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Ian Dave T.

Vera Cruz BSBA MM 3B


1. Summarize the evolution of sales management.

Ans: The history of salesmanship is as old as human civilization. Paul Hermann described Bronze Age's
travelling salespersons sample case. The salespeople used a wooden box, twenty-six inches long,
containing in specifically hollowed compartments, axe, sword blades, buttons, etc. The salespeople in
the past were not held in high esteem by the society. The Roman meaning of the word salesperson is
cheater and Mercury, the god of cunning and barter, was regarded as the patron deity of merchants and
traders. The business and trade of buying and selling goods flourished over centuries and centred only
on some specific cities of the world. India was a great destination for traders and resellers in the
medieval age for species, carpets, jewellery, etc. The first salespeople in the United States were the
yankee peddlers who carried clothing, spices, and household articles from one part of the country to
another part. In India they are called pheriwallahs. These pheriwallahs move from village to village and
sell sarees, dress materials, and spices mostly in the rural markets of India, because rural housewives
have lesser mobility than urban housewives. These people move from the manufacturing bases of the
country to different consumption centres of India.
2. Briefly describe the role and skills of modern sales manager.
Ans: A sales manager is responsible for meeting the sales targets of the organization through effective
planning and budgeting. A sales manager devises strategies and techniques necessary for achieving the
sales targets. He is the one who decides the future course of action for his team members. It is the sales
manager's duty to map potential customers and generate leads for the organization. He should look
forward to generating new opportunities for the organization. A sales manager is also responsible for
brand promotion. He must make the product popular amongst the consumers. A banner at a wrong
place is of no use. Canopies must be placed at strategic locations, hoardings should be installed at
important places for the best results. As a sales manager, one should maintain necessary data and
records for future reference.
3. Explain the importance of sales objectives, strategy and tactics in distribution management.
Ans: Sales Objectives
Objectives are statement of intents and when they are quantified to specific and measurable targets
with respect to time periods, they are called goals. For example, a company’s sales objective is
quantified to a sales goal of 15% growth in sales to be achieved in next financial year. The sales
objectives are derived from companies marketing objectives and goals, which in turn depend upon
company’s objective or goals.
Sales Strategies and Tactics
Strategies include ways of achieving objectives and tactics(or action plans) are the activities or action
plans that should be carried out in order to achieve implement the strategy. The sales strategies are
mostly related to sales force strategies. Some of t he strategies can be:
1. Enter export markets.
2. Penetrate domestic rural markets.
3. Utilize existing sales force optimally.
4. Use effective and efficient channels.

4. Cite example to describe buying decision process.

Ans: A buying process is the sequence of steps that a consumer takes while making a purchasing
decision. A normal consumer purchase includes the recognition of needs and wants. Finally the
purchasw happens, and post-purchase evaluation follows a purchase. The buying decision process is the
decision making process used by consumers regarding the market transactions before, during and after
the purchase of a good or service. It can be seen as a particular form of a cost benefit analysis in the
presence of multiple alternatives.
5. Why there is a need of sales budget?
Ans: Sales budget refers to the estimation of the sales revenue and the sales overheads for a particular
period. A more accurate sales forecast means better utilization of resources, higher profitability and less
wastage. Sales forecasting, which is nothing but an estimation of demand for goods or services in the
market is essential for preparing a sales a budget.

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