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Name: ____________________________________

The Civil Rights Movement

Jackie Robinson

Where was he born?

Cairo, Georgia

Who did Jackie play with in the Negro League?

Kansas City Monarchs

Who did he play with after that?

Los Angele Dodgers

Why is that so significant?

The first African American to play Major League Baseball in the United States

Ralph Abernathy

Where was Ralph a pastor?

First Baptist in Montgomery

What did he do in Montgomery from 1955-56?

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

What was his response to Robert Kennedy’s claim that the Freedom Riders were an
“Well, doesn’t the Attorney General know we’ve been embarrassed all our lives?”

Why was Ralph arrested?

He led peaceful protests against unconstitutional bans on race mixing

How did he help the Civil Rights movement after King’s death?
He continued the practice of nonviolent resistance as a means of achieving equality
for African Americans

Freedom Riders

Who was the Civil Rights group who created the Freedom Riders?

How were blacks & whites seated on the buses of the Freedom Riders?
AA in front, whites in the back with one pair sitting together
Why did they do this & have whites go in black areas & vice versa?
To show the switch of roles and how they feel

Who was the police chief that allowed a mob to beat the Freedom Riders in
Bull Conner

What was his excuse for letting the mob beat the Freedom Riders?
Mother’s Day


What does SNCC stand for?

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

What is a sit-in?
Occupy place as form of protest

Where was the first sit-in?

Greensboro North Carolina


At what University was King elected senior president?

Morehouse College

What personally happened to King during the bus boycotts?

Tried and convicted

How many miles did MLK travel?

Six million miles

What was his famous speech given in Washington D.C.?


Malcolm X

What was Malcolm X’s real name?

Malcom Little

What organization did Malcolm X join I prison?

Nation of Islam
Why did he replace his last name with X?
Rejection of his slave name

What weeklong news show hosted by Mike Wallace was Malcolm X featured in?
60 minutes

Why did Malcolm X lose faith in Elijah Muhammad?

Extramarital affairs

Compare & Contrast MLK & Malcolm X. Be sure to include philosophy, tactics, etc.

MLK Malcolm X

Born May 19, 1925

Born January 15th,
1929 Assassinated by NOI
Assassinated April 4th
1968 Wanted economically
independent Black
Born to modest pastors - Did jail time
- Strive to
Graduated college and influence
Use action and order
received several
honors and badges of

Equality of the good

man not just AA

Never used violence

Listened to reason

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