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1. What makes Filipino children initiate games out of nothing?

Children in this generation are becoming addicted to games such as mobile gaming (indoor gaming) and
outdoor gaming (playing with their peers outside the house), and as addict children, they have no way of
knowing whether or not these activities will help them. They always prefer gaming or playing to
studying, despite the fact that we know that gaming does not assist a child in developing or gaining
knowledge about specific events in their lives. They only think about how much they want to play and
how much they want to enjoy themselves, regardless of the circumstances. They would rather play for
no reason where they won't learn anything than study or learn for the good things they might use.

2. Traditional games really fun, what makes them the excitement comes 1980's?

They enjoy traditional Filipino games because it is their favorite pastime and they can play with their
friends, especially during the holidays and summer. It's also exciting because they get to relive their
childhood days at this event.

3. Relate physical fitness and obese as far as game is concerned.

Filipino games are typically played outside and require a great deal of physical exertion. Children
becoming obese or developing a disease linked to a sedentary lifestyle were extremely rare. Physical
activity raises people's total energy expenditure, which can help them maintain energy balance or even
lose weight if they don't eat more to make up for the calories they burn. Physical activity reduces waist
fat and total body fat, which helps to slow the progression of abdominal obesity.

4. What are the advantage in term of health, between traditional games and computer n

Traditional games have the advantage of improving our physical body's flexibility, mentality, and all
aspects of physical body, as opposed to online games, which can cause a lot of sickness.

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