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Research Design

There is search design that was used for this study is case study. A case study can be defined as
an intensive study about a person, a group of people or a unit which is in generalized over several units
also been described as an intensive systematic investigation of a single individual group community or
some other unit in which the researcher examines in.

The case study methodology used in this study is the survey research. Survey research obtains
data to determine and summarize the language acquisition of an individual child.

Here the researcher used a survey questionnaire for measuring the instrument in collecting data
and to assess the language acquisition of a child through watching Disney movie, Big Hero 6. A case
study involves asking the same set of questions, often a specific number of individuals. It will be
conducted through face-to-face observation and interview with the consideration of safety protocols of
the government.

Thus, the main purpose and reason of the study was to assess the language acquisition on the
subject of this study.

Research Instrument

The main instrument in data gathering is survey questionnaire consisting of two separate parts
which has three parts. The survey questionnaire for the parents of the child on how they observe the
language acquisition of their daughter/son during and after watching Disney movies and for the Child on
how the movie had taught them to speak and act. The type of survey questionnaire used in this study
measured the awareness of the parents to their child’s language acquisition and at the same time the
children its self’s language acquisition. This helped to determine the additional information that the
participants need.

The researcher requested there the respondents which were the parents just sign the informed consent
Prior to including them and their child in the study. Then once the consent was secured the researchers
utilize a survey questionnaire using a paper pen questionnaire which was analyze.

Part one part one of each questionnaire deals with profile of the respondents which describe
their age, gender, grade level, favorite Disney movie/s. (for parents, what is the favorite movie of their

Part two deals with the awareness of how language acquisition works and part three, deals with
the content of the connection and impact of Disney movies to language acquisition of a child.

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