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“Effect of Covid-19 on the environment”

Chapter 1


We are studying communication skill English and this particular project is the application of
the course functional English. The main purpose of this course is to about the learning skills
of English communication.The communication is an important management function closely
associated with all other managerial functions. Through communication skills, we may be
able to communicate with the large organization in the very effective way. This project is
basically based on improving our communication in the future.

1.1 Aims and Goals:

Our main goal is to illuminate the following materials regarding to this project:

 Aristotle strategies for effective communication (Logos, Pathos, Ethos).

 Functions of communication.
 Verbal and non-verbal elements.
 Euphemism.
 Acronym.
 Abbreviation.
1.2 Organization Report

History of organization: It’s a chapter 2 which is about the history of this


Methodology : It’s a chapter 3 in which a complete detail has

been mentioned that from which source or

reference the data and history have been taken.

Data analysis: It’s a chapter 4 in which the data has been

analyses thoroughly. Aristotle strategies, functions of

communication, verbal and non-verbal elements,

acronym, euphemism and abbreviation have been


Conclusion: It’s a chapter 5 in which the results and

conclusion regarding to this project have been

Chapter 2

History of Organization

starting era

Covid-19 is also known as corona virus which is an epidemic disease and spread usually from
one person to another. The disease was verified when first case was found in November 2019
in Wuhan, a city of China located in the province of Hubei.

Brief introduction
Scientists discovered a human corona virus in 1965. It caused a common cold. Corona virus is
directly related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) which was basically swept
around the world somewhere between November 2002 to 2003. Now the another type of
corona virus is the middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS) which was outbreak in 2012.
But it should noticed that covid-19 is related to SARS and MERS and also quite differ from
each other. Due to SARS, 774 people died of this disease and 8098 people were infected. It
was transmitted from bats to the human beings. While on the other hand, MERS was first
outbreak in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Round about 866 deaths and 2521 cases were confirmed.
This disease was caused of Camel.

Covid-19 and the environmental condition

Recently, meteorologists said that in Europe, there are two degrees above the average in
March. Sentinel -5P satellite showed that nitrogen dioxide which cases air pollution was used
across all Europe in order to prevent this fatal virus. Usually. NO2 ( Nitrogen Dioxide) is
emitted by burning fossil fuels at relatively excess temperature. Consequently, it increases the
degrees above the average this year. Some scientists suggested that this corona virus can be
vanished in the warm places but needs the temperature somewhere between 52 to 57 Celsius
which seems to be impossible. Yet it is not confirmed whether this pandemic disease can be
overcome in summer. When this virus spreads, every country decided to lock its country in
order to prevent this disease or at least slow down its growing cases of infected virus. Due to
this lockdown, many industries and factories were forced to shut down their day to day work.
As a result, there is a bit change in the climate which was proved to be good for the
environment. These industries and factories cause acid rain and air pollution which has bad
effect on human beings as well on ecosystem and animals. Hence, it reduces the air pollution.

Covid-19 and the weather

As we all know , this epidemic virus was first outbreak in February 2020 in China. This was
the winter season and so in many other countries so. This virus usually spreads from one
person to another through cough and flu. In winter, people remain stayed in their houses
which also increases the infected cases in virus due to sneezing. Like in Russia, where there
is always the cold whether, it becomes difficult to control the virus. If we talk about the hot
weather, it might help us to prevent from this virus due to warm weather. Like USA , the
average temperature is 15.0 Celsius, there is rapidly increasing in the infected cases which is
very huge such as 837,719. This may be all because of cold weather in USA. So we can
conclude that the warmer countries may get some help to prevent the suspected cases of this

Vaccination of Covid-19

Some scientists and researchers have found that it might take 12 to 18 months to make a
vaccine of corona virus. This may help the people to boost their immune system in fighting
against the bacteria. Right now, there is never ever the vaccine for covid-19. In this regard,
the first human trial for a vaccine was done by the scientists in Seattle. Now the University
of Oxford researchers are aiming to develop a million doses of a vaccine by the end of this
year or by September. The scientists also said that this vaccine will surely be helpful for the
young and moderate aged people if they are suffering from this virus but not for the older
Effects of covid-19 on lungs and pneumonia

Covid-19 known as corona virus can seriously cause the lung disease such as pneumonia and
in most several cases, acute respiratory distress syndrome , is the another level of
complication of covid-19, that can cause the lasting harm to lungs and the other organs of the
human body. During pneumonia, the lungs become filled with fluid, which cause the
difficulty of breathing. The covid-19 pneumonia causes tends to take control in the both
lungs. Air sacs in the lungs get fill with the fluid , hence shortens their ability to get the
oxygen and causing shortness of breathing , cough and other symptoms. However, most of
the people get recover from the pneumonia without any lasting lung damage, while, the
pneumonia associated with the covid-19 might be severe. Even after the recovery of lungs,
the lungs injury may cause the result in shortening of breath which may take couple of
months to improve.
Chapter 3

The above data and history have been taken from the Wikipedia, different newspapers and
the article. Following are the links from which data and history have been taken:







Chapter 4

Data Analysis

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