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1. As students, how can we define everyday ethics?

ANSWER: We face multiple dilemmas—whether big or small—in our daily lives. In
everyday ethics, we have to choose between what is right or wrong, and we have to do it
fast and sometimes without much thought. Though some decisions are done hastily,
ethics asks us to consider the consequences it will entail. It also makes us ponder on how
we treat others and how other people should be treating us.

2. How everyday ethics affects us in our daily lives?

ANSWER: Everyday ethics affects our judgment. It helps us deal with the actions of
people around us and our own doings. It helps us know when to hold other people and
even ourselves accountable. You have the urge punch someone in the face because they
insulted you, but you ultimately decided against it because, even though it's not nice to
insult people, it is also wrong to hit them. Fighting fire with fire does not always end up
with a good result. Through ethics, we can create a peaceful society that cares about one

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