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My Observation

As we all know, our country has numerous social difficulties such as dowry, corruption, and so on,
but one of the most serious is domestic violence. Domestic violence (also known as domestic abuse
or family violence) is any form of violence or abuse that occurs within the home, such as in a
marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence is frequently used interchangeably with intimate
partner violence, which occurs when one of the persons in an intimate relationship acts violently
against the other. It can occur in heterosexual or same-sex partnerships, as well as between former
spouses or partners. Domestic violence, in its fullest form, includes aggression against children,
parents, and the elderly. Physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, or sexual
abuse can take a variety of forms, ranging from subtle, coercive forms to marital rape and other
violent physical abuse, such as choking, beating, female genital mutilation, and acid throwing,
which can cause disfigurement or death. Stoning, bride burning, honour killing, and dowry death
are examples of domestic murder that sometimes involve non-cohabiting family members. When it
comes to the effects of domestic abuse on children, many children who are exposed to domestic
violence are also physically abused. Children who witness domestic violence or who are victims of
abuse themselves are at high risk for long-term physical and mental health issues such as anxiety,
post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health issues. Children who experience violence
between their parents are more likely to be violent in their own relationships. Domestic violence
has an impact on pregnant women, resulting in uterine injury, miscarriage, stillbirth, or early birth.
Increased bleeding in the first and second trimesters. Violence also raises the risk of the baby as
weighing too little at birth, having difficulties learning to walk, talk, and learn normally, and
experiencing long-term mental trauma, among other things. Finally, I'd want to state that domestic
violence has only bad consequences for the individual, family, and society. We should work with
the government to take all necessary steps to rid the country of this evil.
Author: - Jamie Astbury
Patricia L. Easteal
Jane Atkinson
Joanne C Duke
Peter R. Tait
James Turner

Date of publication: - 16 October 2000

Title: - The Impact of Domestic Violence on Individuals


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