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Musculoskeletal System

Abdominals Anterior Deltoid Biceps
Brachioradialis Finger flexors Finger extensors
Iliopsoas Infraspinatus Lateral rotators of shld
Medial rotators of shld Neck flexors Pec Major
Pronators Sartorius Pec Minor
Supinators TFL Teres Minor
Thumb muscles Tibialis Ant Tibialis Post
Toe extensors Toe flexors Serratus Anterior
Wrist extenors Wrist flexors Triceps

Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus
Hip adductors Lateral abdominals

Back extensors Gastroc Glut Max
Hamstrings Lateral rotators of shld Lat Dorsi
Middle and Lower Trap Medial rotators of shld Neck extensors
Post Deltoid Quadratus Lumborum Rhomboids
Soleus Teres Major Triceps

Coracobrachialis Deltoid
Hip flexors Lateral rotators of hip
Medial rotators of hip Quads
Upper trap Serratus Anterior

Plantar flexors Serratus Anterior
Upper Limb tension tests

Ligament Tears
Grade I Partial tear, no joint instability
Grade II Partial tear, some joint instability
Grade III Full thickness tear, causing significant joint instability
Healing: acute inflammation, localized pain
Healthy tissue is replaced with scar tss, not regenerated lg tss
Medical management: arthroscopic surgery for lg repair or grafting
PT: mobs for alignment of scar tss for tensile strength and stiffness
Ice for edema, low-load exercise to improve tensile strength

Congenital Musculoskeletal Disorders

Hip dysplasia Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Muscular dystrophy Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Torticollis Clubfoot

Musculoskeletal Pathology
Achilles Tendonitis/Tear Osgood-Schlatter Disease
Adhesive Capsulitis (DM!) OA
ACL Sprain RA
MCL Sprain (with ACL and Medial JRA
Meniscus tear) PFPS
Shoulder Impingement Plantar Fasciitis
Talipes Equinovirus GH Instability (Multidirectional,
Lateral (tennis elbow) and Medial Subluxation, Bankhart [TUBS], Hill-
(golfer’s elbow) Epicondylitis Sachs, SLAP)

Musculoskeletal Characteristics PT/Tx

Adhesive Loss of AROM and PROM, 40-60 y/o, females, Increase ROM with
Capsulitis adhesive fibrosis and DM, self-limiting, GH mobs, may need
scarring in capsule, RTC, resolves on its own closed manip under
subacromial bursa, Capsular pattern loss anesthesia
Impingement Throwing, swimming, Painful arc of motion RICE, NSAIDs, RTC
Syndrome racquet sports; humeral 70-120* strengthening, scap
head and RTC moving Special tests stability, improved
prox and becoming biomechanics
impinged under acromion
and coracoacromial LG
Lateral Inflammation from Poor mechanics or RICE, NSAIDs,
Epicondylitis eccentric loading of faulty equipment, increase strength,
common extensor mss, 30-50 y/o flexibility and
racquet sports or Special tests endurance of wrist
throwing ext, may use strap
RTC Tear Impaired blood supply to Arm positioned in IR RICE, NSAIDs,
tendon, microtrauma, and ADD, point prevent AC,
resulting in degeneration tenderness at GTand strengthen UE mss,
acromion. Limitation PROM à AAROM à
of flex and abd AROM, isometrics,
Special tests return to fxnal
activities requiring
dynamic overhead
motion in 9-12 mo
Achilles Repetitive overuse D/O, Aching or burning in RICE, heel lift, cross
Tendonitis in pts with limited heel, tenderness of training, heel cord
flexibility, weak, pronated AT, morning stiffness stretching, eccentric
foot, runners, bball, -Itis can lead to strengthening of
gymnasts, dancers rupture gastroc-soleus
Plantar Fasciitis Inflammation of plantar Heel pain, heel spur, RICE, NSAIDs, heel
fascia at calcaneus. Acute morning pain, pain cup, massage using
injury from excessive post activity, pain tennis ball, medial
loading of the foot or when walking longitudinal arch
excessive pronation barefoot
taping, heel cord
ACL Sprain Noncontact twisting Knee buckles, pops, RICE, NSAIDs,
injury associated with positive special tests strengthen quads
hyperextension + and hams, derotation
varus/valgus stress brace, mini squats
MCL Sprain A contact or noncontact, Swelling, antalgic RICE, NSAIDs,
fixed foot, tibial rotation gait, decreased ROM, progressive
injury associated with instability strengthening,
valgus force and ext tibial Special tests increase ROM
Football, skiing, soccer
PCL Sprain Landing on the tibia with Involve ACL, MCL, RICE, NSAIDs, LE
a flexed knee, hitting a LCL, menisci strengthening, NO
dashboard with a flexed Special tests hamstring exer
Meniscus Tear Fixed foot rotations while Outer edges = RICE, NSAIDs, partial
WBing on a flexed knee, vascularized meniscectomy,
dx with arthroscopy and Special tests meniscal repair
PFPS Pain or discomfort in the Females, growth Modalities, medial
anterior knee, decreased spurt, runners, patella glides, patella
quads, decreased LE overweight taping, strengthen
flexibility, increased tibial quads/vastus
torsion or anteversion medialis oblique
Osteoarthritis Chronic degeneration of Middle age – 70+, Reduce pain,
(OA) articular cartilage, in overweight, fx, jt promote jt fxn,
WBing jts. Thickening of injuries, occupation protect jt, NSAIDs,
subchondral bone. or athletic overuse. improve lubrication
Affects: hands, hips, Gradual onset of in knee, PROM,
knees pain, pain post exer, AROM, TENS, energy
weather related conservation, weigh
pain, Heberden’s loss, bracing
nodes, Bouchard’s
nodes, use xray dx
Rheumatoid Systemic autoimmune 40-60 y/o, females, Reduce inflammation
Arthritis (RA) D/O – chronic symmetrical and pain, promote jt
inflammation, common in involvement, pain fxn, DMARDs, PROM,
small jts of hand, foot, and tenderness, AROM,
wrist, ankle; blood morning stiffness, heating/cooling,
warm jts, decrease in
rheumatoid factor and appetite, swan neck splinting, body
radiograph and boutonniere mechanics

MS D/O Characteristics PT/Tx

Congenital Hip Developmental Asymmetrical hip Harness, splinting,
Dysplasia dysplasia, abduction with traction, bracing.
malalignment of the tightness, apparent Open reduction with
femoral head within femoral shortening hip splica cast.
acetabulum Tests: Ortolani, Barlow, Stretching,
US strengthening
Congenital Wry neck. SCM Malpositioning in utero, Stretching, AROM,
Torticollis contracture within first birth trauma. Ipsi lateral positioning, massage,
2 mo of life. cervical flexion, contra surgical release
Juvenile Inflammation of jts and Symmetrical joint NSAIDs, PROM,
Rheumatoid connective tss. involvement in Poly; AROM, positioning,
Arthritis Systemic, polyarticular, Oligo/pauci – less than splinting,
oligoarticular. 5 jts with asymmetrical strengthening,
jts endurance, postural
training, paraffin, US,
Legg-Calve- Avascular Necrosis - Antalgic gait, positive Maintain femoral
Perthes Disease Degeneration of the Trendelenburg sign head in position,
femoral head stretching, splinting,
crutches, aquatic
therapy, traction
Osgood- Traction apophysitis – May result in a small Icing, flexibility exer,
Schlatter from repetitive traction avulsion of the eliminating strain on
Disease on the tibial tuberosity tuberosity and swelling patella tendon:
apophysis squatting, running,
Osteogenesis Connective tss D/O that Pathological fractures, Handling techniques,
Imperfercta affects formation of OP, hypermobile jts, AROM, emphasize
collagen during bone bowing of long bones, symmetrical
development, genetic – scoliosis, impaired resp movement, use
autosomal recessive fxn orthotics, w/c
Talipes Clubfoot, Adduction of In utero positioning. Splinting and serial
Equinovarus forefoot, Varus of casting, restore
hindfoot, PF at ankle proper positioning
Soft tissue/myofascial techniques
Articulatory techniques (jt mobs)
Neural tissue mobilization
Training Programs
Dry needling (breaks up trigger pts in myofascial pain syndrome)

Resistance Training/Strength Training

Relative Outcome % 1 RM Repetition # of Sets Rest between
Loading Range sets
Light Muscular <70 12-20 1-3 20-30 sec
Moderate Hypertrophy & 70-80 8-12 1-6 30 sec – 2 min
Heavy Maximum 80-100 1-8 1-5+ 2-5 mins

Hand: flexor Distal extremity immobilization 3-4 weeks: protective splint,
tendon repairs rubber band traction, IP jts in 30-50 flex
AROM at 4 wks, begin with ext, then flex
Hand: extensor Distal DIPs immob in neutral for 6-8 wks; AROM at 6 wks with PIP
tendon repairs in neutral, begin with ext
Proximal IPs: immob with wrist and digits in ext for 4 wks
AROM/PROM in flex with MCP jt in ext
Full AROM at 6 wks
THR Cemented Uncemented
NO IR, Add, Flex beyond 90 for NO IR, Add, Flex beyond 90 for
3-6 mo 3-6 mo
PWB for 3 wks WBAT:
Amb with cane at 4 wks PWB for 3 wks
FWB at 5 wks Amb with cane at 4 wks
FWB at 6 wks
Toe Touch WB:
Resisted Exer: week 4 1/3 WB at wk 6
2/3 WB at wk 8
FWB with walker at wk 10
TKR Cemented Uncemented
0-90 within 2 wks 0-90 within 2 wks
0-120 within 3-4 wks 0-120 within 3-4 wks
WBAT with walker WBAT:
With cane at wk 3 WBAT with walker
FWB at wk 4 With cane at wk 5-6
FWB at wk 6
Resisted exer: week 2-3 TTWB immediately
WBAT with walker at wk 6
Cane at 8-10 wks
FWB at week 10
ACL NWB at wk 1
Immediately postop: CPM 0-70 flex
Week 6: CPM 0-120
Hinged brace: 20-70 – wean off around wks 2-4
Weakest at week 6
Meniscus – Partial Day 1: AROM
Meniscectomy Day 3: isotonic and isokinetic strengthening
Meniscus Repair NWB 3-6 wks
Joint mobs

Neuromuscular and Nervous System

Neuromuscular and Nervous System Pathology

Alzheimer’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis
ALS Myasthenia Gravis
Bell’s Palsy Parkinson’s Disease
CTS Post Polio Syndrome
Diabetic Neuropathy CVA
Epilepsy TBI
Guillian-Barre Syndrome SCI
Huntington’s Disease

Cranial Nerve Disorders Central Nerve Disorders

Trigeminal Neuralgia (tic douloureux) Multiple Sclerosis
Bell’s Palsy (VII Facial Nerve) Parkinson’s Disease
Bulbar Palsy
NMJ Disorder: Myastenia Gravis
Neuromuscular Characteristics PT/Tx
Alzheimer’s ACh deterioration Memory and Maximize function,
Disease within cerebral concentration probs, meds to inhibit
cortex and rigidity, bradykinesia, acetlycholinesterase
subcortical areas. shuffling gait, PH: Cholinergic agents
Amyloid plaques and intellectual and
neurofibrillary physical destruction
ALS (ALL) UMN & LMN; Distal to Prox loss, Focus on quality of life
demyelination of asymmetric mss
corticospinal tract & weakness
loss of anterior horn
Guillain-Barre Acute Distal to Prox, mss Pulm rehab,
Syndrome polyneuropathy, weakness, sensory strengthen, mobility
demyelination of impairment, resp training, w/c,
peripheral myelin paralysis orthotics
sheaths, LMN
Huntington’s Degen of basal 35-55 y/o. Maximize endurance,
Disease ganglia and cerebral involuntary chorea strength, balance,
cortex, NTs are mvmts, personality postural control,
deficient – unable to changes, ataxia with functional mobility,
modulate movement choreoathetoid meds for choreiform
mvmts, dysphagia, mvmts
Multiple Demyelination of 20-35 y/o. weakness, Energy conservation,
Sclerosis myelin sheaths, ataxia, balance tone normalization,
decreases nerve dysfxn, fatigue; gait training, core
impulses, plaque exacerbations and stab, AD training
development remissions
Myasthenia NMJ pathology, Extreme fatigue, mss Obtain resp baseline,
Gravis antibodies block or weakness, ocular mss energy conservation,
destroy ACh affected, dysphagia isometric
receptors – prevents (sustained test, strengthening,
mss contraction looking at the roof) steroids
Parkinson’s Decreased 50-79 y/o. resting Maximize endurance,
Disease production of tremor (pill rolling), strength, function,
Dopamine in corpus akinesia, stooped energy conservation
striatum in Basal posture, PH: Dopamine
ganglia bradykinesia, replacement agents:
festinating and Levadopa, Sinemet
shuffling gait,

Types of SCIs
SCI Syndrome MOI Signs and Symptoms
Anterior Cord Syndrome Hyperflexion injury Loss of pain and temperature, loss
of motor function
Central Cord Syndrome Hyper extension injury UE>LE, motor>sensory, tracts
affected: spinothalamic,
corticospinal, dorsal columns
Brown-Sequard’s Stab wound, gun shot Contralateral loss of pain and
Syndrome temperature, ipsilateral loss of
vibration, position sense, motor
function (paralysis)
Cauda Equina Syndrome Injury below L1 Peripheral nerve injury, flaccidity,
areflexia, bowel and bladder
Posterior Cord Syndrome Compression of Loss of pain perception,
(sensory) Posterior Spinal Artery proprioception, 2 pt discrimination,
RARE stereognosis
Motor is preserved!

Types of CVAs
Artery Affected Area of Brain Affected Signs and Symptoms
Anterior Cerebral Artery Anterior frontal lobe, Contralateral loss of LE motor and
medial surface of frontal sensory, loss of bowel and
lobe, medial surface of bladder, aphasia, apraxia,
parietal lobe agraphia, akinetic mutism
Middle Cerebral Artery Cerebrum, Basal Ganglia UE more affected, contralateral
weakness and sensory loss of face,
Wernicke’s aphasia, apraxia,
anosognosia, homonymous
Posterior Cerebral Artery Occipital Lobe, Contralateral hemiplegia,
Midbrain, Thalamus contralateral loss of pain and
temperature, prosopagnosia
Vertebral Basilar Artery Cerebellum, Medulla, Hemi-tetraplegia, dysphagia,
Pons dysarthria, ataxia, loss of
consciousness, Locked-In

Glascow Coma Scale

Eye opening Score
No eye opening 1
To pain 2
To speech 3
Spontaneous 4

Motor Response Score

No response 1
Decerebrate posture 2
Decorticate posture 3
Withdraw from pain 4
Localized(moves a limb to remove stimulus) 5
Obeys commands 6

Verbal Response Score

No response 1
Incomprehensible and unintelligible sounds 2
Inappropriate; speech is intelligible but 3
conversation is not possible
Conversationally confused 4
Oriented 5

Score Represents
3-8 Severe brain injury, Comatose
9-12 Moderate brain injury
13-15 Mild brain injury
Ranchos Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning
Level Description
I. No Response Total assistance
II. Generalized Response Total assistance, inconsistent and nonpurposeful response to
stimuli; responses may be physiological changes, gross body
movements, or vocalizations
III. Localized Response Total assistance, specific but inconsistent, responses are
related to type of stimuli presented, follows simple
commands such as closing eyes or squeezing hand
IV. Confused-Agitated Max assistance, heightened state of activity with bizarre,
nonpurposeful behavior. Indiscriminate among people and
objects; unable to cooperate directly with tx. Verbalizations
are incoherent and confabulatory. Gross attention is limited,
lacks short and long term recall
V. Confused-Inappropriate Max assistance, responds to simple commands fairly
consistently; if commands are complex – responses are
nonpurposeful or random. Highly distractible, verbalization is
inappropriate and confabulatory, inappropriate use of
objects, performs previously learned tasks with structure
VI. Confused-Appropriate Moderate assistance, goal directed behavior dependent upon
external input or direction follows simple direction and
shows carryover. Responses may be incorrect due to
memory, but appropriate. Past memory better than recent
VII. Automatic-Appropriate Minimal assistance, appropriate and oriented, goes through
daily routine automatically but robot-like. Shows carryover
for learning, needs structure for social activities, judgment is
VIII. Purposeful-Appropriate Standby assistance, oriented, recalls and integrate past
events, completes familiar tasks, over- or under-estimates
abilities, shows a decreased ability compared to premorbid
state, abstract reasoning, tolerance for stress, judgment
Brunnstrom’s Stages of Recovery
Stage Spasticity Synergy
1 None, Flaccid None
2 Beginning Beginning, weak associated movements
3 Peak Spasticity Perform synergy voluntarily, mass synergy
movement patterns
4 Decreasing Begin out of synergy movements
5 Decreasing Independent out of synergy, nearly clear
of synergy
6 Minimal except during rapid Free of synergy, awkward, isolated joint
movements movements with coordination
7 Normal Normal

Cranial Nerves
Nerve Motor/Sensory Action/Test
I. Olfactory Sensory Identify familiar odors with eyes closed
II. Optic Sensory Test visual fields
III. Oculomotor Motor Upward, downward, and medial gaze
IV. Trochlear Motor Downward and lateral gaze
V. Trigeminal Both Sensation of face, mss of mastication, corneal reflex,
jaw reflex
VI. Abducens Motor Lateral gaze
VII. Facial Both Mss of facial expression, taste to anterior 1/3 of
tongue – identify familiar tastes, close eyes tight,
smile with teeth, puff cheeks
VIII. Vestibulo- Sensory Hearing tests, balance and coordination tests: finger
cochlear to nose
IX. Glosso- Both Taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue, gag reflex, ability to
pharyngeal swallow
X. Vagus Both Gag reflex, ability to swallow, say “ahh”, rise of uvula
when stroked
XI. Spinal Motor Resisted shoulder shrug
XII. Hypoglossal Motor Tongue protrusion – if injured, will deviate toward

UMN Lesion LMN Lesion

Hyperreflexia Hyporeflexia
Hypertonia Hypotonia
Spastic Flaccid
Positive Babinski Fasciculations
Clonus Muscle atrophy

Motor Control/Motor Learning

Stage of Motor Learning Training Strategies
Cognitive Stage: Feedback after every trial, knowledge of performance and
Learner develops results, practice in stress-controlled environment,
understanding of task, distributed practice or blocked practice
structures motor
program, “what to do”
Associated Stage: Provide KP and KR, provide variable feedback and after
Learner practices errors, assist self eval, encourage consistency, variable
movement, refines motor practice, progress towards changing environment
program, decreases
errors, uses
proprioceptive feedback,
“how to do”
Autonomous Stage: Decision making skills apparent, occasional feedback when
Learner practices error- errors present, massed practice, vary environment
free mvmt, “how to

Cardiovascular/Pulmonary/Lymphatic Systems

Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries. Blood pressure is recorded as
two numbers—the systolic pressure (as the heart beats/contracts) over the diastolic pressure
(as the heart relaxes between beats).
Orthostatic Hypotension is a decrease in BP (systolic greater than diastolic) as the patient
assumes a more upright position; sx: dizzy, lightheadedness

Ankle-Brachial Index
ABI = Ankle Systolic Pressure/Brachial Systolic Pressure
Value Significance
>1.0 Normal, ankle systolic pressure is as high as brachial pressure
0.8-1.0 Mild peripheral artery disease
Compression therapy with caution
0.5-0.8 Moderate PAD, intermittent claudication
NO Compression therapy
<0.5 Severe PAD, critical limb ischemia
Resting pain
NO Compression therapy
1.0-1.4 PAD, calcification of arteries

Cardiovascular Characteristics
Atherosclerosis Plaques affecting moderate Risk factors: smoking, age, male, high LDL
and large arteries; levels, stress, high BP, obesity, sedentary life,
thickening and narrowing of DM
blood vessel wall
CAD Angina, infarction, sudden Stable angina: exercise induced, relieved with
cardiac death; decrease in rest or nitro
myocardial oxygen supply Unstable: coronary insufficiency at rest,
resulting in ischemic chest increases risk for MI or lethal arrhythmia;
pain difficult to control
Variant (Prinzmetal’s): caused by vasospasm
of coronary arteries, responds well to nitro or
Ca2+ channel blocker
MI Prolonged ischemia, injury, Zones of infarction: central zone, zone of
death of area of injury, zone of ischemia
myocardium caused by
occlusion of coronary
Risk factors: atherosclerotic
heart disease with
thrombus, coronary
vasospasm, or embolism

Heart Failure Heart is unable to maintain Left sided heart failure vs Right sided heart
adequate circulation of the failure – See Below
blood o meet the metabolic
needs of the body
Occlusive PAD: result of peripheral atherosclerosis; HTN, CAD, DM, metabolic
syndrome, smoking; pale on elevation/dusky red on dependency;
PVD: Arterial intermittent claudication
Disease Thomboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease): inflammatory vascular
occlusive dz of small veins
Diabetic angiopathy: elevation of blood glucose levels and accelerated
Raynaud’s disease: spasm of small arteries, exacerbated by cold or stress
PVD: Venous Varicose veins: distended, swollen superficial veins
Disease Superficial vein thrombophlebitis: clot formation and acute inflammation in a
superficial vein
DVT: clot formation and acute inflammation in a deep vein
Chronic venous stasis/incompetence: chronic leg edema, venous valvular
Congenital Heart Atrial Septal Defect: hole between two atria
Defects Coarctation of the aorta: aorta is narrowed near ductus arteriosus
Patent ductus arteriosus: ductus arteriosus from pulm artery to descending
aorta does not close after birth
Ventricular septal defect: hole between two ventricles
Tetralogy of fallot: VSD+pulm stenosis+RV hypertrophy+aorta overriding VSD

Left Sided Heart Failure Right Sided Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure From LV failure, mitral valve disease, cor
Pulmonary Congestion: dyspnea, dry cough, Jugular distention, peripheral edema
orthopnea, paraoxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, (dependent edema), weight gain, ascites,
pulmonary rales, wheezing hepatomegaly
Edema, low cardiac output due to backup of Anorexia, nausea, bloating, cyanosis, RUQ
blood from LV pain
Excessive workload of heart: HTN, valvular Right sided S3 sounds
disease, congenital defects
Signs and symptoms: hypotension, Murmurs of pulmonary or tricuspid
tachycardia, lightheadedness, dizziness, insufficiency
cerebral hypoxia, fatigue, weakness, S3,
maybe S4, murmurs of mitral or tricuspid

Pulmonary Disease Characteristics

Asthma Chronic inflammation of PH: anti inflammatory,
airways caused by increased bronchodilators
hypersensitivity PT: airway clearance, breathing
exercises, relaxation,
endurance and strength
Atelectasis Areas of lungs collapse or do Tx: deep breathing, changing
not inflate properly positions, airway clearance
Bronchiectasis Progressive obstructive lung Consistent productive cough,
disease that produces an hemoptysis weight loss,
abnormal dilation of bronchus; anemia, crackles, wheezes, loud
bronchial walls weaken and breath sounds
allow for permanent dilation of
Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchi, Abx, anti inflammatory,
hypertrophy of mucus secreting bronchodilators, smoking
glands, insufficient oxygen cessation, airway clearance,
Productive cough for 3 months endurance, strength training
for 2 years, increased used of
accessory mss, dyspnea,
cyanosis, resp infections
COPD Group of lung diseases that Emphysema, chronic bronchitis
block airways due to narrowing Excessive mucus production,
of the bronchial tree chronic productive cough,
wheezing, SOB, fatigue,
reduced exercise capacity
Cystic Fibrosis Autosomal recessive genetic Sx: salty skin, persistent
disease of the exocrine glands – productive cough , frequent
affects lungs, pancreas, liver, lung infections, wheezing, SOB,
intestines, sinuses, sex organs. poor growth
PT: airway clearance, breathing
techniques, assisted cough,
ventilatory mss training
Emphysema Alveolar walls are gradually SOB, wheezing, chronic cough,
destroyed and the alveoli are barrel chest, use of accessory
turned into large, irregular mss, increased RR, fatigue
pockets with holes in the walls.
Pleural Effusion Buildup of fluid in pleural space If fluid gets infected and turns
between lungs and chest cavity. to abscess = empyema
Excess fluid pushes on fluid and
makes it difficult to breathe,
can cause atelectasis
Pulmonary Edema Fluid collects in alveoli, causing Left ventricle is unable to pump
difficulty breathing blood adequately (left sided
heart failure)
Pulmonary Embolism Arteries in lungs are blocked. Sudden onset of SOB, deep
(PE) Blood clots from LEs travel up breathing chest pain,
to lungs. hemoptysis, excessive
sweating, rapid pulse

Lymphatic Disease Characteristics

Lymphadenopathy Enlargement of nodes, with
or without tenderness
Lymphedema Chronic D/O with excessive Swelling of soft tss is UEs and
accumulation of fluid due to LEs.
obstruction of lymphatics, Due to congenital condition,
mechanical insufficiency sx (mastectomy, bypass,
lymph node removal),
tumors, trauma, infection,
radiation therapy, venous
Acute lymphangitis Acute bacterial infection Usually streptococcal
spreading through lymph

Pharmacology Action Indications Side Effects PT Examples

Alpha Reduce HTN Dizziness, Caution -osin
Adrenergic peripheral palpitations, when
Antagonist vascular tone, OH rising due
causing dilation to OH
of arteries and
veins, decreases
ACE Inhibitors Decrease BP and HTN, CHF Hypotension, Avoid -pril
afterload by dizziness, dry sudden prinivil,
suppressing cough, postural altace
converting hyperkalemia, changes
enzyme hyponatremia
Angiotensin II Block angio II HTN, CHF Dizziness, Minimal -sartan
Receptor receptors, limit back and leg Cozaar,
Antagonists vasoconstriction pain, angina Diovan
Antiarrhythmic Class I: Sodium channel blocker
Class II: Beta Blockers
Class III: inhibit sodium and potassium channels
Class IV: Calcium channel blockers
Beta Blockers Decrease HTN, angina, Bradycardia, HR and BP -olol
myocardial arrhythmias, cardiac response atenolol,
oxygen demand heart failure, arrhythmias, to exer will metoprolol
by decreasing migraines, fatigue, be Lopressor
HR and essential depression diminished
contractility by tumors *Use RPE
blocking beta
Calcium Decrease entry HTN, angina HA, HR and BP Procardia,
Channel of calcium into pectoris, hypotension, response Norvasc,
Blockers vascular smooth CHF peripheral to exer will Cardizem
mss, resulting in edema be
diminished diminished
myocardial *Use RPE
contraction, Watch for
vasodilation, OH, CHF,
decreased peri
oxygen demand edema,

Diuretics Increase HTN, edema Dehydration, Position Lasix, Diuril

excretion of associated hypotension, changes (chloro-
sodium and with heart electrolyte lead to thiazide)
urine, causes a failure, pulm imbalance, decreased
reduction in edema, polyuria BP,
plasma volume glaucoma monitor
and decreased for
BP electrolyte

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