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Vishnu Vasudev

Ms. Kelli Secord

Independent Study and Mentorship I

08 April 2022

Final Product Proposal


For my original work, I created a business plan to serve as a roadmap for my company. I

had previously expressed that my final product then should be actually creating my company,

ready to sell my device to customers. As I have not yet had the chance to discuss my final

product with my mentor, this proposal should not be considered a definitive description of

exactly what my final product will be. However, I am quite sure that my final product will

mostly consist of a combination of the possible tasks I will be outlining in the following


The component of my final product I first conceived was to complete all necessary legal

tasks to make my company official. I wanted my company to legally exist and be able to do

business, which means I have to register one thing with the county clerk, obtain a permit from

the state, and eventually file tax returns with the IRS. As I researched more into the necessary

tasks, the list grew and grew, but I still believe that while these tasks may take some time to

complete, most of that time will be spent waiting, so I can do more than just this for my final


In my business plan, I had outlined that I wanted to finish developing version 3.0 of my

device, which involves mostly engineering tasks. Of course, my topic is entrepreneurship with a

focus on medical devices, so engineering is not outside of the scope per se, but I would like to
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integrate this into my topic a bit more. The reason I have this as a task I should do is because I

need to make my device more user-friendly before I can put it up for sale or even present it to

potential customers. To actually sell my product, I don’t just need a market-ready product, but I

also need a store. I also believe that I should finish my company website and online store as part

of my final product as this is also important to actually make my company exist.

Having completed all the previously outlined tasks, I would have a company ready to sell

my product. I am currently uncertain as to whether or not I would be able to accomplish the

following, but it would make sense for me to then focus on my growth strategy. This involves a

variety of tasks, such as filing both a patent and trademark application to make my company

more competitive. I could also present my device to stroke advocacy groups and clinicians,

which is another important part of my marketing and growth strategy.

I may also choose to do other tasks that I have not outlined here after discussion with my

mentor, but I believe that these tasks will remain my main focus.

Review of Skills and Research

To create my final product, I need to have knowledge of several topics. Some of these

topics are things that I will have to learn through future research and some are things that I

already know. First, I have already researched the necessary legal tasks I need to do to create my

company, but I would like to check this with a more experienced person to make sure I am not

missing anything. To create the new version of my device, I will have to not so much do

research, but rather follow a trial-and-error based iterative engineering process. I already have

the skills needed to finish my company website. This process of setting up my company will be

centered around making my device market-ready, as that will be the most time-consuming

component. For the tasks associated with growing my company, I will have to research some
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more into intellectual property to supplement my existing knowledge. As I have never conducted

direct market research before, I will definitely need to learn new skills for that.



For the components of my final product other than the engineering task, I will mostly be

dealing with documents and computer software. For finishing version 3.0 of my device, I will

need the numerous materials used in my device.


To create my product, I will first have to research any tasks I do not yet know how to do.

Then I will complete tasks in the following order: First, I will complete all necessary legal tasks

as some of these may take time to be fully processed. Then, I will complete the device, so that I

can have pictures and other representations of it on the online store, which I will complete third.

It is important that a patent be filed in a timely manner, so I would work on that next, but I may

decide to complete my secondary market research before this.

Higher-Order Thinking Skills Used

In the process of creating my final product , I will be using multiple higher-order thinking

skills. The most evident of these is synthesis, where learners create some sort of product. By

creating my final product, I am taking the information I have learned to create a new product.

However, I am not directly translating the information I have learned through research into a

product. Rather, I have to first analyze this information to determine how to best apply it to my

particular situation. Only then can I actually create a product. I am also using the skill of

evaluation, as the particular specifications of my final product that I will determine are all
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reflective of my opinions. I will make my choices because I have evaluated my analysis to

decide the position I want to take. Using these 3 higher-order thinking skills will allow me to

create a professional and significant final product that best reflects my knowledge.


So far, I have created a plan that outlines what my company will be like. Now, I need to

actually create that company. I have broken this process down into two phases: setting up the

company and growing the company. Ideally, I would accomplish all the components of both

these phases, which would prepare my company best for future success. What I actually will do

cannot be determined now, as I still need to speak with my mentor to determine what is practical

and what is most significant.

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