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Primeiro trate de fazer o tal divinal xarope de figo.

Corte dez figos em quartos e

esmague-os, numa ta�a, com duas a tr�s colheres de sopa de �gua. Pode usar um pil�o
ou um esmagador de batatas. Filtre o sumo com um passador para aproveitar o l�quido
e deitar fora as cascas.

Leve ao microondas, noutra ta�a, o a��car misturado com 60 ml de �gua. Assim que o
a��car tiver dissolvido, misture tudo com o sumo de figo e tem o seu xarope pronto.

Agora � s� colocar num shaker 50 ml do xarope com o dobro da quantidade de gin,

gelo e uma pitada de cardamomo.


Ingredients: Black Mission figs, sugar, gin, cardamom (ground), tonic

1. Create a fig simple syrup: Quarter about 10 figs and place into a bowl with 2-3
tablespoons of water. Mash it up real good (with a fork, potato masher, etc.) and
strain to remove any seeds and peels (you should get about 1/3 of juice. In a
separate bowl combine 1/4 cup of water and 1/4 cup of sugar. Microwave to dissolve
the sugar into the water. Combine with the fig juice. Viola, fig simple syrup.

2. Combine: 1-1/2 ounces of fig simple syrup, 3 ounces gin and 1 dash of ground
cardamom over ice and shake well.

3. Pour: Pour the mixture into a glass over ice and top with tonic water. BAM!
You�re done.

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