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Coronavirus- An interdisciplinary


Researchers at Common Cold Research Unit in Wiltshire, UK were the first to discover the
strain of a new type of virus, calling it B814. The University of Chicago further studies into the
virus and becomes successful in isolating the virus in 1966. A report by National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA created a similar virus called OC43. However, in 1968 the
landmark event where, June Almeida images the virus for the first time took us step further
towards understanding the disease. It was then that the virus was name “Coronavirus”
pertaining to the projections around it. The coronavirus first appeared as an epidemic in 2002,
when it hit China being called the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Corona Virus (SARS-
CoV). The virus hit again in 2012 as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in Saudi Arabia,
where the Erasmus Medical Centre identified it. The coronavirus mutated again to form SARS-
CoV2 or Novel Coronavirus which has spread in the form of an pandemic affecting all the

The corona virus being made of RNA, spike protein and an lipid envelope; depends on other
cells to reproduce. The virus has been identified to spread through droplet infection, through
coughing, talking or shouting. Even just a few coronaviruses can cause dramatic situation. On
nearing a cell, the spike protein attaches itself to ACE2 receptors, from which the RNA travels
inside the nucleus. After being completely infected the cell dies; releasing the copies of the
original virus. The coronavirus put the immune system into a frenzy, damaging healthy cells in
the process. Most damages are caused by Neutrophils and Killer T-cells. Fibrosis or scarring of
tissue are the main damages caused by the virus. With time, the immune system recovers and
kills the viruses but in some cases aggressive immune response causes alveoli in out lungs to
be exposed to bacterias. Thus, with the final stages of pneumonia the body can bear no more
and succumbs to this disease.

The pandemic being spread from droplets, a general fear has overcome men , women and
health care workers alike. In a research conducted by the National Centre for Biotechnology
Information, USA have found that anxiety is common among medical facilities and general
public. The highest being from Italy(81%) and lowest from Singapore(5-7%). It also found that
depression was also seen mostly in patients(55%) and moderately in healthcare workers(25%).
It also found that China had the most depressed health care workers and Italy the most
depressed public. Although stress is common among masses, signs of Post -Traumatic Stress
Disorder has been observed among 93% of the patients. The long-imposed lockdown have
brought about frustration and anger among the masses, responsible for increased reports of
domestic violence in Indian households. The physical distancing measures taken by various
governments have caused dramatic social isolation between certain groups which is the main
cause of impaired cognitive abilities, depression and suicidal tendencies.

Covid-19 had severe effects on the economy’s owing to strict lockdown and closure of markets.
The GDP growth rate of India fell down to -23.9% in the first quarter of FY20-21. This decline in
GDP growth is caused from the complete haunt in economic activities during the first 2 phases
of lockdown. With the factories closing almost 195 million workers got unemployed and
migrated to their hometowns. Major migration coming from UP and Bihar, this phase also led to
COVID-hotspots across the states, thus endangering the country itself. Foreign Portfolio
Investors have withdrawn Rs.247.76 billion from equity markets and Rs. 140 billion from debt
markets in a short period of time. The Micro, Medium and Small Industries which create 90% of
the jobs in India have faced serious economic crisis and pleads for moratorium. The economic
condition may seem bad for India but with the reopening of markets and policies like
Atmanirbhar Bharat the economy of India is expected to recover.

In conclusion in would like to say that the Coronavirus have been around us since long and with
time it has evolved and emerged as a stronger virus. This shows us the power of evolution and
the vulnerability of human beings. Interdisciplinary approach in analysing such events would
pop up new connections and ideas. Connecting an event to the past is equally important as the
way forward. Seeing through 5 eyes is always better seeing through one.

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