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Crusher => fouloir

Vocabulaire du vin en anglais

Delicate => fin
Anglais => Français
Domaine, Estate => domaine
White wine => vin blanc
Dry => sec
Red wine => vin rouge
Enjoy your tasting! => bonne dégustation !
Still wine => vin tranquille
Enology => oenologie
Rosé => rosé
Fairly, medium-sweet => demi-sec
Sweet natural wine => vin doux naturel
Fermenter => cuve de fermentation
Liqueur wine => vin de liqueur
Fine colour => une belle robe
Sparkling wines, fizzy => mousseux, effervescent, pétillant
Fermenting time / Vatting time => Temps, durée de cuvaison
Table wine => vin de table
Full-bodied => corsé, charpenté
Yellow wine => vin jaune
Finish => arrière-goût
Dessert wine => vin de dessert
Fresh, cool => frais
Aeration => aération
Fleshy, medium bodied => charnu
Alcoholic fermentation => fermentation alcoolique
Fortified wines => vins mutés
Aging => vieillissement
Fruity => fruité
A hint of… => une pointe, un gout de…
Grape => raisin
Alcohol => alcool
Grape skin => peau de raisin
Aluminium tank => cuve en aluminium
Grape variety => cépage
Aperitif => apéritif
Growth / Cru => un cru
Appellation wines => vins d’appellation
Glistening => chatoyant
After taste => arrière-goût
Harvest => vendange
Alcoholic fermentation => fermentation alcoolique
Iced => glacé
Aroma => arômes
Label => étiquette
Balanced => équilibré
Late harvest => vendange tardive
Body => corps
Light => léger
Barrel => tonneau
Maturing in… => élevage en…
Blend => assemblage
Must => moût
Blind testing => dégustation à l’aveugle
Nose => nez
Bottle => bouteille
Nut => noisette
Breathing => respiration
Oak => chêne
Buttery => beurré
Oak cask => fût de chêne
Barrel => barrique, fût
Oak barrel => tonneau en chêne
Capacity => capacité, contenance
Oaky => boisé
Cask => tonneau
Owner => propriétaire
Cellar => cave
Oxidation => oxydation
Cork => bouchon
Press => pressoir
Corked => bouchonné
Powerful => puissant
Chilled => frappé
Picking, harvesting of grapes => vendange
Champagne glass => flûte
Preservation => conservation
Perfumed => parfumé To pick, to harvest the grapes => vendanger

Powerfull => puissant To taste => goûter

Round => rond To let breathe => laisser respirer

Robust, strong, rich => corsé To taste => déguster

Ruby => rubis To tread => fouler aux pieds

Sediment => dépot To match foods and wine => accorder des mets et des vins

Small cellar => caveau

Spicy => épicé

Spittoon => crachoir

Straw wines => vins de paille

Sweet => doux, moelleux

Tannin => tanin

Tasting => dégustation

Tank => cuve (fermée)

Taste => arôme, goût

Tools, equipment => les outils, le matériel

Vat => cuve (ouverte)

Vinification => vinification

Vintage (year) => millésime, récolte

Vineyard => vigne, vignoble

Very dry => brut

Vat => cuve

Wine-growing, vinicultural, wine industry => vinicole

Wine merchant => négociant

Wine picker, harvester => vendangeur

Wine-waiter => sommelier

Wine grower => viticulteur

Winery => cuverie

Wine tasting => dégustation

With a short finish => cours en fin de bouche

Wine-tasting cellar => caveau

Woody taste => boisé

Wood => bois

Wooden => en bois

Verbes utiles

To grow => faire pousser

To decant => décanter

To siphon => transvaser

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