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Covid – 19 and immune system:

At the end of 2019 and the start of 2020, a number of individuals were reported to have
coronavirus. First time in Wuhan, China. WHO officially named this virus as Covid -19.In recent
years this virus has prevailed throughout the world. The pandemic of coronavirus has become
major issue of today’s world, and has infected millions of peoples throughout the world.

It was also reported in 2002 and 2012 as epidemic that shows that this virus has imposed the
continued threat to the human life, economy and it spreads rapidly.

Pathogenesis of coronavirus:
It actually an acute respiratory syndrome which replicate in lower respiratory track and cause
pneumonia which can be fatal. It transmitted through the respiratory droplets. Its incubation
period is 4-5 days before the onset of symptoms.


The patient of coronavirus suffers from following symptoms;

 Fever and dry cough

 Difficulty in breathing
 Muscle pain and headache
 Dizziness
 Diarrhea,
 Nausea and coughing up of blood
In 5-6 days of symptoms onset viral load reaches its peak.

Structure of Covid -19;

Coronavirus is enveloped, non-segmented, and positive sense, single stranded

RNA virus. Its genome size ranges from 26-32 kilo bases. It the largest genome virus known yet.
It has a nucleocapsid that is composed of genomic RNA, and phosphorylated nucleocapsid
protein, which is present inside the phospholipid bilayer. And covered by the two spike proteins;
1. The spike trimmer (S); that is found in all types of corona viruses.
2. Hemagglutinin-esterase (HE); that located inside the S proteins in viral envelops. It has
crown like appearance.
Subclasses of Covid -19;

Coronavirus is genotypically divided into four genera, α, β, γ and δ coronaviruses. The β

coronavirus is further dived into four types namely A-D. There are 30 known coronaviruses that
can infect humans, mammals, fowl, and other animals. In human mainly α- and β- coronaviruses
are responsible for infection.

Mechanism of Covid -19 infection:

When coronavirus infects the cells, it expresses the surface receptors angiotensin-
converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). The virus starts replicating it that site and host cell releases the
damage- associated molecular patterns, to undergo the pyroptosis. This process also includes
ATP, nucleic acids and ACS oligomers. These molecules are sensed by nearby epithelial cells,
macrophages, and that triggers the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines,
and macrophage inflammatory proteins. These proteins attract the monocytes, and T cells at the
site of infection to produce pro- inflammatory feedback.
Individuals with weak immune system immune cells accumulation increases in lungs and
cause over-production of cytokines. This leads to the damage of lungs linings. Overly produced
cytokines don’t bound in lungs but also damages the other organs, causing multi-organ damage.
Infection is increased by the production of neutralizing antibodies by B cells.

On the other hand, in healthy individuals, T cells eliminate the virus before its privilege.
The B cell antibodies block the viral infection. Neutralized viruses are recognized by
macrophages and cleared by the process of phagocytosis from the body. This results in recovery.
Diagrammatic mechanism of Covid -19 infection in healthy and dysfunctional immune system
is depicted in following image.
Prevention from coronavirus:

As coronavirus is pandamicaly infecting the global population so the

preventive measure are essential to follow. WHO has issue the preventive measures for
coronavirus. To keep yourself and others safe, from coronavirus infection make sure that
following preventive measures is taken properly;

 Clean your hands frequently. Use the soap or hand sanitizer

 Maintain a safe distance from the individual who is coughing and sneezing
 Do not touch your nose, eyes or mouth
 Use the face mask while going outside
 Cover your nose and mouth with tissue, or bent elbow. Must wash your hands
after using disposable tissue
 Stay home if you are sick and avoid unnecessary outgoings
 Avoid parties and public place gatherings.
People who are at higher risk of coronavirus:
The Covid 19 is a new disease, so there are limited resources of information about this infection.
Those who are at higher risk of getting this infection are;
 Older persons about 65 years or above
 People living in nursing home or had a long time in care facility or prison.
 People with chronic lungs disease or have asthma
 People with serious heart disease
 People with compromised immune system. It means people who have weak immune
system due to any chemotherapy like cancer treatment, bone marrow or organ transplant,
immune deficiency, patients of HIV, and people using the corticosteroids for long term
 People with severe obesity
 Diabetic patients
 Kidney patients who are undergoing the dialysis process.
 Individual with chronic liver disease.

Immunity boosters against coronavirus:

There is no such effective treatment for the coronavirus infection. So it is important to boost the
immunity so that we may not get this infection.
Our immune system is designed to fight against the illness and infection. But this may be
affected by unhealthy life style and may become unable to fight against the diseases. Following
are the ways to boost up your immunity;
1. Reduce the stress:
Stress condition produces the stress hormone in body that may weaken the immune
system. By reducing the stress one can boost up his immunity up to many extents. To
reduce the stress, maintain the work load, and follow some calming and relaxation
2. Consume the immunity boosting vitamins;
Use the immunity boosting foods like, citrus fruits, garlic, broccoli, and spinach. People
with compromised immune system can use the supplements of vitamins and minerals to
boost up their immunity. Vitamins include, vitamin C, vitamin D and mineral includes
These supplements are can be taken intravenously.
3. Exercise:
Exercise can prove very helpful in boosting immunity. But vigorous exercises produce
the stress condition that can be dangerous for health. Keep the low stress level and rest if
you are tired.

4. Reduce the inflammation:

Sugar, processed meat, and vegetable oils, alcohol produce the inner inflammation in
body. Immune system become busy fighting against this inflammation, and may become
unable to fight against new invading infections like coronavirus. That’s why it is
important to avoid these inflammation producing foods to keep immune system active.
5. Avoid the toxins;
Toxins can damage the immune system. For example, mycotoxins from molds are
responsible for immune damaging. Many other toxins are also known to prove dangerous
for immunity.
Minimize the exposure of chlorinated drinking water, pesticides, aromatic hydrocarbons,
heavy, metals, air pollution and food additives. These things can damage the liver
functioning of detoxification, which is important for defense mechanisms.


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