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Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris 2

Dosen: Ns. Hafna Ilmy Muhalla, S. Kep., M. Kep., Sp. Kep. M.B.



Literature Review 1

Nama mahasiswa / Syallom Angelleno Hollyhe Riyadi /



Penulis (author) JOHAN KADHAFI NUR
Abstrak Housing is intimately linked with local and national
planning of social and economics policies as well as custom,
economics, education and tradition conditions. The World Health
Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on The Public Health
of Housing at its meeting in Geneva in 1961 stated that housing is
more than the physical structure and recommended to substitute for
housing to the term residential environment, meaning the physical
structure that man uses for shelter and the environs of that structure
including all necessary services, facilities, equipment and devices
needed and desire for the physical and mental health and social well
being of the family and the individual.
The residential environment is a core element of community
planning. For example, new and existing housing in built up areas is
usually connected with community wide or regional sewerage and
water supply system, and is served by an area wide refuse collection
and disposal organization. The neighborhood that constitutes the
residential environment depends on larger segment of the total
community for schools, transportation, communication, employment,
health facilities, and other public services. Environmental health
administrator and public health engineer have primary responsibility
serve as an effective member of, or active participant in the
deliberations and relevant programs of concerned local a nd national
agencies. All recognize housing improvement to be a major objective
of improved economic and social development and necessary for
improved health and environmental conditions.
Conditions of housing and residential environmental as well
as its assessments are clearly stated in Decree of Health Ministry of
Republic Indonesia No. 829/Menkes/SK/VII/1999. People agree that
housing is a prerequisite for mental health although it is difficult to
prove the relationship. Futhermore research concluded that people
live at the slum area has increase incident of communicable diseases
and home accident compared to people live at sanitary housing and
clean residential environment.
Problem Adequate housing must meet health requirements
statement/ so that residents stay healthy. Healthy housing is not
introduction regardless of the availability of related infrastructure and advice, such
provision of clean water, sanitation, waste disposal, transportation,
and the availability of social services
Tujuan Penelitian So that people pay more attention to the cleanliness of the
environment in which they live
Metode Further research concluded that people
living in slums has increased the incidence of infectious diseases
and home accidents compared with people living in sanitary housing
a clean residential environment and shows that residents living in
residential areas
slums have the incidence of infectious diseases and accidents in
higher house compared to those who live in
better residential environment.
Hasil (result) Peru development appraisal and approval procedures -
Mahan and the believer's environment must ensure that
availability of clean water supply network, sewerage
waste, garbage collection and disposal, sewerage,
asphalt or paving roads, street lighting, parking lots,
open space, as well as other necessary facilities.
Literature Review 2

Nama mahasiswa / Syallom Angelleno Hollyhe Riyadi /

Jurnal, volume, dll Journal of Public Health, March 2008 - September 2008, II (2)


Penulis (author) Rizanda Machmud
Abstrak Currently, the quality of health services is the main focus for the
community. Awareness and concern for quality is increasing. Things
related to quality today include the belief that something quality must
be something that is luxurious, luxurious, and expensive. Quality is
also considered to be something that is abstract so that it cannot be
measured. Quality improvement efforts require quite expensive costs.
Problem Patients as external customers not only want
statement/ healing from illness suffered which is an external
introduction (outcome) waiter, but also feel and judge
how it is treated in the service process
Tujuan Penelitian Based on various inputs, including customer complaints, results of
internal audits, results of customer satisfaction surveillance, results of
management reviews, and results of case studies, it can be concluded
that there are various problems or potential problems that must be
corrected or prevented from occurring in the future.
Metode From a quote taken from the book Latest Strategy
Improving the Quality of Health Services: Concepts and
Implementation; Excellent service is defined as
the best service and has met service standards
viewed from the perspective of the user or donor, perspective
service processes and financial perspectives that can
achieved if the quality of human resources is sufficient
Hasil (result) Excellent service is service
to patients based on quality standards to meet
the needs and desires of the patient so that the patient can
obtain satisfaction which can ultimately increase
trust in the hospital.
Literature Review 3

Nama mahasiswa / Syallom Agelleno Hollyhe Riyadi /

Jurnal, volume, dll Journal of Health, ISSN 1979-7621, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 2011


Penulis (author) Endang Nur Widiyaningsih
Abstrak Probiotics are live microorganism that are given as food supplement
and have beneficial effect on human and animal health. Beneficial
effect of probiotics is improving balance of intestinal microflora.
Probiotics can eliminate antigens that enter the body along with the
food. Principal mechanism of probiotics was decompose long-chain
carbohydrates, proteins and fats because the microorganism has
special enzymes to break down those bonds. Species that are
commonly used are Lactobacilus and Bifidobacterium. The survival
of probiotics bacteria also depend on prebiotics that are needed for its
food. The example of prebiotics are oligosaccharides (consisting of
raffinose and stachyose), fruktooligosaccharides (also called
oligofructose), inulin, lactulose and laktosucrose. Natural forms of
prebiotics such as whole grains, vegetables (asparagus, broccoli),
fruits and spices (such as garlic, onion, leek leaves), and processed
soy products (such as soy milk, tempeh, tofu, and tauco). The benefits
of probiotics bacteria to human health are improving the immune
system, helps the absorption of nutrients, shorten the duration of
diarrhea and help the digestion of lactose for lactose intolerance
Problem It is currently believed that probiotics are live bacteria administered
statement/ as dietary supplements that have a beneficial effect on human and
introduction animal health, by improving the balance of the intestinal microflora.
Tujuan Penelitian The working principle of probiotics is to utilize the ability of these
organisms to break down long chains of carbohydrates, proteins and
Metode Many research results show that the habit of consuming probiotic
products plays a good role in health, especially in increasing the
immune system. The benefits that can be obtained from the habit of
consuming probiotics are being able to increase non-specific immune
defenses. Probiotics of the types Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacilus
bulgaricus are known to increase macrophage production and activate
phagocytes in both human and experimental rat studies.
Hasil (result) Probiotics are food additives in the form of living microorganism
cells that have a beneficial effect on the host body that consumes
them through balancing the microflora in their intestines. Natural
forms in the form of grains, vegetables (asparagus, broccoli), fruits
and cooking spices such as garlic, onions, leeks. Processed soy
products such as soy milk, tempeh, tofu, and tauco. The benefits of
probiotic bacteria for human health include increasing the immune
system, helping nutrient absorption, shortening the duration of
diarrhea and helping lactose digestion for people with lactose
Literature Review 4

Nama mahasiswa / Syallom Angelleno Hollyhe Riyadi /

Jurnal, volume, dll Dwi Purwanti /DWIJACENDEKIA Journal of Pedagogic Research 1
(2) (2017) 14-20
Penulis (author) Dwi Purwanti
Abstrak The pattern of school education moves and develops in accordance
with the development of science and technology which not only
teaches cognitive aspects (knowledge) but also affective aspects
(attitudes) and psychomotor aspects (behaviors/habits). With regard
to affective attitudes, the government has established character
education. One of the characters developed is caring for the
environment. This study focuses on (1) the concept of environmental
care character education and (2) the implementation of environmental
care character education in schools. The results of this study include:
(1) environmental care character education is the embodiment of
human attitudes towards the environment in the form of actions in
daily life which are an effort to prevent damage to the surrounding
natural environment, as well as trying to repair all natural damage
that has occurred, (2 ) environmental care character education can be
implemented in schools through integration in subjects as well as
through self-development programs.
Problem But again, character education that has been set by the government
statement/ seems to be just a slogan, not being carried out in detail one by one.
introduction The character of caring for the environment is also only a
complement in the notes of the teacher's teaching plan, even though
this character is very necessary to maintain the beauty of the
environment. Environmental care character education is not managed
properly, even though the environmental care character has
considerable benefits.
Tujuan Penelitian Based on these needs, this study will discuss the concept of
environmental care character education and its implementation in
Metode In the author's opinion, to implement the character values of caring
for the environment, it is integrated into each subject through existing
competency standards, active learning by instilling the character of
caring for the environment in teaching and learning activities on each
subject, through self-development activities that have been
determined by the school and through culture. the school that is
excelled by the school so that it becomes a characteristic.
Hasil (result) Environmental care character education is an attitude that a person
has to improve and manage the environment correctly and usefully so
that it can be enjoyed continuously without damaging the situation,
helping to maintain and preserve so that there are sustainable
benefits. The purpose of environmental care character education is to
encourage students' habits to manage the environment, avoid
damaging the environment, foster sensitivity to the environment,
instill a caring spirit and responsibility for the environment, and
students can be examples of environmental saviors in life wherever
they are.
Literature Review 5

Nama mahasiswa / Syallom Angelleno Hollyhe Riyadi /

Jurnal, volume, dll Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition, Vol. 7 No. April 1, 2008


Penulis (author) Yustinus Marsono
Abstrak Improvements in the level of well-being have resulted in an increase
in various degenerative diseases such as obesity, diabetes, coronary
heart disease, hypertension and cancer. It is believed that functional
foods can prevent or reduce the chances of these diseases. The
functional properties of functional foods are determined by the
bioactive components contained in them, such as dietary fiber, inulin,
FOS and antioxidants. Indonesia is rich in natural resources with
bioactive components that have the potential to be developed. With a
large population and increasing welfare, it can be predicted that the
demand for functional foods will increase in the future. This gives
hope that the development of functional foods in Indonesia is very
prospective. The foresight of the food industry to see this opportunity
is needed and collaboration with researchers and support from the
government needs to be increased. This action needs to be followed
by intensive promotion to support increased marketing.
Problem Awareness of the great relationship between food and the possibility
statement/ of disease, has changed the view that food is not only for filling and
introduction as a source of nutrients, but also for health.
Tujuan Penelitian From this understanding, it can be seen that functional foods are
widely used to define foods or foods that have the ability to influence
physiological processes so as to improve health or prevent disease..
Metode In many countries functional foods have developed very rapidly. This
is based on several reasons, namely: (i) increasing awareness of the
importance of food in preventing or curing disease (ii) consumer
demands for foods that have more properties, namely containing
functional ingredients, (iii) community experience regarding
alternative medicine, ( iv) epidemiological studies on the prevalence
of certain diseases which are apparently influenced by the eating
habits and ingredients eaten by a population.
Hasil (result) The functional properties of functional foods are determined by the
bioactive components present in them. Indonesia is rich in natural
resources, both biological and natural sources, with bioactive
components that have the potential to be developed. Food technology
in the field of functional food as well as researches related to
functional food have been widely developed. These all become the
basic capital for developing functional foods. Thus, the functional
food processing industry in Indonesia is actually very prospective.
The problem is whether the food industry can take advantage of this
opportunity. The development of the functional food industry is not
only beneficial for the industry, but also for society and the
government. Cooperation with universities is needed as a source of
information and government support for matters related to law and

Literature Review 1

Literature Review 2

Literature Review 3

Literature Review 4

Literature Review 5

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