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1 July 2016


x = ln ep
y = ln f
N = number of data points.

Correspondingly, A can be obtained from Equation as


Values for stress and strain departure may be input for solution of Equation by either of
two methods. In one method, x = ln ep and y = ln f are input for each value of stress and strain departure for
each stress-strain curve used in the analysis. N is the total number of points obtained from stress-departure
analysis of all specimens from all heats that are analyzed. Care should be taken to ensure that the same
number of data points are collected from each curve. In the other method, average stress (f) is determined
for all available curves at designated values of strain departure (ep). In this case, x and y in Equation are ln ep and ln f, respectively, and N is the number of strain departure points. Again, the same
number of data points should be computed for each stress-strain curve.

Some investigators may analyze the results of each individual specimen by the method outlined by
Equations through and record individual values of the parameter n. In these cases,
an alternate approach must be used to combine results and establish n. This technique is called the method
of computed strain-departure.

In the method of computed strain-departure, results from individual specimen analyses are used to
compute stress levels [from Equation] at specific strain-departure levels for all specimens. In
so doing, the original data are used to analytically perform the method of strain-departure of Section
which should be used as a guideline for doing this analysis. Once these computed stress values are obtained,
they can be used to calculate the exponent, n, by Equation using either of the two methods that
are described above for the case when data are recorded by the method of strain-departure.

An approximate value of the Ramberg-Osgood parameter can be found graphically, although this
approach shall not be used to construct stress-strain curves for MMPDS. Graphically determined
stress-strain curves must be verified by computer analysis according to previously described techniques
before inclusion in MMPDS. A graphical procedure is described in the following paragraphs and is
illustrated in Figure

(1) Plot at least three pairs of stress-plastic strain points from each original stress-strain curve on
log-log graph paper. As illustrated in Figure, the ordinate is conventionally used for
log stress, the abscissa is log plastic strain (strain departure method is described in Section, and the slope is 1/n.

(2) A straight line then is drawn through the plotted points and the slope (l/n) is computed as
shown in the figure.


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