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Pestaño Enan Angel C.

2nd year BSHM February 21,2022

Let’s talk about first what is personality disorder, so personality is inner

experience, and behavior disorder is marked deviation and distress/functionary. My
2 example of personality disorder is anti-social and paranoid. People who have
paranoid suffer from distrust and suspiciousness even when there is no reason to be
suspicious for example doubt the commitment, loyalty, or trustworthiness of
others, believing others are using or deceiving them. Anti-social is little concern
for others and legal issues. Sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental disorder in
which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the
rights and feelings of others. For example, repeatedly violating the rights of others
through intimidation and dishonesty. Impulsiveness or failure to plan. Hostility,
significant irritability, agitation, aggression, or violence. Lack of empathy for
others and lack of remorse about harming others.

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