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Memoirs of a Miniatures & Board Wargamer Pt.

In the late Sure enough, the next backing from their parents. However, we
1980s I was defi- item was Space Marine, a still had the epic game and so we focused
nitely into Games second boxed set with even more attention on that. Battles
Workshop’s tons of stuff in it. Now raged on nearly every weekend and we
Rogue Trader 40K you got to create armies brought in more and more players. The
system. Everyone of space marines along local gaming store couldn’t keep the
had armies, we with their vehicles plus boxed sets or the blister packs in stock as
bought every issue the rules to use them everyone was building armies.
of White Dwarf, alongside titans. Future
So, what happened? Well, as GW is
and battles raged releases included Orks,
fond of doing, they changed the rules.
across local tab- Eldar, etc., and you could
Not only did they change the rules, they
letops for several years. So, when a new basically have almost any of the 40K
changed the organization of the units and
game based upon the civil wars refer- armies in what was termed epic scale.
the point costs. I analyzed my forces and
enced in the original rulebook was an-
The boxed sets were a great deal as if I found that I would need to spend another
nounced, excitement reached fever pitch.
remember right, at the time they were several hundred dollars to get into com-
The pictures in White Dwarf were around $40-50, which is incredible for
astounding and the preview pages prom- the amount of stuff that you received. If
ised a box full of parts, buildings, rules, you could afford a few boxes you were
and more. Giant war machines in a sort capable of making massive armies that
of futuristic gladiatorial combat through could cover a board, which is exactly
vast cities. On top of that you could cus- what we did. It wasn’t long before we
tomize the titans, there were promises of started scratch building more terrain,
more material forthcoming, and it just playing campaigns, large multi-player
exuded cool. At that point there was no battles, etc., and for awhile we kind of
need to sell me on the concept any further forgot about 40K!
and I was there at the local store the first
I think the problems began, at least for
day they arrived! pliance and several gamers started imme-
me, when the Imperial Guard equipment
diately. This created two separate groups
GW definitely delivered with that started coming out. You had these mas-
with different army lists and it went
boxed set. I spent days poring over the sive Baneblade and other tanks in blister
downhill from there. After seeing
rules, designing my titans, building them, packs and they weren’t cheap, even back
WH40K ruined (at least from my point of
and applying custom paint jobs with ban- then. You then started to add up how
view) and now this, I sold off everything
ners, chains, and the works. They came much it would be to create full sized units
of GW that I owned and vowed to never
out very well and within weeks we were and the costs began to add up. As with
return. I basically held to that until Space
having our first games. The even better many of these types of games there is an
Hulk came out, but even then that was a
thing was that the system worked and escalating arms race which the manufac-
short lived experience and I have not
everyone had a good time. Within a few turers love, but it can begin to drain your
bought a single GW item since, which
months almost everyone owned a dozen wallet to essentially “stay in the game” at
must be around 20+ years.
titans which allowed for some truly mas- the local gaming stores.
sive slugfests. I still have fond memories of playing
By this time WH40K was beginning
epic scale games with titans and large
My opinion about this era of Games to get into what I refer to as the “silly
formations battling it out across alien
Workshop still has not changed to this stage” where it became less and less a
landscapes. The game looked good,
day. I firmly believe that at the start they hard core sci-fi game for adult gamers
played good, was easy to get into, and
truly cared about their customers, provid- and more and more a gateway game for
was one of the best hard core sci-fi games
ed quality components, wanted to expand younger teens who would need financial
I’ve played. Why things couldn’t
their customer base, and wanted
have been left alone is one of the
everyone to enjoy their games.
great unanswered questions in
Their designs were again in my
gaming. I still think that if GW
opinion, aimed more at the adult
had not implemented so many
gamers who wanted hard sci-fi
changes at the beginning of the
than the kids and their parents that
90s that many of my friends and I
they target today. It definitely
would still be loyal GW custom-
made for an exciting gaming era
ers. Instead, most of us turned
as they continually seemed to
away from sci-fi and back into
strive for topping their existing
historicals, which is another story
items with even better things.
for another time.


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