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Characterization of Thielaviopsis paradoxa Isolates from Oil Palms in

Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil

Article  in  Journal of Phytopathology · December 2012

DOI: 10.1111/jph.12012


8 680

4 authors, including:

Elizabeth Alvarez Maria Chacon

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research National University of Colombia


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J Phytopathol doi: 10.1111/jph.12012
© 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

Plant Pathology Program, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, Cali, Colombia

Characterization of Thielaviopsis paradoxa Isolates from Oil Palms in Colombia,

Ecuador and Brazil
Elizabeth Álvarez1, Germán A. Llano1, John B. Loke1 and Maria I. Chacon2
Authors’ addresses: 1Plant Pathology Program, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, AA 6713, Cali, Colombia;
Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia (correspondence to E. Álvarez. E-mail:
Received March 7, 2012; accepted August 11, 2012

Keywords: Elaeis guineensis, Ceratocystis spp., molecular markers, genetic diversity, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil

Abstract biggest producer, with 50% of the world production.

Ceratocystis paradoxa (Anamorph: Thielaviopsis parad- Colombia is the fourth producer worldwide and the
oxa) is parasitic on a range of economic and food first in the Americas (165 000 ha in production), fol-
crops and is the cause of dry basal rot, a limiting dis- lowed by Ecuador (135 000 ha) and Brazil (91 000 ha)
ease in oil palm. The objective of this study was to (Corley and Tinker 2003).
determinate the pathogenic and genetic diversity of Thielaviopsis diseases of palm have been reported
Thielaviopsis isolates from oil palms in Colombia, worldwide, just approximately everywhere palms can
Ecuador and Brazil. A total of 164 strains of Thielavi- be grown (Garofalo and McNillan 2004). Dry basal
opsis paradoxa were characterized using pathogenicity rot, caused by the vascular pathogen Thielaviopsis
tests, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) paradoxa (Teleomorph: Ceratocystis paradoxa), can
markers and PCR sequencing of the internal tran- attack the stem, leaves and fruits, causing premature
scribed spacer (ITS) region of 5.8 S ribosomal DNA. fruit drop (Kile 1993) and has the potential to devas-
Oil palm seedlings were inoculated by injecting the tate global palm resources (Garofalo et al. 2004).
base of stems in the seedling stage with a fungal sus- Thielaviopsis paradoxa is a soil-borne fungus widely
pension and severity scores of disease reactions were distributed worldwide (Al-Onazi et al. 2011) that can
evaluated. PCR amplification of the ITS region be efficiently spread by nature and by man in soil and
resulted in a 590 base pair (bp) product. Digestion of plants. The disease is characterized by dry rot of the
the PCR product with two restriction enzymes pro- bud tissue with necrotic lesions of different colours
duced three restriction patterns, which according to (Buitrago and Nieto 1995). It can be economically sig-
ITS sequences could be classified as T. paradoxa. Six nificant, for example, in northern Colombia where
RAPD primers gave polymorphic bands in T. paradox- 70% of plantations are affected (Tovar and Nieto
a. Population structure analyses of the RAPD data 1998). It is also economically important in the south-
suggested that most of the isolates obtained in this ern region of Bahia state, Brazil. It affects palms of
study belonged to a single population. The genetic any age and is prevalent in lowland areas where the
diversity of the isolates from South America was inter- average annual rainfall is 2500 mm/year or above.
mediate, and therefore, T. paradoxa is likely to be pre- The genus Thielaviopsis, now synonymous with the
dominantly clonal compared with Ceratocystis species. genus Chalara, is largely composed of asexual states of
Sporadic sexual reproduction may occur for T. parad- Ceratocystis species. The sexual state of Thielaviopsis
oxa but is secondary to clonal reproduction. Data on paradoxa (de Seynes) Höhnel, namely Ceratocystis
pathogen diversity will provide information on breed- paradoxa (Dade) Moreau (Chalara paradoxa (de Sey-
ing strategies and population structures. nes) Sacc.), is a weak pathogen that is restricted to
monocotyledonous plants that are stressed and plant
Introduction organs that are senescing. The sexual stage of the fun-
Oil palm [Elaeis guineensis Jacq. and, to a lesser gus usually only invades the parenchymous tissue
extent, E. oleifera (H.B.K)] are the world′s most valu- rather than more densely packed cells of meristems or
able oil crop. High yields have led to a rapidly expand- bundle sheaths (Streets 1933; Kile 1993).
ing worldwide industry, currently in many tropical Isolates of T. paradoxa are difficult to differentiate
areas of Asia, Africa and the Americas (Corley and with other Thielaviopsis spp. because of similarity in
Tinker 2003). To date, the tree crop covers 14.9 mil- morphological characteristics. Knowledge of genetic
lion ha worldwide (FAO 2009), and Malaysia is the diversity and population structure of plant pathogens
2 Álvarez et al.

may contribute to the design of effective control mea- spear leaves, leaflets from old leaves, petiole bases of
sures. Molecular tools provide data sets that are inde- young leaves, inflorescences, fruit peduncles and soils
pendent of morphological features that can be used to near oil palms (E. guineensis) affected by dry rot dis-
objectively evaluate the presence of genetically diver- ease in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil.
gent groups of isolates within fungal populations. In Different culture media were used for isolations such
addition, molecular fingerprints can validate the signif- as potato dextrose agar (39 g PDA, Difco, Detroit,
icance of morphological characteristics in distinguish- MI per litre), carrot agar (200 g cooked and blended
ing fungal taxa (Hausner et al. 1993). The efficiency of carrot, and 20 g agar, Difco per litre) and V-8 juice
management strategies for dry basal rot disease in oil agar (200 ml V8 juice, 3 g calcium carbonate, 20 g
palm may be improved by the narrow diversity, both Difco agar per litre). The carrot agar was modified
pathogenic and genetic, found among T. paradoxa with thiamine hydrochloride at a concentration of 300
populations in the regions. parts per million (ppm) (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA).
Ribosomal genes (rDNA) consist of a mixture of After tissue collection, surface sterilization was per-
highly conserved sequences that offer a means of formed by the immersion of the previously washed
assessing affinities above the species level (Kurtzman plant tissue in hypochlorite (1%) for 1 min, then in
1985) and also less conserved internal transcribed ethanol (70%) for 1 min which was then rinsed with
spacer (ITS) sequences which are highly variable even water. Tissue sterilization was followed by incubation
among closely related taxa (Dvorak and Appels 1982; in small polyethylene bags for 5 days. Infected tissue
Hausner et al. 1993; Hirata and Takamatsu 1996). For fragments were then transferred to carrot agar for fun-
example, Parsimony analyses of ITS region and partial gal cultivation.
large subunit (LSU) ribosomal sequences placed four Isolates from soil samples were obtained by serial
anamorphic Thielaviopsis species as a monophyletic dilution (10 1, 10 2 and 10 3) with sterilized distilled
group within the teleomorph genus Ceratocystis. water; 0.1 ml of each dilution was plated on carrot
Three of these species (T. ovoidea, T. thielavioides agar and incubated at 25 °C. Where fungal growth
and T. populi) were morphologically similar to each was detected, subsequent 0.1-ml spore dilutions were
other but distinct by rDNA sequences, and one (T. ele- transferred into water agar (20 g Difco agar, 1 l dis-
gans) was more distant (Paulin-Mahady et al. 2002). tilled water) plates and incubated at 25°C until isola-
Therefore, the rDNA repeat unit offers an ideal system tions of single germinated endoconidia were obtained
for studying relatedness at various taxonomic levels in using microscopy (9100 magnification). Monoconidial
fungal species (Blackwell et al.1993; Geldenhuis et al. isolates were transferred to modified carrot agar med-
2006). ium and incubated at 25°C without light. After identi-
Amplification of anonymous fragments of DNA, fication, monosporic cultures were grown on 1-cm2
such as those found by using the RAPD (Random sterilized filter paper squares placed on the carrot agar;
Amplified Polymorphic DNA) system, has several filter papers of each isolate were dried at 28°C for
advantages to fungal strain classification. First, RAPD 7 days and stored in envelopes at 4°C.
markers do not require previous knowledge of any
specific sequence and secondly the system is easy to Pathogenicity testing of fungal isolates
implement for the assessment of genetic diversity and Isolates were inoculated onto approximately 4-month-
genetic structure in various fungal, plant or animal old oil palm [E. guineensis (highly susceptible species)]
populations that do not have a wide array of genetic seedlings, which were at the 2–4 true-leaf stage, by
tools developed for them. For example, various decam- injecting the base of the seedling stem with 1 ml of a
er primers can be used for amplification of different conidial suspension (c. 1 9 106 conidia/ml) using a
sets of RAPD bands which provide complementary evi- sterile syringe (needle gauge 21 G 9 38 mm or
dence for population structure. The RAPD technique, 0.80 mm 9 1½″). The control plants were similarly
therefore, can be used to generate a well-supported injected with sterile distilled water.
phylogenetic tree, especially at an intraspecific level, This injection method for testing pathogenicity cor-
and the large number of bands obtained make it a responded with fungal wound infections that occur
useful technique in genetic variability studies (Welsh naturally in the field. The inoculated and control
et al. 1991). plants were incubated at 27–31°C, 80–100% relative
Our objective was to contribute to the understand- humidity with 12 h light per day (2200 lux measured
ing of the pathogenic and genetic diversity of 164 with a LI-1000, Li-Cor Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
Thielaviopsis isolates from infected tissue of oil palms provided by six lamps (400 W, General Electrics,
and surrounding soil samples from Colombia, Ecuador Castle Hayne, NC, USA) in a growth chamber (Perci-
and Brazil by means of pathogenicity tests, RAPD val Mfg.Co., Boone, IA 50036, USA) in the grounds
marker fingerprinting and ITS molecular analyses. of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture.
For the evaluation of symptoms, the length of stem
Materials and Methods necrosis in cm was recorded 1 month after inoculation.
Collection and isolation of fungal strains Isolates (111) were arranged in a complete random
Samples were collected in 1996 and 1997 from roots, block design with three repetitions, with five inoculated
stems, meristem, bud tissue (under the meristem), seedlings per isolate per replicate. All treatments were
Characterizing Thielaviopsis paradoxa in Oil Palms 3

evaluated simultaneously in two growth rooms kept cal significance was tested by means of 10 000 random
under the same conditions. Infection data were analy- permutations. Genetic diversity within populations was
sed using SAS software, isolates were grouped accord- calculated by Nei’s gene diversity indexes (Nei 1987)
ing to their pathogenicity using analysis of variance again using GENALEX v. 6.41 (Peakall and Smouse
with Duncan’s multiple range test of mean separation, 2006).
a = 5%.
Molecular evaluation of the fungal isolates by sequencing and
Measurements of genetic diversity and population structure restriction analyses
Isolates were grown in a V-8 liquid medium on a To establish the taxonomic status of the isolates
rotary shaker at room temperature in the dark for obtained from E. guineensis in this study, PCR amplifi-
5 days. Mycelium was harvested by filtration and cation of internal transcribed spacers of the rDNA
ground with liquid nitrogen. The mycelium was used genes (ITS1 and ITS2) was carried out for all isolates
for DNA extraction following the Dellaporta method followed by restriction digestion. For this purpose, iso-
(Dellaporta et al. 1983), modified with two additional lates were grown for 15 days at room temperature in
chloroform–isoamyl alcohol washes to remove pheno- 25 ml of liquid culture media with 2% malt and 1%
lic compounds and to improve DNA quality. yeast extracts. The mycelium was used for DNA
Random amplified polymorphic DNA reactions extraction following the Dellaporta method (Dellapor-
used 20 ng of DNA and a set of 20 oligonucleotide ta et al. 1983) to obtain a pure DNA for both restric-
(decamer or 10-nucleotide) primers obtained from tion analysis and sequencing.
Operon Technologies Inc., Alameda, CA, USA. The Amplification of the ITS regions and the 5.8 S ribo-
thermal cycler was programmed for initial denatur- somal gene was obtained using the ITS 4 and ITS 5
ation at 94°C for 4 min, followed by 40 cycles of 45 s universal primers (White et al. 1990). Amplifications
at 94°C, 1 min at 36°C (annealing) and 1 min at 72°C were performed in a thermal cycler (PTC-100, MJ
(extension), with a final extension of 5 min at 72°C. Research Inc., Watertown, MA, USA) at an initial
PCR reactions were performed in a final total volume denaturation of 95°C for 3 min and programmed for
of 25 ll containing 1.5 units of Taq polymerase (Pro- 24 cycles of 30 s at 95°C (denaturation), 30 s at 57°C
mega, Madison, WI, USA), the 1X buffer supplied (annealing) and 2 min at 72°C (extension), with a final
with the enzyme, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM dNTPs and extension of 10 min at 72°C. PCR reactions were per-
0.5 lM primer. PCR products and amplified DNA formed in a 25 ll final volume containing 0.625 units
band were separated electrophoretically in 1.4% aga- of Taq polymerase (Promega), 1X buffer supplied with
rose gels and detected by staining with ethidium bro- the enzyme, 3 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 0.5 lM of
mide. Gels were photographed after electrophoresis each primer (ITS 4 and ITS 5) and 5 ng of template
using Stratagene Eagle Eye® II video system (La Jolla, DNA.
CA, USA). To study the genetic structure of the Thiel- Restriction profiles of the amplified DNA were gen-
aviopsis isolates, RAPD polymorphisms were analysed erated using the endonucleases AluI and MspI (Pro-
by means of two approaches as described below. mega). For sequencing, the non-digested PCR product
In the first approach to diversity analyses, no a priori was cleaned using Quiagen’s Clean DNA Kit and sent
populations were assumed, and genetic relationships for sequencing at the Iowa State University’s DNA
among all isolates were studied by means of a hierar- Sequencing and Synthesis Facility. Sequences from
chical cluster analysis and a correspondence analysis both DNA strands were obtained directly from PCR
(CA) as implemented in the software MVSP v. 3.13 products using the automated dideoxy sequencing
(Kovach Computing Services) and the software NTSys method (Sanger and Coulson 1975) carried out on an
v. 1.70 (Rohlf 1992). For the cluster analysis, a pairwise Applied Biosystems Prism 377 DNA sequencer.
genetic distance matrix based on Nei and Li’s coeffi- Sequencing reactions involved the Applied Biosystems
cient was used, and the UPGMA algorithm was (Foster City, CA, USA) Prism Big Dye terminator-
applied. The statistical support of UPGMA clusters cycle-sequencing kit with AmpliTaq DNA polymerase.
was assessed by means of bootstrap analyses (1000 For sequence analysis, each individual sequence was
replicates) carried out by the Winboot (Yap and aligned against a Thielaviopsis spp. database managed
Nelson 1996) and PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using by the National Center for Biotechnology information
Parsimony) (Swofford 1998). (NCBI using the
In the second approach, populations of isolates were SEQUENCE NAVIGATOR Program (v. 1.0.1 Perkin-Elmer
defined a priori according to their geographic source. Applied Biosystems, Inc.). Phylogenetic analysis was
Total and pairwise population differentiation indexes performed under the parsimony criterion using PAUP
(u, which is analogous to Sewall Wright’s fixation (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony) (Swofford
indexes FST (Wright 1951) and applied to dominant 1998).
markers) were calculated via AMOVA as the proportion
of the molecular variance among populations relative Results
to the total molecular variance (within and between Collection of the fungal isolates
populations) using the population genetic program We isolated 164 strains of Thielaviopsis paradoxa from
GENALEX v. 6.41 (Peakall and Smouse 2006). Statisti- oil palms affected by dry basal rot disease and sur-
4 Álvarez et al.

rounding soil. Isolates were collected at four different the results of the correspondence analysis identified 5
sites in Colombia: nine isolates from Barrancabermeja outlier isolates: CECITH 4, CECITH 36, CECITH 37,
(Department of Santander); 58 isolates from the Lla- CECITH 40 and CECITH 95 (Figs 1 and 2a).
nos region (Manavire, Manuelita, Bucarelia, Casanare, Apart from these outliers, isolates were very similar
Guaicaramo, Unipalma, Meta); 58 isolates from genetically, and although they seemed to group into
Tumaco (Nariño) and one isolate from Fundación several clusters, bootstrap analyses only supported the
(Magdalena) (Table 1). Twenty-eight isolates were also presence of a single genetic cluster (P value of 87%).
obtained from one site in Ecuador (Lago Agrio, After removing outliers, correspondence analyses were
Sushifindi) and ten isolates from one site in Brazil performed again and the results are shown in Fig. 2b.
(Denpasa). Variation explained by the first three axes were 22.8%,
The number of successful isolations varied between 13.6% and 9.2%, respectively.
sites and between plant organs especially. For exam- The correspondence analyses results did not show
ple, 35.4% of the isolates were obtained from stem tis- the presence of well-differentiated groups based on
sues (stipe, bud and meristem), 49.4% from leaf and their geographic distribution, a result that was consis-
reproductive tissues (petiole base, rachis, leaflet, spear tent with the cluster analysis where isolates from dif-
leaf, inflorescence and peduncle), 3.0% from root and ferent geographic regions were intermingled.
2.4% from soil samples. The rest of the samples came Population structure was further studied, therefore,
from unidentified tissues or from soils within the same through an AMOVA analyses (data not shown) and by
plantations as the oil palms. pairwise comparisons as shown in Table 2.
In the AMOVA analysis, isolates were assigned a priori
Pathogenicity levels defined to five different populations based on geographic ori-
Pathogenicity data were obtained from a total of 111 gin: three populations in Colombia (from the depart-
fungal isolates collected over the 2-year period. During ments of Meta, Nariño and Santander), one in
the pathogenicity testing, symptoms of the disease Ecuador and one in Brazil. According to these analy-
were evident within a week after inoculation. All iso- ses, molecular variance of isolates showed that genetic
lates caused brown necrotic lesions, and in some cases, diversity was distributed mainly within populations
leaf chlorosis was also observed extending along leaves (90%) rather than between populations (10%). The
of the plant. The symptoms caused by individual iso- statistical significance of population differentiation
lates of T. paradoxa from the different sites and coun- (average u value was calculated as 0.096) was tested
tries were similar, although symptom severity differed by 10 000 random permutations. The results suggested
between isolates. Table 1 summarizes pathogenic char- that population differentiation was low but statistically
acterization evaluated across three separate experi- significant (P = 0.010). Pairwise u values (see Table 2)
ments (the highest values of each isolate from the show that populations located in different countries
different experiments were used for the analysis of were slightly more divergent genetically (u values rang-
pathogenicity). ing from 0.071 to 0.364) than populations located
The isolates were classified into four groups or levels within the same country.
according to their pathogenicity on the E. guineensis, Within Colombia, only populations from Meta and
oil palm seedlings using Duncan’s multiple range test Santander were significantly different (u = 0.136,
(a = 5%). The controls remained healthy during the P = 0.020). Gene diversity indexes (He) were calculated
evaluation period while the T. paradoxa strains showed only for populations from Meta and Nariño, which
high pathogenic variation between isolates. Pathoge- contained higher and similar number of isolates
nicity level - group 1 consisted of 13 highly pathogenic (n = 43 and 37, respectively). The values for these two
isolates, which caused stem lesions that were between sites were very similar (He = 0.228 and 0.211, respec-
50 and 73 mm in length, all of which had typical tively) which suggested that relatively high levels of
necrotic symptoms. The second level - group consisted diversity are maintained in both regions. These diver-
of 20 intermediate pathogenicity isolates, causing stem sity values were approximately 1.5–3 times higher than
lesions of 27–49 mm in length. The third pathogenicity in the other sites (Santander, Ecuador and Brazil) but
level - group included 68 poor disease causing isolates, this may have been an effect of the smaller number of
which showed 3–26 mm length stem lesions; while, the samples analysed from these latter regions.
fourth pathogenicity level – group included 10 non-
pathogenic isolates which showed lesions between 0 Molecular taxonomy
and 2.8 mm in length. Amplification products of rDNA sequences from the
ITS region were obtained for 121 isolates. The PCR
Genetic diversity and population structure product size for all Thielaviopsis spp. isolates was
Among the 20 RAPD primers screened, only six of approximately 590 bp in length. Restriction digestions
them (OPAO2, OPAO3, OPAO4, OPCO1, OPHO5 with AluI and MspI revealed three different restriction
and OPN10) amplified consistent PCR products and patterns (I, II and III). Pattern I was predominant and
were reproducible across 98 of the 111 isolates. These was present in 116 isolates, which also showed a high
primers produced a total of 66 scorable bands. The genetic similarity based on RAPD data. Pattern II was
phenogram obtained by the UPGMA method and present only in two isolates (CECITH 35 and
Characterizing Thielaviopsis paradoxa in Oil Palms 5

Table 1
Thielaviopsis paradoxa isolates from Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil collected in 1996 and 1997

Isolate – straina Collection siteb Tissuec Pathogenicity level – groupsc,d

CECITH 1 Nariño, COL Bud 3

CECITH 2 Nariño, COL Bud 3
CECITH 3 Llanos, COL NI 3
CECITH 4 Llanos, COL NI 3
CECITH 5 Llanos, COL NI 3
CECITH 6 Llanos, COL NI 3
CECITH 7 Llanos, COL NI 1
CECITH 8 Llanos, COL NI 1
CECITH 9 Llanos, COL Stipe 2
CECITH 10 Llanos, COL Stipe 2
CECITH 11 Llanos, COL Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 12 Llanos, COL Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 13 Santander, COL Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 14 Santander, COL Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 15 Santander, COL Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 16 Santander, COL Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 17 Santander, COL Leaflet 2
CECITH 18 Santander, COL Leaflet 1
CECITH 19 Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 20 Llanos, COL Bud 3
CECITH 21 Llanos, COL Bud 3
CECITH 22 Llanos, COL Leaflet 2
CECITH 23 Llanos, COL Leaflet 2
CECITH 24 Llanos, COL Leaflet 1
CECITH 25 Llanos, COL Bud 1
CECITH 26 Llanos, COL Bud 3
CECITH 27 Llanos, COL Stipe 1
CECITH 28 Llanos, COL Stipe 3
CECITH 29 Llanos, COL Stipe 1
CECITH 30 Llanos, COL Stipe 3
CECITH 31 Llanos, COL Stipe 2
CECITH 32 Llanos, COL Bud 1
CECITH 33 Llanos, COL Bud 3
CECITH 34 Sushifindi, ECU NI 3
CECITH 35 Sushifindi, ECU NI 3
CECITH 36 Sushifindi, ECU Bud 1
CECITH 37 Sushifindi, ECU Inflorescence 3
CECITH 38 Nariño, COL Petiole base 3
CECITH 39 Nariño, COL Petiole base 2
CECITH 40 Nariño, COL Bud 2
CECITH 41 Nariño, COL Bud 2
CECITH 42 Nariño, COL Bud 3
CECITH 44 Nariño, COL Petiole base 2
CECITH 45 Nariño, COL Meristem 1
CECITH 46 Nariño, COL Soil 3
CECITH 47 Nariño, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 48 Nariño, COL NI 3
CECITH 49 Nariño, COL Bud 2
CECITH 50 Nariño, COL Rachis 3
CECITH 51 Nariño, COL Leaflet 3
CECITH 52 Nariño, COL Leaflet 3
CECITH 53 Nariño, COL Soil 2
CECITH 54 Nariño, COL Petiole base 1
CECITH 55 Nariño, COL Spear leaf 2
CECITH 56 Nariño, COL NI 3
CECITH 57 Llanos, COL Bud NT
CECITH 58 Llanos, COL Bud 2
CECITH 59 Llanos, COL Soil 3
CECITH 60 Llanos, COL Bud 3
CECITH 61 Llanos, COL Bud 3
CECITH 62 Llanos, COL Stipe 3
CECITH 63 Llanos, COL Bud 2
CECITH 64 Llanos, COL Bud 3
CECITH 65 Nariño, COL Spear leaf 1
CECITH 66 Nariño, COL Leaflet 1
CECITH 67 Nariño, COL Bud 3
CECITH 68 Nariño, COL NI 2
CECITH 69 Nariño, COL Leaflet 3
CECITH 70 Nariño, COL NI 3
CECITH 71 Nariño, COL Leaflet 3
6 Álvarez et al.

Table 1

Isolate – straina Collection siteb Tissuec Pathogenicity level – groupsc,d

CECITH 72 Santander, COL Bud NT

CECITH 72-B Santander, COL Bud 4
CECITH 72-D Santander, COL Bud 4
CECITH 73 Nariño, COL Bud 3
CECITH 73-B Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 73-D Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 74 Nariño, COL Rachis 3
CECITH 74-A Nariño, COL Rachis NT
CECITH 74-E Nariño, COL Rachis NT
CECITH 75 Nariño, COL Leaflet 3
CECITH 75-A Nariño, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 75-E Nariño, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 76 Nariño, COL Bud 3
CECITH 76-B Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 76-D Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 77 Nariño, COL Rachis 3
CECITH 77-A Nariño, COL Rachis NT
CECITH 78 Nariño, COL Rachis 3
CECITH 78-A Nariño, COL Rachis NT
CECITH 79 Nariño, COL Rachis NT
CECITH 79-B Nariño, COL Rachis 4
CECITH 79-D Nariño, COL Rachis 4
CECITH 80 Nariño, COL Bud 3
CECITH 80-B Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 80-D Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 81 Nariño, COL Bud 3
CECITH 81-A Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 81-E Nariño, COL Bud NT
CECITH 82 Nariño, COL Peduncle 3
CECITH 82-A Nariño, COL Peduncle NT
CECITH 83 Sushifindi, ECU Meristem 3
CECITH 84 Sushifindi, ECU Meristem 3
CECITH 84-E Sushifindi, ECU Meristem NT
CECITH 86 Llanos,COL Leaflet 2
CECITH 86-A Llanos, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 86-E Llanos, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 87-A Sushifindi, ECU Meristem NT
CECITH 87-B Sushifindi, ECU Meristem NT
CECITH 87-D Sushifindi, ECU Meristem NT
CECITH 88 Sushifindi, ECU Leaflet 3
CECITH 88-B Sushifindi, ECU Leaflet NT
CECITH 88-D Sushifindi, ECU Leaflet 4
CECITH 89 Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 90 Llanos, COL Spear Leaf 2
CECITH 90-B Llanos, COL Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 90-D Llanos, COL Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 91 Llanos, COL Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 91-B Llanos, COL Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 91-D Llanos, COL Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 92 Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf 2
CECITH 93 Sushifindi, ECU Rachis 3
CECITH 94 Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 95 Llanos, COL Leaflet 4
CECITH 96 Sushifindi, ECU Stipe 3
CECITH 97 Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 97-A Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 97-E Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 98-B Nariño, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 98-E Nariño, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 99 Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 99-A Sushifindi, ECU Leaflet 4
CECITH 100 Llanos, COL Leaflet 4
CECITH 100-A Llanos, COL Leaflet 3
CECITH 100-E Llanos, COL Leaflet 3
CECITH 101 Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 101-A Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 101-E Sushifindi, ECU Spear Leaf NT
CECITH 102 Llanos, COL Leaflet 3
CECITH 102-A Llanos, COL Leaflet 3
Characterizing Thielaviopsis paradoxa in Oil Palms 7

Table 1

Isolate – straina Collection siteb Tissuec Pathogenicity level – groupsc,d

CECITH 102-E Llanos, COL Leaflet 4

CECITH 103-B Llanos, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 103-D Llanos, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 106 Sushifindi, ECU Meristem 3
CECITH 106-D Sushifindi, ECU Meristem NT
CECITH 107 Llanos, COL Rachis 3
CECITH 107-B Llanos, COL Rachis NT
CECITH 107-D Llanos, COL Rachis NT
CECITH 108 Nariño, COL Meristem NT
CECITH 109 Llanos, COL Leaflet NT
CECITH 110 Llanos, COL Leaflet 4
CECITH 112 BRA Spear Leaf 3
CECITH 113 BRA Root 3
CECITH 115 BRA Soil 3
CECITH 116 BRA Stipe 3
CECITH 117 BRA Meristem 3
CECITH 118 BRA Bud 3
CECITH 119 BRA Root 3
CECITH 120 Llanos, COL NI NT
CECITH 121 Llanos, COL NI NT
CECITH 122 Llanos, COL NI NT
CECITH 123 Magdalena, COL NI 2
All isolates were monosporic. Isolates were designated with a letter indicating a secondary monosporic of the similarly-named isolate.
Country abbreviations: BRA, Brazil; COL, Colombia; and ECU, Ecuador.
Other abbreviations: NI, not identifided; NT, not-tested.
Analysis of variance and separation of means with Duncan’s multiple range test (5%). Grouping: 1: 50–73 mm; 2: 27–49 mm; 3: 3–26 mm;
4: 0–2.8 mm; NT, not tested.


8 6 CECITH037*

0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1

Nei & Li’s Coefficint

Fig. 1 Phenogram from hierarchical cluster analysis of data from 98 Thielaviopsis strains. Clusters were fused using the UPGMA method
and Nei and Li’s similarity coefficient. The scale shown corresponds to the average similarity at which clusters fuse. Numbers indicate boot-
strap support values and asterisks indicate isolates identified as outliers
8 Álvarez et al.



Axis 2 –2.4 –1.9 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5


CECITH37 –1.9

Axis 1

(b) 3.01


Axis 2



–1.80 –1.20 –0.60 0.60 1.20 1.80 2.41 3.01



Brazil Ecuador Llanos Santander Nariño Axis 1

Fig. 2 Correspondence Analysis of genetic similarity based on RAPD data among 98 isolates of T. paradoxa. Geographic origin of isolates is
shown. The per cent of variation explained by the first three axes is axis 1 (22.82%), axis 2 (13.55%) and axes 3 (9.15%). (a) Scatter plot with
outliers. (b) Scatter plot without outliers

Table 2 C. paradoxa from different plant species were used (see

Pairwise population differentiation indexes (upt). Significant proba- Table 3) to perform a phylogenetic analysis of rDNA
bilities are shown in bold.
sequence data. The reference isolates were obtained
Population 1a Population 2a upt Prob from Dr. Thomas Harrington, Pathology Department,
Iowa State University, USA.
Llanos, COL Nariño, COL 0.018 0.085
Santander, COL Nariño, COL 0.068 0.104
Sequencing of the ITS region was successful for 9 of
Suhifindi, ECU Nariño, COL 0.071 0.005 10 randomly selected isolates that showed restriction
Llanos, COL Santander, COL 0.136 0.020 pattern I (Table 3) and for the isolate CECITH 35,
Sushifindi, ECU Llanos, COL 0.108 0.000 which showed restriction pattern II. All of these desig-
BRA Nariño, COL 0.145 0.002
BRA Llanos, COL 0.174 0.001 nated references isolates had highly similar ITS
BRA Sushifindi, ECU 0.216 0.000 sequences (data not shown) which in turn were highly
Sushifindi, ECU Santander, COL 0.232 0.002 similar to the reference sequence for C. paradoxa iso-
BRA Santander, COL 0.364 0.002 lates from date palm and pineapple. These 10 isolates
Country abbreviations: BRA, Brazil; COL, Colombia; and ECU, were then classified as T. paradoxa, whose sexual stage
Ecuador. was identified as Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
based on the groupings of the dendrogram shown in
Fig. 3. The source of the restriction digest differences
was evident in the sequences of the reference strains.
CECITH 59). Pattern III was observed in the single
isolate CECITH 95, which was identified as an outlier Discussion
based on RAPD data (Figs 1 and 2a). The isolation of T. paradoxa from many different
Based on the digestion results and the RAPD data, organs of oil palm trees and from different agro-
11 isolates were selected, and 10 reference isolates of ecological zones in different countries can be considered
Characterizing Thielaviopsis paradoxa in Oil Palms 9

Table 3
Reference species used in this study and reference strains of Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto as defined by the phylogenetic analysis shown
in Fig. 3

Reference isolatesa Host Location Species

C869 Phoenix dactylifera California, USA Ceratocystis radicicola

C870 Phoenix dactylifera California, USA Ceratocystis radicicola
C907 Musa sp. Unknown Ceratocystis paradoxa (?)
C914 Cocos nucifera Maranhao, BRA Ceratocystis sp.
C915 Musa AAA Belem, BRA Ceratocystis paradoxa (?)
C926 Ipomoea batatas New Jersey, USA Ceratocystis fimbriata
C1001 Ananas comosus BRA Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C1002 Air BRA Ceratocystis paradoxa (?)
C1003 Phoenix carariensis Spain Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C1107 Elaeis guineensis Nariño, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C953 (CECITH 61) Elaeis guineensis Llanos, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C954 (CECITH 62) Elaeis guineensis Llanos, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C956 (CECITH 54) Elaeis guineensis Nariño, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C957 (CECITH 63) Elaeis guineensis Llanos, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C959 (CECITH 56) Elaeis guineensis Nariño, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C1021 (CECITH 43) Elaeis guineensis Magdalena, COL Ceratocystis sp.(?)
C1090 (CECITH 37) Elaeis guineensis Sushifindi, ECU Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C1091 (CECITH 35) Elaeis guineensis Sushifindi, ECU Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C1092 (CECITH 68) Elaeis guineensis Nariño, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C1093 (CECITH 44) Elaeis guineensis Nariño, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu stricto
C1094 (CECITH 72) Elaeis guineensis Santander, COL Ceratocystis paradoxa sensu strict
Reference isolates obtained from different plant species provided by Thomas Harrington, Pathology Department, Iowa State University,

C1090 - Sushlfindl, ECU

C1091 - Sushlfindl, ECU

C1094 - Santander, COL

C1093 - Nariño, Col

C1092 - Nariño, COL

C1003 - Spain
ITS Sequences C1001 - BRA
1 paradoxa
C954 - Llanos, COL sensu
C953 - Llanos, COL stricto
C959 - Nariño, COL

C956 - Nariño, COL

7 C957 - Llanos, COL
C1107 - Nariño, COL

C907 - Unknown
3 4 Ceratocystis
95 1 C915 - Belem, BRA paradoxa ??
2 C1002 - BRA

6 C1021 - Nariño, COL Ceratocystis

100 C914 - Maranhao, BRA sp.
54 4 C869 - California, USA Ceratocystis
100 C870 - California, USA radicicola
C926 - New Jersey, USA

Fig. 3 One of the four most parsimonious trees of 82 steps based on 537 aligned bases from the ITS-1, ITS-2 and 5.8 rDNA sequences of
Ceratocystis paradoxa and relatives. The tree is rooted to C. fimbriata. Numbers above branches indicate number of base substitutions, and
numbers below branches are bootstrap values. CI = 0.939, HI = 0.061, RI = 0.909.

of important for the understanding of stem rot disease oxa, so transmission through seedlings is low and
in this crop species. The fact that T. paradoxa was iso- some other mechanism of disease inoculum dispersal
lated from both new and old oil palm plantation show- must be postulated. In this sense, the relatively fre-
ing symptoms of stem rot disease in three countries and quent isolation of this pathogen from different plant
in very distant regions within Colombia demonstrates tissues of oil palm trees indicated to us that dispersal
how widespread the fungus is. might be by airborne spores or by infected harvesting
The reason for this wide distribution is unknown and pruning equipment. Because old leaves of oil
because oil palm seeds are mostly free from T. parad- palms are carefully pruned during their growth cycle,
10 Álvarez et al.

this second dispersal mechanism may be common, as it groups (groups 2, 3, 4 and 5). From the data so far,
is in other crops according to Kile (1993). interpreting the significance or relevance of these out-
Although T. paradoxa is an opportunistic pathogen liers in terms of disease incidence in oil palm is diffi-
that affects susceptible host genotypes under stress, cult. For example, outlier isolate CECITH 36 belongs
epidemics of the disease were not observed in the culti- to the second most pathogenic group (pathogenicity
vation zones of the three countries studied. The proba- group 2), whereas the outlier isolate CECITH 95
ble reason is that the sexual state is not readily found belongs to the least pathogenic group (pathogenicity
under field conditions, even though it can be obtained group 5). Other outliers belong to pathogenicity
under in vitro conditions. groups 3 and 4.
In terms of the diversity in pathogenicity levels Although no appropriate marker is available to
caused by the isolates, there was no correlation with study the reproductive mode in Thielaviopsis species, it
isolate origin (r = 0.08; P > 0.05), nor with tissue ori- can be assumed that T. paradoxa may be predomi-
gin (r = 0.07). Consequently, we observed isolates of nantly clonally propagated with sporadic presence of
different levels of pathogenicity, regardless of site or sexual reproduction. This hypothesis is further sup-
tissue source. The failure of T. paradoxa to cause stem ported by the fact that most isolates clustered into a
rot in unwounded seedlings (unpublished data) sug- single genetic group that there was a low level of dif-
gests the need for the presence of wounds for the suc- ferentiation among isolates across geographic regions
cessful entry of the fungus. in the correspondence and AMOVA analyses (Average
Reports indicated that T. basicola isolated from Jap- upt = 0.065), and that only moderate levels of genetic
anese holly (Ilex crenata) shows pathogenicity on vari- diversity were found within Colombia. The lack of
ous palm species (Wills and Lambe 1978) in addition geographic population structuring among isolates from
to T. paradoxa. Considering that T. paradoxa is widely different countries may be a combined result of the
distributed and is found in soil samples as well as in mode of reproduction in this species and cultural prac-
infected trees and seedlings, it is surprising that dry tices which may favour the rapid spread of the patho-
basal rot of oil palm is not a more common disease gen not only among regions within Colombia but also
throughout the production zone. Therefore, it may be among regions in different countries.
likely that this fungus interacts with the palm as a sap- After digestion of the ITS region with the two
rophyte and as an opportunistic pathogen (Abbas and restriction enzymes, three restriction patterns were
Abdulla 2003) when plants are damaged. observed. As stated by Hausner et al. (1993), restric-
The hierarchical and multivariate analyses of RAPD tion analysis of rDNA is a convenient method for rap-
data suggested to us that, in general, T. paradoxa iso- idly screening and grouping large numbers of isolates.
lates are genetically very similar across the geographic The species primarily isolated from soil and diseased
regions studied, and all isolates may be considered to palm tissue on oil palm was T. paradoxa, with its sex-
belong to a single population. Genetic diversity could ual stage species being C. paradoxa sensu stricto. This
be assessed for only the geographic regions in Colom- species forms thick-walled, pigmented conidia (chlamy-
bia where sample size was greater than 30, but ranged dospores or aleuriospores) in chains on the top of con-
from 0.228 to 0.211 (average = 0.22). Although these idiophores, and the spore walls are smooth. Further
diversity values in absolute terms may be considered morphological analyses are needed to determine the
moderate, they are relatively higher than other Thiel- biological status of the isolate CECITH 95, which was
aviopsis species such as T. basicola in South Africa identified as an outlier by the cluster and correspon-
which is almost exclusively clonal in propagation dence analyses and showed a distinct restriction pat-
(He = 0.077) (Geldenhuis et al. 2006). Meanwhile, the tern for the ITS region. An investigation of the
levels of genetic diversity in both Thielaviopsis species association of T. paradoxa with different palm geno-
are relatively lower than in the corresponding sexual types needs to be carried out in order to evaluate resis-
stage Ceratocystis species, such as C. fimbriata from tance sources and strain x genotype interactions.
Colombia (He = 0.506) (Marin et al. 2003). Knowledge of the genetic and pathogenic diversity,
Because of the limited pathogenic and genetic diver- and population structure, of C. paradoxa may help
sity existing among T. paradoxa populations in the when designing effective control measures such as
regions, results obtained from isolates collected during breeding for resistance or biological and chemical con-
1996 to 1997 are relevant to the current situation. trol. From the results, recommendations can be made
They facilitate and validate similar management strate- for collecting and analysing contemporary isolates of
gies for dry basal rot disease in oil palm in Colombia, the pathogen from plants that differ for genotype,
Brazil and Ecuador. stage of development, location and conditions of crop
Five outliers (CECITH 4, CECITH 36, CECITH management and weather.
37, CECITH 40 and CECITH 95) were identified on
the basis of RAPD data, which indicated that their Acknowledgements
banding patterns differed from those of the main We are grateful to COLCIENCIAS for the financial support of one
group of isolates. The outliers come from different of the authors (M. I. Chacón S.) to carry out research activities at
CIAT as a Visiting Scientist under the program CIAT- COLCIEN-
geographic regions (Llanos and Nariño of Colombia
CIAS Junior Researcher.
and Ecuador) and include different pathogenicity
Characterizing Thielaviopsis paradoxa in Oil Palms 11

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