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Local Solutions on the

plastic problem
Eco / reusable bag
I always prefer to use reusable or eco
bags since plastic bags are harder to
recycle, and as a result, I am indirectly
harming the environment and
producing pollution. As a result, it is
always preferable to use eco-bags,
which are much easier to reuse and also
much better for the environment.

Use of reusable water

I want to utilize my reusable water bottle instead
of buying and drinking from plastic bottles when
I go out to eat or even while I stay at home.
Investing in reusable water bottles allows me to
contribute to a greener environment by using
less oil to manufacture plastic water bottles and
replacing plastic that could have been used,
lowering my carbon footprint and contributing
to the plastic burden on landfills and bodies of
water that affect humans and animals, especially
marine life.

Old tires made into

garden pots
Old tires make the perfect planters because
they're sturdy and deep enough for plants to take
root. Reusing used tires to maintain a garden is
one of the most environmentally friendly things I
can do. Using tires to construct my own garden is
not only a clever concept, but it is also
environmentally responsible. Everything from
garden carpet to the real plants within the tires
may provide a new dimension to the experience.
The more vibrant the paint on my tire planter, the
more the colors of the plant within will stand out.

Paul Gio Anthony J. Oebanda | BSN2C

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