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TOPIC : Factual Report Text (Exercise 1)

DATE : 29-3-2022


1. Please find two examples of Factual Report text in the internet.

2. Please identify the main idea for each paragraph

3. Please identify the language feature of that text

- Noun

- Action verb

- To be

Answer :

text 1


Covid-19 or Coronavirus Disease-2019 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus called SARS-Cov-2.
This disease was first identified in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019. The virus spread widely to many
countries and then in March 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic.

This disease attacks the respiratory system. Covid-19 also makes infected people experience several
symptoms. Common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and fatigue. Some also experience pain, sore
throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, and loss of taste or smell. While serious symptoms are
shortness of breath, chest pain, and loss of the ability to speak. However, many also do not experience

It takes about 5-6 days to show symptoms. However, the incubation period takes 14 days. People who
have mild to moderate illness can usually recover without having to be hospitalized. Meanwhile, those
who experience serious symptoms should seek medical attention.
The virus is spread through droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs. Therefore, WHO
provides ways to prevent infection such as washing hands regularly with soap and water, avoiding
touching your face, covering your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, staying at home,
refraining from smoking, and practicing physical distancing.

main idea:

-paragraph 1: the beginning of covid19

-paragraph 2: symptoms of covid19

-paragraph 3: isolation period if exposed to covid19

-paragraph 4: how to prevent the spread of covid19

identify the language of the text above:

1.noun = house

2.Action verb = touching face, smoking, washing hands, coughing, sneezing

3.Linking Verb = are,and

text 2


Rainbow is a natural phenomenon in the form of a spectrum of arcs in the sky caused by refraction of
light. Rainbows appear after rain. These colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

The rainbow is shaped like an arc. However, it actually has the shape of a circle. The half circle can be
seen when we look from a higher place such as a mountain or when we are on an airplane.

These colors are formed as the effect of refraction and reflection of sunlight. After the rain, sunlight,
which is white light, hits the raindrops and is reflected. Light will be separated in different degrees and
produce different wavelengths.

These wavelengths are received by our eyes in the form of different colors or spectrums, and we call
them rainbows. Because of its position opposite the sun, we need to turn our back to the sun to see it.

main idea

-paragraph 1: rainbow colors

-paragraph 2: rainbow shape

-paragraph 3: the source of the formation of rainbow colors

-paragraph 4: how to see a rainbow

identify the language of the text above:

1.noun = rainbow, light, arc, plane

2.Action verb = see, touch, turn back, mention

3.Linking Verb = are,and,is

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