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Social Media Marketing

Salma Samir 2017/00263

Nadine Hytham 2017/01517
Salma Khaled 2017/03035
Janna Hisham 2017/12353
Amr Mohamed 2016/05377


Problem statement:

Research Objectives

Research Questions

Literature review:


Theoretical framework:


Operational definition:

Research Design:

The Purpose of the Study:

The Unit of analysis:

Time Horizon (Time Frame):

Types of investigation:

Extent of the researcher interference:

Study Setting:


Data analysis:


Nowadays, studying social media marketing become viral as a sheer of people around
the world mainly depend on the internet websites. In addition, how it influence on the consumer
behavior online. Also, the online websites is not restricted to a certain region so when ads
updated online a large group of people around the world will be aware of the product/service
which lead to increasing of a brand loyalty, demand on the product and increasing the company’s
profit. Moreover, social media marketing is real effective in saving time, effort and money from
the perspective of the consumer and also the company. From the perspective of the consumer, it
save time and effort since the customer won’t have to go to the store to know about the product
that he is interested in as he/she can simply go review the ads made on this product/service or
checking the company’s website online. Saving money since the customer won’t need to spend
money on the transportation for looking on the product in the stores as he can just simply stay at
home and scroll down all the information and the location of his/her product online. From the
perspective of the company, it saves time as the marketers don’t need to interact with the
customer face to face to promote for the company’s product as they can simply upload the ad
online so everyone will see it. Save effort since they will save their energy to make other things
in much more productive way. Save money as the money that will be spent on the face to face
prompting for example; distribute free samples or making events related to the product will be
saved since they can simple make the targeted audience aware of the product from online ads.
Social media marketing will be affected by different aspects such as: Online promoting,
entertainment, reputation, interaction and online advertising. Online prompting, recently
marketers usually promote their product/service online like for example making ads during the
video, putting the product information on the company website in order to grab the customer
attention. In addition, building a strong relationship between the marketer and the customer by
contacting with him/her, know his/hers interests which help to make a long last relation and
develop brand loyalty. Entertainment has a big effect on consumer behavior which it has the
power on many things like the power of purchasing’s, and make the consumer more aware with
market and also entertainment increase the effectiveness of advertising. Reputation affects
people choices. if anyone want to buy anything online they will be little bit hesitate because they
can’t see it's intangible that make the consumer hesitate to take a decision , so what help them is
the review or the feedback from the others this is called reputation effects. Interaction releases
boredom and strengthen the relationship since there is a kind of communication that happen
between the marketers and the customers online. Interacting happen when a customer react or
post a review on the product which leads to buying products if there interested in it. Interaction is
needed to let the customers enjoy buying the product and be loyal to it. Online advertising have
an effective impact on the consumer behavior and it can influence its behavior while purchasing.
Problem Statement:

Social media marketing is the easiest way to build your product and have the ability to
communicate well with your customers. It is affected by several factors such as online
advertising, reputation and entertainment which have effect on the consumer behavior.

Research Objectives Research Question

RO1: to explain how consumers can interact RQ1: How can consumer interact with social
with social media in to many several ways media?

RO2: To understand how Reputation plays a RQ2: What is the role of reputation in
huge role in consumer’s life consumer’s life?

RO3: To state that consumers got affected by RQ3: how consumer gets affected by online
online adverting advertising?

RO4: To show how entertainment effects the RQ4: how the entertainment affect the
consumer buying criteria consumer buying criteria?

RO5: to explain how can the online promotion RQ5: how can the online promotion affect the
affect the buyer buyer?

RO6: to identify the importance of social RQ6: how social media is important in our
media in our daily basis daily basis?
Literature review:

One of the most important factors in consumer purchasing attitude is the brand loyalty,
awareness and brand standards. Consumer mainly buy things that he/she knows about it or loyal
to a specific brand. If there was a random ad on social media about a product that the customer is
loyal to, certainly his/hers attention will be grabbed. According to Denni Arli said that the
consumer behavior is in direct relation with the social media marketing which influenced by
awareness, brand loyalty and the shopping attitude. From the brand loyalty perspective, revels
that there is effective impact on the purchase behavior. The author mentioned that there is a lot of
people who spend hours in social media so if there is a random post ads about a specific brand
that the customer is loyal to, that trigger his/hers attention to know more about it and this called
consumer’s awareness. Thus, the author recommends the increase in social media marketing’s
interest to make bond with the customers (534). Adding to that, consumer behavior changes
when he/she sees a good online promotion made on a specific product that creates a different
standards referring to this product so on the long run that will create brand loyalty and
awareness. According to Patarawadee Sema There is a positive relationship between the social
media and consumer decision making behavior. The social media influence the purchasing
behavior, brand standards in the customer’s mind and promotion attitude. So by influencing the
brand standards this will build a good relationship between the customer and the product itself
which lead to changing in buying behavior. To put it in other words brand loyalty comes from
changing the brand or the product standards first by making a creative promotion on this product
on the social media since the consumers consume most of their time on social accounts.
Furthermore, consumers can be very depended on his friends and relatives comments on
a specific product, so friends on social accounts can influence the consumer behavior or feeling
toward a product by just posting a review on this product online saying their opinion. According
to the study said by Patarawadee Sema is that the consumer has the intention to buy a product
regarding its expensiveness just because their friends give them a great feedback on it. Moreover,
not only consumer influenced by his friends but also, popular people like celebrities can make a
strong influence. As making a live chatting for example with a famous person creates different
topics and opinion and that can make an impact on the consumer purchase activity. According to
Michael R. Solomon said that social website isn’t only for advertising products but also sharing a
different opinion of famous people, the author called it online opinion leaders and they are like
the power user. Eventually, a thousand of interacts happen between different customers online in
a live chat for example. As the social media is considering a strong communication network, it
has the power to change consumer purchase activity (543). Therefore, not only ads can affect
consumer behavior but also the people around him/her can be another influencer special online
since their like online surveys or reviews made specifically for product or service so the
customer can go check them.
Marketers have one main goal which is to satisfy the customer’s needs as there are a
large number of consumer tend to do online research on the product that he/she wants to buy, so
there must be information on the company’s website regarding to this product. Thereupon,
marketers need to give attention to satisfy customers’ needs. According to a study said by Lara
Lobschat, Ernst C. Osinga, Werner J. Reinartz state that in the earlier stage of purchasing the
consumer tend to use the company’s website to get information on the product. Thus, the authors
said that these customers should be provided with more attention for example provide banner ads
that contain the company’s product offering, also TV advertisements need to encourage the
customers to visit the company’s website. However, those customers who have visited the
company’s website are more likely to do an offline shopping (910). Based on that, marketers
need to track the customer online in order to know their needs and demand what I mean by
tracking is monitoring the consumer likes on Facebook for example, the vents that he/she want to
attend, the brands that the follow on social accounts. Eventually, this will lead to increasing the
company’s profit since a large scale of people knows about its product/service. According to Jing
Zhang and En Mao said that tracking the consumer behavior on social media and post the ads
that grab their attention are a very effective. Moreover, they stated that nowadays a lot of social
media sites monitor the consumer’s interest like if they were interested in social events,
communication, there will be ads related to connection and relationship. As it will be efficient
more than showing ads that the consumer is not interest in. All of this should be done by
marketers and at the end it leads to increasing the profits (163). Thus, to increase profits and
customer’s needs and satisfaction, marketers need to know their interests so they can show a
sheer of online ads on this product or event. If they achieved tracking and increasing ads on
specific products, they can lower the offline shopping.
Entertainment is one of the key factors that can affect the customer attitude and his/hers
activity. To put it in other words, when doing online promotion you as a marketer need to trigger
the customer to make him/her want to know more about this product and in order in doing so,
there must be creativity in doing the ad and entertainment. According to a study said by Denni
Arli indicates that the theory of technological acceptance model (TAM) is the key to understand
the acceptance or usefulness of technology. As the author said that the theory can be effective in
understanding the attitude and behavior toward the social media’s brands. In addition, the study
can find that the remarkable features that affect the social media acceptance. The entertainment
was the key factor in the theory as it affects the consumer attitude and his activity on social
media sites. The author also said that the entertainment should be put in consideration in the
content of social media promotion (531). So as marketer don’t need to do the promotion only but
you need to put in consideration the creativity, innovation and entertainment of the ad itself.
Which consumers there are many themes that entertainment affects consumer behavior
which it could be age gender and social media use which age is the most important things. Also
the discovers that the younger age people who interact a lot with social medial marketing and
that are what it called pure entertainment. Andrew Rohm and Velitchka D. kaltcheva and George
R. Milne states “that that brand that the consumer preferred is driven by the social media which
also there are five primary themes about social media which one of them is the entertainment
which the authors discover that these themes direct with the respondents age , gender ,and social
media use”(295). Andrew Rohm and Velitchka D. kaltcheva and George R. Milne states “that
the managers agreed that the younger digital people are who interested in interacting with the
brands through social media (pure entertainment) than older people” (295).
There are many tools of advertising and entertainment play an important role in these
tools which it also make an attention for the consumer’s and also there are many tools that
influence consumer’s mind which they are billboards, newspaper, entertainment and also this
things has an impact on consumer’s mind. Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Awan and Muhammad Ismail and
Farisa Ghazal states that there is an influence in social media which there are (newspaper,
television, billboards, music, movies, internet) which those are the things that affect the
observer’s mind as an impact (22). Tashrifa Haider, Shadman Shakib shows that entertainment
is the first primary tool of the advertising which also it made for gain attention consumer’s mind
which it easily remembered and it can increase consumer satisfaction(1).
The entertainment that has no aims could make people unsatisfied and could make them
understand the ads by wrong way, and also it could help us and change the way of thinking about
our normal lives and also may make more attention for specific brands by the gifts in the tickets
of the matches or games . Tashrifa Haider, Shadman Shakib says failed in approach entertaining
and ads may lose the chance to connect with consumers, and may drive people away (1). Hannah
jeon says all the ways of entertainment is affect us without realizing which also it impact our
lives about the way of thinking about products, clothes, political beliefs. Kotler and Armstrong
says “ that promotions makes a brand attentions like a recommendation for a games or gifts for
game tickets which that also affect the consumer behavior (361).
What is reputation and what is the aspects. Reputation somehow depends on
consumers’ interactions; reputation is a massive amount of data that is collected to approve
certain reputation. Researchers work until they prove that what build anything is reputation either
good or bad, they use to collect data to figure out where is the problem. So many companies
create a deep relationship between consumers and mangers to make them feel safe and secured
as if they are home. Social media develops a new form of activities to satisfy the consumer in
order to have a good reputation.
The researcher believes that reputation plays a huge role in consumers life that may
affect their decision in so many things like purchasing products for example if there is a product
that has a bad review consumer will reject this product, although if there is a very good review
on other product consumer will directly purchase without even thinking and this how reputation
takes place in consumers life, so people who are writing the feedback should be accurate and
trustworthy in their feedback that how the word of mouth can affect people. People should think
twice before posting anything. Read over that tweet or blog post a second time to make sure it’s
something you want to post. Use common sense and good judgement.
Interaction can be elaborated as in the article stated by Khim-Yong Goh, Cheng-Suang
Heng and Zhijie Lin “Despite the popular use of social media by consumers and marketers,
empirical research investigating their economic values still lags. In this study, we integrate
qualitative user-marketer interaction content data from a fan page brand community on Facebook
and consumer transactions data to assemble a unique data set at the individual consumer level.”
As stated in the above article although people are trying harder to use the interaction method as
they’re not doing it well so they’re figuring new ways to satisfy their needs. Interaction can also
be defined as it’s stated in the book “consumer behavior” Rajagopal stated that, firms must do
sales promotion to strengthen consumer’s satisfaction which can be done by making pre-
purchase interaction with the consumers. Which can be done by distributing products for free or
letting them test the product to let them try first (79).
A new methods must be figured out and that what happened by Priyanga
Amarasekare who stated that she presents a new mathematical way to state the effects on
consumer-resource interactions. This way is completetly different than any other ways, Firstly, it
elaborates the developmental delays in ectotherm lifecycles, secondly, it tests the latest IPCC on
the weather to a winter which is warmer than usual and summer which is hotter than usual. And
Yeakel and other scientists stated that, Mechanistic way is built to join the ecological and
physiological of one consumer to the point of view of its own, this is used to search if there are
any changes.
Some areas need to be checked on from time to time as there are some species that may
extinct during to the unbalance of nature as Jouke prop and other scientists explained that Arctic
faces ice melts in higher rates every year, and this affects the normal life of predators at the top
of the water and may cause extinction for some species, polar bears usually feed on sea ice
livings so there must be balance in nature that arctic keeps it’s cold temperature and they also
stated that Nests were being fed on by the bears was strongest in years when polar bears arrives
before the egg is completed to a bird so 90% of all nests were eaten by the bears due to the
climate bears must be controlled and keeo them in a suitable climate they demand
and protect this bird species from extinction that’s the suitable way for interaction.
As the researcher mentioned above that the impact of the online advertising on the
consumer behavior is an important variable for social media marketing.” Actually, the word
advertising comes from the Latin word “Advertero”. In addition, advertising is generally for
public not specific one. Its aim is to bring to public notice some services or whatever and create
the demand for it to activate its buying” That was mentioned by DR. PriyaKalyanasudaram in his
journal (63, 64). He also claims that the online or internet advertising is used as a message to
your audience to grab their attention. The online advertising could be done by several ways for
example: contextual ad which is a form advertising for advertisements that appears on web sites
or other media, rich media ads which include advanced features like videos and audios to attract
the attention and encourage viewers to interact and lastly the banner ad which is image based
rather than text based to promote the brand or service and get visitors from the host website to
the advertiser’s website (64).
Moreover, the online advertising has many objectives and helps the consumer a lot.
Advertisement is considered one of the best ways in communication with the customer and this
way of communication should meet his emotional, physiological and social requirements to have
a great impact on him. Researchers have found that online advertising has a very great popularity
now and that most likely are affected by it in a good way and that was supported by
MeghnaMeen and DR. MamtaJain (126, 127). So advertising is an art which should be done
wisely to have the positive effect on your customer. It should motivate the customer’s purchasing
desire towards your product even if he isn’t into this product but by your art you create for him
his need.
When could you consider your ad an effective one that could have a great impact on the
consumer behavior? Mike Totorice stated that your ad should be creative enough to grab the
customer attention otherwise the customer won’t even search for it and it won’t be memorable
for him. For you as an advertiser the ad is good when it increases your sales, for the customer its
good when it helps him in reaching what he needs so you should include both in your
consideration to reach a successful advertised ad. Also to be able to deliver an effective ad you
should understand your customer need and be able to reach his mind (1). In addition, Samar
Fatima and Sameen Lodhi mentioned that advertising works on giving the customers more
experiences and that it should help them reach what they want easily. Finally that it should
increase the production and decrease the cost of it (4048).
There are many struggles that can face many of the advertisers at the first and most
likely could be the competitors. Shirely Biag in his book claims that the advertisers used many
ways in their advertising to grab the customer attention like: pop up advertisements and click
through rate. They didn’t care for the high cost and they expected very high results but actually
the results weren’t as they expected at first. However, they kept trying and they were willing to
spend a lot of money to find out what works (216). Mainly, he explained that your ad must catch
the customer’s eye or ear or heart and preferably all the three. With the existence of so many ads
trying to compete together for the attention of the customer, your ad must be the customer would
prefer to watch instead of another (218). With that you could say that you succeed to achieve the
effective ad that has the well impact on the consumer behavior.
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What is the impact of entertainment and media perception?

Theoretical framework:

Independent variable Dependent variable

Moderating Variable

Online advertising Reputation


Social Media Marketing

Consumer behavior

Mediating Variable


HA1: The more the online advertising, the more behavior of the consumer will change

HA2: There is a positive relationship between the interaction and communication on social
media and the consumer behavior

HA3: If the reputation of the company or the product was well known and good then the
customers will interact and communicate with the company online

HA4: The less entertainment on social media ads, the more the customer will be unsatisfied
HA5: If the promotion on a specific product was made with a good care on the internet websites
then the behavior of the customer will change and the intention of wanting to know more about
the product will increase

HA6: there is a direct relationship between the interaction and consumer behavior as customers
will be more attracted to know more about a product seen in online ad and interact with the
marketers or their friends leaving comments and reviews on this product

Operational Definition:


Online Advertising D Entertainment

Could be measured by Could be measured by Could be measured by

Rate of increase Degree of effect on Degree of the persuasion
In revenue. Consumer behavior.

Degree of trust of E
degree of confidence purchasing power

E Extent of reputation E Rate of consumer satisfaction

Research Design:

1. The Purpose of the Study:

It’s Hypotheses testing since researcher testing the effect of one variable on the other and
explaining the relationship between the variables. For example how can the online promotion,
advertising, entertainment, interaction and reputation on social media can impact the consumer
behavior. So these variables can affect the consumer in a positive or negative way. So it’s testing
these variables on the consumer behavior.

2. The Unit of Analysis

Individuals, as the target audience is the customers and his/hers behaviors online how it can
change with the variables. How the customer will respond to an ad on the internet will he/she be
interested to know more about or not also, how to increase the interaction of consumer and the
marketers online.

3. Time Horizon (Time Frame)

Cross-sectional research as the data is collected only once because our variables as a social
media marketing research don’t change on the long run.

4. Types of investigation

It’s Causal as we are testing the relationship between the variables (cause and effect), which one
of the variables is the effect of entertainment on consumer behavior.

5. Extend of researcher interference

Extend of researcher interference is moderate because the research is hypothesis testing, the
researcher Intervene in the research in average way, so our research is moderator

6. Study settings

It’s non-contrived as we didn’t change the balance of consumer behavior, the researchers are
done just to adjust or improve the variables
Cover Letter
We are group consist of 5 Business students study Misr international university. We are
conducting a research on “Social Media Marketing”. What is meant by social media marketing
it’s the use on the internet websites to promote a new product or service online by using ads
made by marketers to make the customers aware of the new product. Your response to this
survey will help us in our research methodology project and of course your answer and your
identity won’t be shared and will stay confidential for your own safety. Thank you in advance.
 Male
 Female
2-Age _____
3-Level of education
 Under Graduated
 Graduated
 Employed
4-Do the online ads affect your purchasing activity on a specific product?
 Yes
 No
5- Rank the following five characteristics in terms of how it can be important or affect you or
while doing shopping (1 being the most important)
1 2 3 4 5
-Brand loyalty
-Brand standard in your mind
-The effectiveness of the promotion that
You saw it online

-Your friend’s recommendation

On this product

-Your favorite celebrity or a famous

People’s opinion on that product
6- Before buying any product that you interested in would you consider to look or search on it
1 2 3 4 5
Consider don’t consider

7- Does your family/friends’ reviews on social media websites on a specific product or event
affect you?
 Agree
 Strongly Agree
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
 Neutral

8- How the entertainment affects consumer buying criteria?

 Affect purchasing power
 Affect choice of products
 Reduce waste of time
 All of the above
9- From your perspective, the entertainment is important to consumer??
 Yes
 No

10- Do you agree the entertainment is affect consumer mind?

1 2 3 4 5
-Strongly disagree -Disagree -Neither Agree -Agree -Strongly agree
Or disagree
11- Do you think that online advertising affects the interaction of the customer towards the
product or service?
 Yes
 No

12- On scale from 1 to 5 how strong could the online advertising affects the customer’s
Strong 1 2 3 4 5 weak
13-Which is more attractive or better to reach the customer?
 Social media ads
 Street ads and banners
 Radio and TV ads
 Others
14- The more the creativity of the ad the more the customer’s intention towards the product
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
15- Do you think reputation has effect on social media?
 Yes
 No
16- Do you agree if reputation affect consumer decision?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
17- Do you prefer to buy from online store or you must have a look first on the product?
18- Is interaction necessary in social media?
 Yes
 No
19- Does interaction in social media can affect people negatively?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
20- Is social media applicable for what age?
 10 to 16
 16 to 21
 21 to 50
Data Analysis:

There is 29.4% of male and 70.6% Female fill this survey.

There a huge percentage 41% of young adult (19 to 22) fills this survey and small percentage of
teenager fills this survey (15, 18) and also small percentage of elder fills this survey (25 to 28)
which is 1%.

There is a 95.1% of the under-graduate fill this survey and only 4% and 1% of graduated and

83.3% of respondents answered that online ad affects its purchasing activity and only small
amount of respondents 16.7% answered there no effect.
 In the brand loyalty, it’s clear that the respondents answered that brand loyal affect it’s
shopping activity almost 37% but small proportion of them answered that it’s not that
important which is 24% and 12% of them consider to be neutral.
 In Brand standard in your mind, 31% of the respondents answered that it does affect
and it’s important to have a certain standards of the brand in their mind only small
proportion of them 11% answered that it isn’t important to them.
 In the effectiveness of the promotion that you saw it online, 28% of the respondents
answered that it’s important to see a creative and effective ad online to influence them to
buy the product only 11% of them doesn’t care about the effectiveness of the promotion
 In friend’s recommendation on this product, 29% answered that their friend’s reviews
and opinion on a certain product can affect them as if their friends give a good review to
a specific product, they will consider buying this product. Only 10% of the respondents
who do their purchase depended on their own opinion only.
 In the favorite celebrity or a famous people’s opinion on that product, 33% of the
respondents answered that the influence of their favorite celebrity on their opinion on a
specific product is neutral they can consider or don’t consider their opinion. 15% of them
said that it’s important to know their celebrity opinion and 20% answered that it doesn’t
matter to them at all.
51% of the respondents answered that they prefer to search on the product they want to buy
online first before buying it and only 9% of the respondents answered that the prefer to not to
look online but instead buy it in the store itself.

46% of the respondents answered that their friends/family reviews online on a certain product
has a neutral effect on them as it does and doesn’t affect them. 19.6% answered that they
strongly agree that their friends/family reviews online on a certain product has a strong influence
on them. 24.5% also agreed that it has an influence on them. 7% and 4% disagree and strongly
disagree as their friends/family reviews has nothing to do with their opinion on a specific
Which 17.6% of the respondents say that it affect them on purchasing power, 27.5% say that it
affect the choice of products,14.9 say that it reduce waste of time, while there’s 50% say that it’s
the collections of all the answers which it affect purchasing power and the choice of products and
reduce waste of time.

93.1% say yes, while the other 6.9% say no.

60.8% Agree, 14.7%neither agree or Disagree, 9.8%strongle Agree, 8.8% strongly Disagree,
while the other 5.9% Disagree about that entertainment affect consumer mind.

89.2% respondent yes that online advertising affects the interaction of the customer toward the
product and service and 10.8% respondent with no
24.5% respondent that the online advertising affects the customer’s intention from scale 1 from
5, 36.3% respondent a scale 2 from 5 , 28.4% respondent on scale 3 from 5, 5.9% respondent on
scale 3 from 5 and 4.9% respondent with scale 5 from 5

74.5% see that social media is the best way to reach customers, 7.8% see that street ads and
banners are better, 8.8% see that radio and TV ads are better to reach customers, while the rest
respondent with others ways
42.2% strongly agree that the more the creativity of the ad the more the customer’s intention
towards the product, while 9.8% strongly disagree, 12.7% is neutral to them

95.1% respondent with yes that reputation has effect on social media and 4.9% respondent with
58.8% strongly agree that reputation affect consumer decision while 6.9% strongly disagree

Do you prefer to buy from online store or you must have a look first on the product?

Half percentage of the respondents answered that they want to take a look first on the product
then purchase it. Almost half of the respondents answered that they will buy it from the online

Most of the people clearly answered with yes which is 89% while only 10.8% said no
Most of the answers were neutral which is 45.1%, for those who strongly agreed 19.6%, for
those who agreed only15.7%, for those who disagreed 13.7% and for those who strongly
disagreed 5.9%

The majority of using social media was in age between 16 to 21 which is 67.6%, 28.4%
was answered for age between 21 to 50 while only 4% were chosen for the age between
10 to 16
Consumer behaviour is a large field that needed to be studied in order to satisfy their
wants, needs and demands and also satisfy the company’s profit and the aim of this research is to
show how social media marketing is important for the customer and how the customer could be
affected by it. In order in doing so, first know what your target audience as a marketer is
interested in what kind of brands they love, what kind of events and what kind of ads and
promotion. Since there is no one nowadays who doesn’t have any social media account so doing
online promotion will be very effective. After the survey and the analysis, we conclude that
social media marketing strongly affect the consumer behavior. Not only the consumer behavior,
but also its purchasing activity after seeing the online ads on the product/service that he/she
interested in and also from the results of the survey the researcher discovered that it affect in a
positive way. Furthermore, the customers heavily affected by the brand loyalty, brand standards
in the customers’ mind, the effectiveness of the online promotion, their family/friends reviews on
the product and their favorite celebrity or a famous People’s opinion on that product. All of these
aspects can affect the consumer behavior either in a positive way or a negative way as it depends
from a person to person. Adding to, the importance of social media marketing, the customers
tends to do a research on the product and review the company’s website before doing any kind of
purchasing. Entertainment also has a great impact on the behavior of the customers. Researcher
conducted that the entertainment that in the videos have a strong influence on the consumer
buying behavior, the way that he/she will relate to this brand or the product and his/hers
standards to this product. In addition, online advertising strongly influence the customer’s
interaction to the product and it can increase the satisfaction if it was effective. Thereupon,
online advertising can heavily affect the customers buying intentions if it was creative enough to
grab the customer attention. Reputation also plays a very important role in the consumer
behavior. The reputation of the company or its product has a direct relationship with the
customer buying activity as we concluded from the survey. Also, it can affect its buying decision
as if the conpamy or this brand has a good and trustworthy reputation, the customer will consider
it first in his/hers buying criteria. Interaction on consumer behavior is very important doing it in
a right way can lead to a huge success and neglecting it leads to failure and a lot of disasters.
Always noticing changing behavior in anything and most importantly never underestimates the
power of interaction.

Based on the data collected through questionnaires and the sources included in the research. The
resrechers were able to make a proper explanation for the social media marketing that is
affecting the consumer while shopping online and make an easily available recommendation:

 From the entertainment perspective I recommend:

Marketers need to be very critical on the chosen product by testing it very well before its
available for customers managers should do more creative ideas and concentrate more on
entertaining methods do more creative ad. Create a very nice mode, use colorful fabrics
to grab the attention.

 Another point of view is Reputation:

You should show more credibility to your customers to be more trustworthy by

improving the product, always try to satisfy them and reach their need and wants. Always
be up to date with the newly products. Marketers need to know their target audience its
need, want and demand and according to this knowledge make an effective thing to grab
their attention

 From the Online advertising perception :

the best way for online advertising from our opinion are video ads as it attracts the
customer and increase his buying desire by its creativity. The creativity in making the ads
and the way it will pop up in the middle of the social accounts is very important.
Marketers need to be careful in this part as in order to not disturb or annoy the customer
by a lot of pop-up ads so creativity is important

 Providing a several ideas of online promotion:

Do flash sales not in a certain occasions and limited time discounts, this increase the
customer’s interaction toward the product. In the online promotion showing fewer offers
is very good and effective. As from a psychological fact that the customers will be
confused since he/she won’t know which the best offer, so they tend to leave the ad and
do not see it
 Improving interaction skills:
you should know more how to reach your customer well for example by sending messages on
cell phones , Give the contacts and company’s website at the end of each video or ad in case if
the customer want to know more about the product in private

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