth… laugh at him.
Alex sends the robot outside, and keeps his
eyes on him from the window, while he goes Meanwhile in space…
over the list in his head: book scanned, Desmond appears with the gamma ray
battery charged, everything oiled up. cannon. According to him, what started

this whole mess will put an end to it, and

he fires a ray at Laika2.

Moments later we see the Spetnik making

bizarre movements and jolting around
from one side to another.

Inside we see the ship is full to bursting

with hundreds and hundreds of Laikas
giving orders nonstop. Goliath, Desmond,
Chop and Suey have locked themselves
into the bathroom.

Alex has a school trip to see Central Lake.

Hedoesn’t feel like going at all; as everyone
knows, in the middle of the countryside
there’s no Internet and he can’t connect
his game consoles. He wants to get out of
it and stay home with his cherished
electronic devices, but he doesn’t know
how. Laika tells him he should go on out
and enjoy the countryside.

In space…
In the middle of the conversation a tiny
black Alien cuts in front of the ship. Goliath
slams on the brakes and the connection
with Alex gets cut off. Everyone wonders
what the problem is. Goliath explains that
if a black alien cuts in front of you, it
means 5 days of bad luck. Everyone laughs
at him and they continue their journey.

Moments later Desmond gets his hand shows up at Alex’s house. He asks her to
caught in the door. Goliath chalks it up to cough in his face and to leave her viruses
bad luck, but the rest of them see it as an floating in the air so he can catch a heavy
unimportant, isolated event. But it is very one too.
important to Desmond, because his hand
is totally bent out of shape. In space…
The Spetnik continues its voyage. Goliath
On Earth… keeps insisting on the evil eye. Laika says
Alex is still trying to think of a way to avoid no, those are only old wives’ tales.
the trip, but with no luck, so he decides to Suddenly a sheet of space garbage flies
call his brainy neighbor to see if she can straight towards the flight deck, barely
come up with something. But Carol is at giving them time to maneuver. When they
home sick with horrible flu. A light bulb are just about to collide, Laika swerves
goes off for Alex. If he catches the Flu he sharply, skillfully avoiding it.
won’t have to go and he can stay at home
playing with his Play Station. Laika proudly tells Goliath that if they had
bad luck, they would have crashed. She
After much insistence, Carol, sick and hasn’t even finished her sentence when we
wrapped from head to toes in a blanket, hear a scream coming from the kitchen.

Suey is totally scorched because with the He doesn’t get it, he should be burning up
sharp swerve, the hot chocolate he was with fever. Much to his regret, he picks up
preparing as an afternoon snack has his backpack. While Laika cheers him up,
spilled all over him. he tells him to make the most of the things
that they aren’t going to be seeing for a
Bowing to the evidence, they decide to put long time. Suddenly, Laika receives a
an end to their bad luck and search for the strong electric shock. Alex understands
black alien, so he can cross their path that he should go out and enjoy nature, and
again and cancel out the curse. in the end he’s happy about this new
On Earth…
When night falls, Alex goes to sleep In space…
uncovered with two ice cubes under each Still annoyed about the electric shock she’s
armpit and the window open. He goes over just received, Laika sees the black Alien in
his steps and thinks he’s done everything front of the ship. Laika tries to cross over in
just right to catch the flu. front of it, but they bump into an asteroid
and Chop falls face first onto the floor.
The next day he wakes up in perfect shape. Frightened, the alien takes off.
He takes his temperature and it says 19º.

As he escapes, Laika constantly tries to much as he wants. But Alex replies that he
cross in front of the alien, causing all sorts can’t, they make his head hurt and the only
of blows, falls, bruises... etc. think he feels like doing is sleeping.

Finally, and after almost destroying the Suey appears with a giant mirror that he
entire ship, they manage to cross in front can barely carry. He thinks it’s pretty and
of the black Alien, and all of their would look good on the bridge. He
misfortunes are over. suddenly trips and the mirror breaks into a
thousand pieces. Horrified, Goliath covers
After being jinxed, the crew enjoys a his face with his hands.
peaceful day. When they contact Alex, they
see he’s in bed with a hot water bottle on Laika, seeing Goliath’s expression, asks
his head. He explains that when they went him if this is also going to mean a week of
out to the country, they got trapped in a bad luck. He says no. They all relax until he
downpour and he caught the cold of the explains that it’s not a week, it’s 7 years.
year. They all scream in horror.

Goliath says that now he can make the

most of it and play with his gizmos as

Laika is surprised. Alex and Carol have

found a briefcase on a park bench and
taken it home. Goliath recommends they
take it back and leave it where they found
it. Alex and Carol say that’s what they’ll do
and then suspiciously end the connection.

The crew is tired and bored after so many

days in space.

Chop sees as planet with a small, pleasant

little town and decides to land. Meanwhile
they comment that they’re sure Alex and
Carol will return the briefcase.

On Earth…
Alex and Carol are totally petrified before
the open briefcase. On the floor, in front of
them, there is an ungodly pile of money
Alex starts to fantasize about what he can
do with so much money.

Carol does too, until she finally reacts and On Earth…

says they should call the police. Alex is Alex and his neighbor are sitting with the
against it because it might be Mafia money shades drawn and the lights off,
and they could be digging their own grave. hypnotized as they stare at the pile of
These words make both of them panic and money. They don’t even want to go outside
they draw the shades and turn off the they’re so scared. At one point Carol really
lights. has to pee. To go out safely and unnoticed,
she disguises herself with a trench coat
In space… and a hat.
The Spetnik lands on the idyllic planet of
Rosewood. There are a lot of people Meanwhile back in space…
expecting them. Goliath is convinced that Our friends are locked up by the Sheriff in
they’re fans who are following the five crew the maximum security jail, where the most
member’s adventures. When they set foot dangerous prisoners in the quadrant are
on the ground, they are immediately found. Laika and the others meet Melvin, a
arrested by the Sheriff and his deputy. prisoner who lends them a hand so they
They entire town is extremely angry with can survive on the inside. Melvin has been
Laika and her companions. They accuse locked up for over 300 years for stealing a
them of having robbed the town’s candy lollypop that was on the ground.
bank. Laika and the others are bewildered.

Laika starts to panic. If Melvin was The situation reaches the point that it’s so
sentenced to 300 years for a “previously unhealthy, they decide to put an end to it.
sucked on” lollipop, although unfairly They put the money back into the case and
accused, how many would they get for go down to the park at night to leave it on
robbing the candy bank? At this point one the same park bench where they’d found it.
of the prisoners congratulates them on the
job and shows them a picture from the Alex and Carol can finally sleep in peace.
newspaper where you can clearly see
Manrer VIII and four henchmen, wearing In space…
masks of Laika and the rest of the crew, It is finally D-Day and H-Hour. With Melvin’s
robbing the bank. They don’t have time to help, and after a somewhat chaotic
think twice. They need to escape or they’ll getaway, they manage to escape from
spend the rest of their days there. prison. Once they’re out, Melvin decides to
stay. He wants to rectify his mistake, and
On Earth… he’s going to spend his time collecting all
Totally paranoid, Alex and Carol eat and the previously sucked on lollypops he sees
sleep beside the money, always keeping on the ground and give them to kids. After
one eye open. The hours of lost sleep and an emotional but short goodbye, our
the lack of light multiplies their mutual heroes reach the municipal tow truck,
distrust. where the Spetnik is being held.

Desmond takes out an invention of his, a Alex springs out of bed, staring at the
silencer, to break open the gate. Of course radio. Carol stands frozen in front of it.
Desmond’s silencer wakes up the entire Carol starts to cry and Alex bangs his head
town and they just barely manage to get against the wall.
In space…
On Earth… Chop runs onto the bridge where
The next day, Carol arrives in the morning, everyone’s talking about to Alex and Carol.
happy and radiant after having gotten rid Chop is carrying today’s paper where it
of the wretched briefcase. To wake up Alex, says that they’ve caught Manrer VIII and
she turns the radio all the way up. Alex his entire crew, accused of robbing the
doesn’t want to get up, he’s exhausted. The candy bank. They were found on a nearby
radio announcer says that they already moon, with upset stomachs from so much
have a winner in the contest called “The candy.
Briefcase” a contest that consists of
finding a briefcase randomly left on a park Desmond jumps on the others, dresses as
bench with a million Euros in it. Whoever a rustler. He thinks being an outlaw was
finds this briefcase gets to keep the money, fun.
tax-free even. Well they have a winner:
Ronald the neighborhood street cleaner.


Figures and stuffed toys




21 23

What we should know about Saturn...

Saturn has an equatorial diameter of 119,300 kilometres; this

makes it the second largest Planet from the Solar System!
Saturn’s days are very short, they last 10 hours and 39 minutes
but take 29.5 terrestrial years to go around the Sun and due
to its raSid rotation it is Áattened at the Soles.

Its atmosphere is
composed mostly
of Hydrogen with
a smaller amount
of Helium and

Saturn is the only

Planet of the Solar
System that is less
dense than water
(About 30%) if we could create an ocean large enough
Saturn would Áoat on it

Saturn’s winds are known for blowing very hard, about 500
metres per second. But its speed lowers when we go further
Distribuido por: / +34 93.492.85.71

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