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Hitchhiking – participles

 Is it necessary to be rich to start travelling?
 Hitchhiking, how can you describe it? What is it?
 Which of the hitchhiking lesson do you find the funniest?
 What are the ways of hitchhiking?
 Is it difficult or easy? Is it worth it?
 Is it for everyone?
 What are the downsides of hitchhiking?
Task 1 find the participles
1. Before I started travelling, I was a stockbrocker, working 9-5, had a lot of
2. When I was hosting people in my apartment, by listening to their stories and
seeing the park in their eyes.
3. I’ve been travelling around the world, first thing, I hitchhiked.
4. One of the alternatives to transportation is walking
5. I had food and accommodation included
6. It took me thirteen days to pay off 8 months of travelling from Croatia
through the entire Asia reaching Australia.
7. Thank you for the warning. I cross the border, enter into Serbia, amazing
adventures, amazing people I met, picking me up, taking me out sleeping in
their homes.
8. I was leaving Serbia, heading to Bulgaria.
9. Entering Bulgaria the same story all over again.

1. expenses, minimize the expenses
2. challenge yourself
3. hit the road
4. encounter
5. head to
6. downsides
7. be broke
Paraphrase the following sentences
1. One of the drawbacks of living alone that your bill to pay electricity is too
2. They have departed to Spain in the morning.
3. If you don’t have money to set off, I may lend you some.
4. We were going to Kumasi when our truck broke down.
5. I had a strange meeting with a French man on my way to work.
6. We went on holiday at my father's money.
7. I am tired of such tedious days and I decided to go on hazardous
adventurous off the beaten track.
8. I have found a luxurious hotel to stop over but the only drawback that it is
off the beaten track.
9. I had a hospitable meeting with locals.
10. I will get on the bus and reduce the amount of money which I may spend on
11. I don’t have enough money to stop over in a luxurious hotel.
12. We start our journey when we board the plane and it takes off.
13.I am looking forward to having get away and go to Italy.
Fill in the sentences using new vocabulary
1. If I want to challenge myself, I __________________
2. I would go to work to earn money if _________________
3. I am off this week so I can _______________
4. The only downside of hitchhiking is _______________
5. If I had an encounter with him, I _________________
6. The USA is the country of my dream so I __________________

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