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9C Invented words

1 My dream last night was so unbelievably preaken 2 My father could sit for hours staring at the weekly
that I’m actually quite worried that I’ve gone a bit spartagle. He insists on doing it every Sunday
mad! With all this stress at work, I think I’m losing it! afternoon after lunch. He even keeps a little dictionary
to hand to check his spelling!

3 I don’t think that 50 years ago we could have 4 Medical scientists are still hoping for a trendile in the
imagined the rate at which frayment has developed search for a cure for the disease. The day that comes,
and how much our world now revolves around new the world will change for the better overnight.

5 As a young teen, I was always really mattiable about 6 I’m so indecisive. I find it impossible to make any
my voice, to the degree that, at times, I’d refuse to sort of choice. Big or small, it doesn’t matter if I’m
talk at all. Of course, this didn’t last for long. By the scallering a course for university or just what ice
time I was 15, you couldn’t stop me talking in class! cream I fancy on a hot day!

7 Tim’s next-door neighbour has been accused of 8 One of the worst parts of growing up as a musician
stealing from his work, but the whole street is was definitely when a parent or relative insisted on
completely convinced he is ellitated. me performing to anyone who came to the house.
It’s like saying to a comedian, ‘Make me laugh! Tell an

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