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What is Khandsari bura ?

Tagar or Boora sugar is a porous sugar which is made by melting sugar in water to reach a state of
crystallization. This is how sugar loses its moisture and also it gets clean. Sometimes, I use boora (tagar)
sugar instead of normal sugar in sweet dishes, because it makes the recipe tastier.Preparing tagar at
home is really easy. I use this tagar sugar often, particularly in the Besan ladoo recipe. I never use
powdered sugar in that recipe.

Many of us ponder about the difference between tagar (boora sugar) and powdered sugar. There is a
difference: regular sugar is milled to fine powder and mixed with a small amount of cornstarch to prevent
caking. Whereas tagar (bura sugar) is porous in texture and use of clarified butter (ghee) makes it

1. Take a wok, pour water and sugar in it. Place the wok on low heat. Cook the solution by
stirring with the spatula in 2 to 3 minute intervals.
2. Heat the sugar syrup for next 5 min . This will become a really thick and transparent syrup.
3. Take one drop of syrup on any dish to check whether it is thickening or not. You will also see
some amount of crystallizing sugar sticking around the sides of the pan.
4. Add a small spoon of ghee to the mixture.(To avoid the lump formation).
5. Turn off the burner. Let it cool down and stir it continuously so that a big lump could not
form. It will turn into porous powder sugar.It can also be stored for about 15 to 20 days.
More than that it might get smelly because of the use of ghee in this recipe.

The sugar obtained at this stage is known as bura sugar. ... Organic bura sugar is safe as it does not
contain sulphur – a chemical that can lead to a number of health problems compared to jaggery vs sugar.
Bura Sugar is also known as demerara sugar. Since it’s light brown in colour and more granular than
refined white sugar, the sugar is called bura (crushed). Just like white sugar, bura sugar too is made from
sugarcane. So let’s find out bura sugar, jaggery vs sugar ? Here’s how:

1. Bura sugar is the least refined or processed form of sugar or sugarcane juice. Comparatively,
jaggery vs sugar, it’s the closest form of natural sugar. The sugarcane juice extracted from the
pressed sugarcane, is left to boil. The heat allows the water or moisture to evaporate from the
juice. What’s left is the thick sugar syrup which when cooled, hardens and crystallizes. The sugar
obtained at this stage is known as bura sugar. Since it goes through the process of reduction and
refinement only once, jaggery vs sugar and bura sugar, bura sugar still contains a certain amount
of nutrients.
2. White sugar meanwhile, is the most refined or processed form of sugar. Such processing
naturally nullifies or kills almost all the nutrients of the sugarcane juice and all you are left with is a
nonnutritive sweetener.
3. Bura sugar contains molasses (the brown portion of the sugarcane juice) which possesses
certain minerals in very small amounts. These include calcium, vitamins B3, B5, B5 and iron. The
darker the bura sugar, the higher the content of molasses, which when compared to jaggery vs
sugar, is absent.
4. While, white sugar contains no molasses at all and hence lacks the brown colour as well.
5. Organic bura sugar is safe as it does not contain sulphur – a chemical that can lead to a number
of health problems compared to jaggery vs sugar.
6. Both bura sugar and white sugar are said to have the same amount of calories.

What is the difference between sugar and Bura?

Bura is made of grained sugar and it is just carbohydrates. Tagar or Boora sugar is a porous sugar which
is made by melting sugar in water to reach a state of crystallization. ... There is a difference: regular sugar
is milled to fine powder and mixed with a small amount of cornstarch to prevent caking.

It is myth that one form of sugar is healthier over the other. Like brown sugar is healthier or jaggery is
healthier. It is not true. The only difference is that jaggery contains some minerals. That makes it slightly
better, but not healthier. Sugar is sugar, irrespective of the form. It is going to break down the same way in
your body and turn to glucose.

If you are a diabetic or trying to lose weight, it is better to stay away from all kinds of sugar. Be it white
sugar, boora, jaggery, palm sugar, demerara sugar or any other kind.
Bura is sugar heated so that it loses its water of crystallization and then powdered to get rid of any lumps
which are formed.

Most Indians know about it. It is finely grained sugar and generally eaten with rice and ghee. As far as I
know everyone knows about “Bura”. It’s the most famous desert for common Indian people especially in
Uttar Pradesh.

Bura is made of grained sugar and it is just carbohydrates.

Tagar or Boora sugar is a porous sugar which is made by melting sugar in water to reach a state of
crystallization. This is how sugar loses its moisture and also it gets clean. Sometimes, I use boora (tagar)
sugar in place of normal sugar in sweet dishes, because it makes the recipe more tastier.

Many of us ponder about the difference between tagar (boora sugar) and powdered sugar. There is a
difference: regular sugar is milled to fine powder and mixed with a small amount of cornstarch to prevent
caking. Whereas tagar (bura sugar) is porous in texture and use of clarified butter (ghee) makes it

Boora is not white sugar ,,mind u..If powdered sugar is sold as boora,,then its fake boora….there is a huge
difference between the two. White sugar is processed by using 23 harmful chemicals ..while during
production of boora none of them are used…Boora is good for health and has properties of jaggery…while
sugar is poison…

Benefit Of bura Sugar

The main advantage of consuming bura sugar is to stay away from the empty calories (non-nutritious)
and chemicals induced white sugar. Bura Sugar for healthy sweetness. It's not only free from synthetic
pesticides but also GMO-free.

Some Important Fact about Khandsari Bura

To make Khandsari Bura, the Khand is re-heated by adding a little water and when it becomes
airy, the boora is prepared which proves very beneficial.
The bora found in the market is made by Discarded Sugar which is very harmful and is used in
making sweets etc. Such sweets are very harmful for our health

Khandsari Bura Benefit

● Desi Khandsari bura is entirely organic and unrefined and has no devastating effects on
the body in the long term
● It contains vitamins and minerals and is free of chemicals that are used to create refined
white sugar, making it a healthier alternative. Khandsari Bura is a good source of energy
and builds stamina.
● .

Khandsri bura sugar adulterated with washing soda
Add a few drops of lemon juice to a small quantity of bura sugar, foaming will be noticed if
washing soda is present. pure sugar will not foam.

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