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CLASS : 6 SUBJECT : Mathematics FULL MARKS : 25

General Instructions :

1. Read the following instructions carefully.

2. Take a full chart paper ( preferably white ) and fold it twice to get 4 parts.
1 2

𝟏 3 4
3. Cut the 4 parts. Now, you have 4 pieces of 𝟒
chart paper.
2 4
4. Arrange the 4 pieces accordingly and staple it to get a booklet of 4 pages.
The 1st page is the cover page and the last is the back page.
5. The pages inside are to be used to do the activities.
6. All activities are to be done in this 4-page booklet.

7. All work is to be handwritten.

8. Neat and clean work is highly expected from you as 3 (three) marks will be allotted based on the
presentation of your work.

9. Submission of the project will be in the school.

10. On the cover page you need to write:

• ACTIVITY BASED PROJECT ----------------------
• P. A . 1 – 2021 ----------------------
• SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS ----------------------
• NAME : _________
• CLASS & SEC : ________ ---------------
• ROLL NO. : ______ DATE : _________ ---------------

TOPIC : commutative property of addition ( 6 marks )

Prepare a 10 x 5 grids on the chart paper (booklet). Each grid should
measure 2 cm x 2 cm. Colour the first three horizontal grids with green
colour and next six horizontal grids with red colour. Again, colour the
first six grids of another horizontal row with red colour and next three
with green colour.

(a) Write your observation and result with regard to the above
(b) What is commutative property of addition for whole numbers ?

A sample has been done for you.

2 + 4 = 6

4 + 2 = 6

TOPIC : highest common factor ( h.C.F. ) ( 8 marks )


Step 1 : Write the factors of all the three numbers as shown in the sample.
Step 2 : Draw a square number grid (6 x 6) with natural numbers 1 to 36 as follows :

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
18 cm
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36

18 cm

Step 3 : Use three colours ( RED, BLUE and GREEN ) of sketch pens to make small
circles of same size for the factors of three different numbers.
Step 4 : Shade all the squares which has all the three colours with a same light
crayon colour.
Step 5 : Observe the largest number which has all the three colours and highlight the
borders of that square (with sketch pen).
Step 6 : Write the common factors below the grid.
Step 7 : Write down the Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.) of the three numbers.

A sample has been done for you.

Find the common factors of 4,6 and 12 and hence find the H.C.F.
4 = 1 x 4 6 = 1 x 6 12 = 1 x 12
2 x 2 2 x 3 2 x 6
3 x 4
1 2 3 4
for all the factors of 4

for all the factors of 6

5 6 7 8
for all the factors of 12

9 10 11 12

Common Factors of 4, 6 and 12 are = 1 and 2

∴ Highest Common Factor of 4, 6 and 12 = 2

Question for the project :

Find the common factors of 16 , 24 and 32 and hence find the H.C.F.


TOPIC : preparing a bill ( 8 marks )



Fruits Price Total Sale in 1 day
APPLES ₹ 200 per kg 35 kg
GRAPES ₹ 75 per 250 gm 10 kg
BANANAS ₹ 150 per dozen 48 dozen
ORANGES ₹ 180 per kg 8 kg
MANGO ₹ 120 per kg 42 kg
DATES ₹ 175 per half kg 5 kg
Deepak Barman has a fruit shop. The above table shows the price of some of the fruits sold
in his shop, together with the quantity sold for 1 day, i.e. 15th of June 2021.

Go through the table and answer the following :

1. What is the total amount of money Deepak made by selling apples and bananas ?
(2 marks)
2. Rina bought one and a half kg grapes. How much did she pay Deepak ? (2 marks)
3. If 15 customers bought 1 kg mangoes each, between 9 A.M. and 11 A.M., how much
money did Deepak earn during these 2 hours ? (2 marks)
4. Mrs. Barua wanted to buy 2 kg dates. How much will she have to pay ? (2 marks)

NOTE : Before you answer the questions, make a neat table showing the
fruits, price and total sale in 1 day.
( Diagrams of the fruits can be done next to their names )

PA- 1 PROJECT, 2021- 22

Class: 6 Sub: English Marks: 25

Q1) Write the substance of the poem ' The Road Not Taken '. (6m)
Q 2) Write a short description about the poet Robert Frost and his work. Paste
a picture in your description. (approx 120 words) (5m)
Q 3) Give the highlights and the message of the chapter 'Breaking Barriers' in
your own words. (6m)
Q 4) Write a paragraph based on the given situation ...
I was walking in the woods when suddenly I saw something strange on the
path ahead. There were millions of footprints coming out of the bushes ,
crossing the path and disappearing into the bushes on the other side. I
had some free time so I decided to follow the footprints . (approx 120
/130 words) (6m)


1. Project to be done in a separate booklet. The cover page

should contain details of student- name, class, section, roll
no., subject.
2. Every question should start in a new page.
3. The project must be done in the student's own handwriting
using either blue or black ink.
4. Total 2 marks have been allotted for presentation.
5. Date of submission (probably last part of July 2021) will be
notified in due time.
PA- 1 PROJECT, 2021- 22

Class: 6 Sub: Assamese Marks: 25

PA- 1 PROJECT, 2021- 22

Class: 6 Sub: Hindi Marks: 25

अंक – 25 ( 7 + 7+ 8 + 3 )

1. "यात्रा शिक्षा का एक अहम हहस्सा है " इस पर लगभग 180-200 िब्दों में

एक अनुच्छे द शलखें। (7)
2. रुपये-पैसे के अतिररक्ि और कौन-कौन से धन हो सकिे हैं? क्या धनी
होकर आपकी भी सोच पाठ हे र फेर के अमीर व्यक्क्ि की िरह हो
जाएगी? "विद्या रूपी धन" एक मनुष्य के जीिन में क्या भूशमका तनभािा
है लगभग 80 िब्दों में शलखें। (7)
3. भूकंप क्या है ? अगर आपके क्षेत्र में भूकंप आिा है िो उस क्स्िथि में
आप क्या करें गे? 28 अप्रैल 2021 को आए भूकंप का अपना अनुभि लगभग
80 िब्दों में शलखें। (8)

तनदे ि :

1. किर पेज संपूर्ण हहंदी में शलखखए। (नाम, कक्षा, िाखा, विषय)
केिल क्रमांक अंग्रेजी में शलखखए।

2. साफ एिं सुंदर शलखाई के शलए 3 अंक हैं।

3. सभी पररयोजना कायण को अपने विद्यालय के बक

ु लेट में कीक्जए।
(अलग से एक बुकलेट बना लीक्जए)

4. पष्ृ ठ संख्या प्रत्येक पष्ृ ठ पर अंककि करना अतनिायण है ।

PA- 1 PROJECT, 2021- 22

Class: 6 Sub: Science Marks: 25

Chapters selected for project- 1 and 13
Q.1 Name and give two examples for each of the following edible parts of
plant. Give diagram for each example. (2+2+2+2)

i) Leaves
ii) Flowers
iii) Stems
iv) Roots

Q.2. Draw a compass and explain its working. (4+4)

Q.3. With suitable diagrams explain the attraction and repulsion between
poles of magnets. (4+3)


➢ Presentation and cover (2 marks)

➢ All projects must be hand written by the students.
➢ The projects must be done in a new booklet.
➢ Diagrams must be coloured
PA- 1 PROJECT, 2021- 22

Class: 6 Sub: Social Studies Marks: 25

1. Write one paragraph each on HUNSGI (One Palaeolithic site) and DAOJALI
HADING (One Neolithic site). (4+4 Marks)
(One paragraph for each site and 60-70 words for each paragraph).

2. Draw and colour one Indian made satellite which has been sent to space.
Mention two purposes of the satellite. (4+4 Marks)

3. Trace a map of India in your booklet.

(a). Draw and mark The Indian Standard Meridian in it. Also mention the
states over which it passes.

(b). In the same map, draw and mark The Tropic of Cancer and mention
the states over which it passes. (4+4 Marks)

1. Project to be done in a separate booklet. The cover page should contain
details of student- name, class, section, roll no., subject.
2 Every question should start in a new page.
3 Drawings must be coloured or shaded and also labelled.
4 A total of 8 marks are allotted for each question and 1 mark for neatness
and presentation.
5 The project must be done in the student’s own handwriting and in either
black/ blue ink.
6 Date of submission (probably last part of July 2021) will be notified in
due time.

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