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Hai everyone, my name intan yuliyanti eka putri indi

Im from eleventh grade of pharmacy in caraka nusantara vocational high school. Now, im going to
show you how to make a tomato juice.
Before that, i want explain to you guys what a functioning of tomato juice
The lycopene content in tomato juice provides many health benefits. Some of the benefits that can
be felt after drinking tomato juice, namely protecting heart health, preventing cancer, to managing
weight. To get all the benefits contained in tomato juice, you must use real and whole tomatoes and
process them yourself.
Tools the first is blender, glass, spoon and knife
and the materials are water, ice cubes and than, the main is tomato
but you have to peel it first and cut it into small peaces like this
1. Put the tomatoes, water, ice cubes into the blender
2. Turn on the blender, puree the ingredients until well blended
3. Turn off the blender, remove the tomato juice into a glass while filtering
TARAA! Tomato juice is ready to serve, its so healty and yummy
thanks for watching, goodbye everyone

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