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My perspective on Globalization

For some, this global phenomenon is inextricably linked to human nature. As a result,
some argue that globalization began around 60,000 years ago, at the dawn of human history. The
exchange of goods and services between human societies has grown over time. Different
civilizations have developed commercial trade routes and experienced cultural exchanges since
ancient times. In addition, the migratory phenomenon has played a role in these population
exchanges. Particularly now that travel has become faster, more comfortable, and more
affordable. Throughout history, this phenomenon has persisted, most notably through military
conquests and exploration expeditions. Globalization accelerated only after technological
advancements in transportation and communication. World trades accelerated to such a
magnitude and speed after the second half of the twentieth century that the term "globalization"
began to be widely used.
The progress and development that we are able to savor nowadays is a by product of
man’s resourcefulness and willingness to discover something that goes beyond his own
standards. The closing decades of both 19th and 20thth century were notable for accelerating
advances in technology and the subsequent improvement in communications of all kinds. The
increasing power of the mass media, especially television, since the start of great technological
innovation had fueled a rise in popular culture with its associated establishment ideals, and this
in turn was prompting political and social change. From the 1960s onward, globalization was
rampant in every corner throughout the world and it continuously gathered momentum in to
bring the economic and political on its maximum capacities through globalization. The
occurrence of such economic and political ideology in our society is irrefutably engenders
significant preferences in our personal lifestyle and perspectivism on how should we live our
own lives.
The effects of this globalize expansion produces tremendous effects both on political and
social strata, that in some sense it enhances man’s innate capacity to acquire substantial
knowledge and understanding in terms of the effect of globalization per se. Globalization is a
movement in which it always tackles the integral view in an international stage amongst people
to people, that includes companies, governments and politics. Globalization expands its own
horizon globally to assume its own scope to develop more opportunities through exchange both
economically and politically. From my own personal point of view, globalization is deeply
rooted with political and economic structure which brings a lot of impact on both social issues,
cultural and ethnical networks which necessitates universal understanding and collaboration
between countries to synergize their force to move forward to build a sustainable yet progressive
nation that they are aiming for. I would like to highlight the important aspect of sustainability
because globalization in itself is part of our modern day-to-day living that generates the needs of
the people and secures their own survivability in terms of geopolitical and economical
preservation by those who are in the organizations. In building a proper yet progressive alliances
both governmental offices and NGO’s that needs to build an environment that would always
cater the needs of their own citizens.
In gazing inwardly to build a just globalize world, it needs to tap educational sectors to
produce better leaders in the future. It is upon rethinking the path of understanding educational
and lingual parlance that a nation could always strive for. There must be a way in which we need
to think willingly on how should we able to produce a kind of thinking that aims for change and
builds more productive students that would lead a country towards its own promise land. New
realities call for personal responsibility of the self. And it depends on the capacity of the nation
on how it perceives the immanent progress of globalization and grabs the opportunity for
creativity to face the emerging challenges which would help creating a nation that is sustainable
for the next generation. Thus, there must be a balance between globalizing and integrating the
real value of education in a global perspective. In view of improvement, it is not just enough to
say that we are able to progress because of the effect of globalization per se but we need to take
into consideration the indispensable role of education in obtaining progress.
Globalization refers to the worldwide interconnection of people and businesses, which
eventually leads to cultural, political, and economic integration. It is the ability to move around
the world and communicate easily with others in order to conduct international business. The
invention of the airplane, the telephone, and the Internet are just three examples of globalization's
impact. Business and industry have the potential to make huge profits working globally due to
the increased demand in the high-tech industry around the world. Globalization is an important
concept for students in higher education to understand and appreciate in today's world because
businesses and industries are looking for people who can work with people from different
countries and cultures and, if necessary, travel internationally to promote their business or
industry. Furthermore, the world faces global challenges that will require interdisciplinary teams
to address, such as ensuring that everyone on the planet has access to clean water and making
clean renewable energy affordable, to name a few.
On a global scale, these global challenges will require the gathering and sharing of
knowledge across disciplines, institutions, and other entities institutions. Creating meaningful
global relationships is difficult in and of itself. We will examine global challenges, the
composition of model collaborative international teams, the importance of teaching globalization
in higher education, how to best teach globalization, and discuss best practices in this area in this
Nonetheless, in light of globalization, the renewal of the 21st century educational
landscape is part of educating students about the process of learning and its realization. The
realization of education in globalization fields is critical because it is the primary reason why we
must take education seriously right now. Furthermore, in order for society to develop holistically,
people's cultivation and intellectualization must be widely expanded. In order to promote better
nations prepared for a globalized world, education must be a dynamic source of knowledge
through inclusive practices.
The point is that making real progress necessitates a counterbalance of all factors. If we
want to live in a decent world in the future, we must teach humanity that we must build a world
based on mutual fellowship and understanding, as seen through the eyes of compassion and
respect for human dignity. It necessitates individual participation in order to achieve humanity's
greatest happiness, which is progress with pure justice and equality. Perhaps it is our own moral
obligation to be concerned about the society in which we live, and when it comes to collective
decision-making, we must be guided by our own logic rather than a narrow self-audacious desire
that would lead us astray and individual division is created. The markets mechanism's
aggregation of narrow self-interest has unintended negative consequences. As a result, the most
severe at this time in history is financial market instability.
In seeing something new we are all ask to gaze into our own self how should we see this
kind of progress as a means towards understanding our own historical and economical
sustentation. For us to be enlightened we need to see its positive and negative effects of this
progress. That is why I would emphasize the value of inclusive education because it serves as a
primary factor that helps our own modern society to invigorate and replenish our own lives. As
what I have learned from different educational approach, it is like we must always incorporate
our own progress towards educating person side-by-side with learning how to become an agent
of change. Free relationships within nations are bound to create harmony and peace among
countries that ties their own know for genuine alliance and growth. If this aspiration was been
realize and put into perfection then we provided everyone to succeed in life and then society
reaches its full state of development. The importance of both globalization and education goes
hand in hand for us to see the most effective way to promote a total sense of belongingness to the
world and life itself. In spite of the advancement in technology, communication and trade,
inequalities, exploitation, and corruption have increased in a globalized world. Economy needs
ethics to function correctly. Globalization has an inherent tendency to bring homogeneity in
socio-cultural and religious life. Consequently, the indigenous cultures feel threatened. Only by
respecting the uniqueness of cultures, globalization can strengthen cultures through healthy
dialogue rooted in solidarity. Another important aspect of solidarity is solidarity with nature. To
enhance real human development, globalization should safeguard ecology, discerning the needs
of the present generation, as well as future generations. Globalization is first and foremost about
people and their interconnectedness, not about money, markets, or competition. Economic
prosperity will not lead to long-term peace and development if it does not ensure justice for all.
Love and solidarity with all are the foundations of justice.
This will be our own modern understanding in terms of seeing globalization in terms of
progress. It is only through our own vision of education as a vital source of social transformation
is inclusive to recognize and provide enabling spaces for the marginal members of society.
That’s why we need to be sensitive towards sustaining our own economic progress and that is
why human formation and education is vital in building a proper and just humanity.
Jeffrey M. Centeno, Inclusive Education and Social Transformation: INTERNATIONAL
JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY: VOLUME 41, No. 4, 2012 pg., 67
Patricia Fox and Stephen Hundley, The Importance of Globalization in Higher Education,
October 25th, 2010, Published: August 1st, 2011
Shaji George Kochuthara, Globalization in Solidarity: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF
GLOBALIZATION: VOLUME 15, NO. 1, 2014 pg.,53-57

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